Will Cold Laser Therapy Work for Your Condition?

Here are some of the most common inquiries regarding cold laser therapy. Lately, more and more people experience the positive effects of it and you might wonder if that method of healing will work for you. Let us find out the basic details that you need to know before you choose to go with photobiomodulation for your condition. 

Does cold laser therapy actually work?

A lot of research on cold laser therapy is ongoing and most of them prove that it really does relieve pain and accelerates the healing process. In the past, many doctors were quite sceptical on the effectiveness of it, however now more and more of them are in favor of it as it is evidenced that the coherent laser light can bring pain relief and tissue regeneration in both clinical and laboratory experiments. Additionally, cold laser therapy can significantly reduce acute pain and lower the oxidative stress, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties too. While it works well for chronic conditions as well, many people choose it as an alternative to invasive treatments.

How does cold laser therapy work?

 The cold laser therapy is the photo-stimulation of the tissues with a coherent light of wavelength from 600nm to 990nm ( in coMra 980nm and 905nm are used) in order to promote healing and regeneration. The low-level laser light is applied directly to the targeted area. The mitochondrias in the cell then absorb the light and turn it into energy that can be used for healing. The physiological reaction is increased immunity, restoring the balance in the cell and eventually healing of the cell, organ and system. 

While the wavelength of 780 to 990nm is used for a deeper penetration, with coMra you can change the frequency in order to treat either the surface of the skin (1000Hz) or the inner organs (5Hz); two more options are available 50Hz and Variable frequency to treat specific points like joints, blood vessels, etc. More detailed information about the frequency used is available in the coMra User Guide.  

What does cold laser therapy do?

The term “cold laser” is used because the low levels of light do not heat the tissues when applied on the skin. The low intensity laser provides a gentle and effective pain relief by inducing the healing in the deep tissues of the body. When the targeted areas affected by inflammation or malfunction are treated, the precisely modulated beams of laser light stimulate the biochemical reaction of the cell in order to promote healing and regeneration. When you place the device on your skin and the light reaches the cell, a series of reactions are induced which support the reduction of the inflammation, regeneration of injured tissues and normalization of the cell functions. 

How long does a cold laser treatment last?

How often you will need to treat the targeted area depends on the stage of the condition or the injury. While the sessions themselves can last from several minutes to an hour or more, the whole treatment course will take time which again depends on how severe the condition is. You might need to treat yourself for a couple of weeks, then rest and treat again until you see improvement, each case is individual. If you apply cold lasers for pain relief, the result will be seen immediately, however if you treat a chronic disease, you will have to persevere and follow your treatment program for quite longer. Treatment sessions can be organized 3-4 times per week or daily, if a home user device is available. 

Does cold laser therapy work through clothes?

In order for the low intensity light used in cold laser therapy to be absorbed by the cells, it has to pass through the skin. You will need to place the device directly on naked skin, however despite the sensation from the device touching you skin, you will notice that the procedure is pleasant, non-invasive, painless and without any heat or burn sensation. The cold lasers are very gentle, they are used for deep tissue regeneration and healing which rely on the ability of the cell to absorb light that is then turned into usable energy. 

What are the side effects of cold laser therapy?

First of all, cold laser therapy is a very gentle and non-invasive procedure. Therefore, there are no negative side effects whatsoever, the only effects are the series of biochemical reactions which promote healing and regeneration. While the cold laser therapy relies on the intelligence of the body to heal itself, sometimes a healing crisis can be experienced for a short period of time. This process is similar to the detox symptoms when a cleansing is done through a lighter diet or fasting. The healing crisis is not a common effect but if you experience is as a result of a chronic condition, you will need to adjust the frequency of the treatment sessions accordingly.

How long it takes for cold laser therapy to work?

Everything is highly relative and it is hard to compare mild shoulder pain with diabetes, for example. Most protocols are designed to be applied for two weeks, then rest and repeat if needed. However, if you experience pain in your elbow for example, you might get relief after the second session and till the fifth the symptoms would disappear completely. Typically, you will be advised by a practitioner to apply a treatment 3-4 times per week, but if a home user device is available, daily treatments will be more effective. A series of treatments are required in order to get a full relief or resolution from your pain symptoms. The main thing here is that you heal the cause of the pain, you do not only alleviate the symptoms. A couple of weeks are usually enough for light to mild conditions, severe stages will need more time. 

Does cold laser therapy work for a particular condition?

Cold laser therapy can provide pain relief to different conditions like back or shoulders pain, sprains, bruising and even fibromyalgia. It can be applied with great success in cases of integer organs diseases, chronic conditions or infections. The treatment course will vary depending on the condition, however cold laser therapy can definitely work for a particular condition as well as a prevention method, a long term treatment or a complementary therapy. 

How coMra therapy is different from standard cold laser therapy?

Most of the popular home devices use lasers with the wavelength of 650nm (red) and 808nm, sometimes this is even not specified or they use only light diodes instead of laser ones. These devices are promoted to alleviate pain like in sport injuries but there is not much information on how to use these devices for other conditions or diseases. The majority of them come with no description, no user guide, no support, no expert to advise you and no legit production. 

In coMra cold laser therapy we have two different devices Delta and Palm. The wavelengths of the laser diodes that we use are 980nm ( in coMra Palm) and 905nm ( in Delta Medical Terminal). The difference is that 980nm is more milder or gradual, while 905nm is direct and focused on the targeted area. In the devices however, the laser is supported by a magnetic field and color light diodes. (In the Delta device, ultrasound is available too.) These radiances work together in coherence in order to induce a stable and effective healing process. Each radiance enhances the effect of the others:

• Infrared laser plays the lead role in enhancing energy metabolism, while magnetic field and ultrasound are in support positions by sustaining the state of quantum coherence and enhancing enzymatic efficiency;

• Ultrasound induces coherent mechanical vibrations that increase the speed of molecular transport and enzyme efficiency, while energetic stimuli by other radiances supply necessary energy for processes of protein synthesis and active membrane transport;

• Colour LEDs deliver a regenerative or rejuvenative message, and the other radiances support additional cellular processes initiated in response to these messages.

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How often can you use cold laser therapy?

While cold laser therapy is non-invasive, you can use it as often as needed from several times per week to a couple of treatments daily. It is a gentle and comfortable procedure and does not require any downtime, which means that as soon as it is over, you can resume your activities as usual. Depending on your condition you might need from 2 to 15 sessions which can be repeated over a period of time. In most cases, you will need at least a couple of treatments to achieve pain relief and a couple of weeks for mild health conditions to improve. If you suffer from a chronic disease, you need to follow a longer treatment course. Please contact our experts in the chat for more details.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch the Video " coMra - more than Laser Therapy":