Health and Prevention

Lasting health and well-being with coMra®

Non-invasive and safe

Wide spectrum of applications

Compatible with other therapies

Prevention and lasting results
coMra therapy supports the body during abnormal conditions, diseases, injuries, physical and emotional stress, and aids in disease prevention, enhancing overall quality of life.

It fosters functional reserve in the body and helps preempt recurring illnesses like seasonal flu, relapses and health deficiencies that may worsen over time.

Preventative coMra treatments are beneficial before anticipated stressors like increased physical activity, mental strain, diagnostic procedures, or medical interventions.

Regular coMra use gradually restores cellular structure and function, bolstering the body's resilience against diseases over time. coMra is a totally safe and non-invasive therapy, with no negative side-effects which does not interfere with the work of the body, but instead assists it in its natural activity of self-healing.

Dealing with Sports and Fitness Injuries using coMra therapy - My Personal Story

"After 3 months I started feeling much better and so I decreased the pragmaten doses. And it took me about a year to completely quit the tablets." Radiant Life Technologies Web-site: Facebook page: coMra-Therapy: Journal of coMra-Therapy:

Flu season & coMra Palm

Why wait until you're already sick? Here's a simple and effective to keep yourself and your family  above the wellness line this flu season - coMra Palm. Already have a cold or flu? No worries! With the coMra Palm you will be back above the wellness line in record time. Wishing you the best of health and the most of life, Garrett

Webinar: Boost immunity with coMra therapy

The latest science behind current COVID-19 immune challenge and practical tools for use at home. See part of the previous webinar here: If you want to be sure that you are getting all the timely updates and information, join our free webinar mailing list here, if you haven't yet: By that subscription, you will also receive general coMra information, education and Newsletter.

coMra Journey -- a personal way to well-being

7 coMra journeys - each one is unique. There is something that unites them all. Each joureny is unique, each person has own background and reasons to have coMra therapy in their lives. But when they share about their journeys far, we start to feel something that unites them all. We may call it belief in their own strength? Or an optimism, or a hope, or we may define it as a vitality? But we do know, is that every person would find something of value upon their coMra journey. Learn more:

The secret of menstrual cycle - Exploring Natural Rhythms of a Woman, a Holistic Approach

This webinar is connecting some deeper aspects of the holistic approach to health. #coMra therapy is a very natural, holistic and safe healing modality, and for a complete picture, a human being and life circumstances need to be included. "Exploring the mysterious journey of a woman. Not simply a mere intellectual understanding, but through a practical approach. Making it plain to see why any woman would be excited to uncover more of her potential. And for the men out there -- if the women in your life win, so do you, so come and see how to co-operate in this." Subscribe to the next webinar here: #period #menstrualcycle
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Explore the core principles coMra is based on