Injured Finger

I would like to share a recent experience I had using coMra therapy for a traumatic injury that was sustained to the nail bed of my middle finger. See below pictures.


First aide protocols were followed immediately after injury and bleeding stopped within half an hour followed by intense pain and subsequent swelling.

Wound was sprayed with Colloidal silver, compressed and bandaged. After the bleeding stopped completely after about 2 hours, the following was carried out.

  • Colloidal sliver - 4 times a day (for antiseptic and healing)
  • Delta 905 nm (Medical Terminal) 1000 hz - 1 minute 4 times a day for 7 days.
  • Chinese herbs (Tieh Ta) for traumatic injury for 3 days.
  • 200 mg Advil at bedtime the first day only.
  • During treatment I visualized my finger as completely healed with full function.
  • Finger was re-bandaged after each treatment for protection.

I was already doing regular Blood, Vitality and Immune programs with both the Delta and Palm coMra devices

The first treatment with the Delta 905 nm was uncomfortable with a sharp painful sensation experienced.

This was only during the first session. After the 2nd treatment, pain relief was noticed and no further analgesics were required.

I was impressed to see my finger healing so quickly each day.

(After Day 5 I forgot to take pictures !!)

I am now at 2 weeks post injury and the nail continues to grow back with no pain or tenderness of the finger and with full functional use.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Delta played a significant role in the speedy healing of this injury. While integrating other supportive measures, I know my body was able to maximize cellular repair in a coherent and efficient way. This is the Hallmark of coMra therapy.

Lola Goski, Canada