The Mindset Behind It: Constipation

How to notice the inner conflicts which might cause constipation in the body? Which are the thinking patterns that manifest as constipation and how to see and change them? How your emotional state and your thoughts affect your body and how to read the messages?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Constipation is the condition when the waste products from the digestion and the other processes in the body, are not taken out of it on a regular basis. What was meant to leave the organism stays inside longer than it is supposed to. This leads problems with the heart, the blood, the bacteria in the body, with the weight gain etc. The toxins are returned into the bloodstream and the waste products poison the body. The same process happens in the mind - the person holds on to something from the past and is not willing to let go. There is an inner conflict with the inability to forgive, to forget something, to let go of anger, shame and guilt. Constipation is also linked to the desire to hide something inside, to holding on to a secret from the past, to the fear of losing, to the desire to keep an old belief system.

Not wanting to accept the process of life.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Very often constipation shows a persistent guilt of not being good enough, some kind of regret that when the time was right, the best thing was not done. The person does not forgive himself or herself for the mistakes in the past, there is a regret about what happened and the desire things to be different. It is connected with thoughts like “I wanted this person to stay”, “I don’t know how to move on.“, “I cannot forgive or forget.”, “ I need more time to find a solution.” Sometimes constipation could be caused by money problems, a constant feeling that something lacks and is not enough, even stinginess. Ask yourself: What in my life am I not willing to let go of? Why I hold on this for so long and not being able to cut the strings and let it be a part of the past?

Shifting the focus

What is from the past, should stay in the past, you cannot change what happened before, you can only change your perception about it. You can only live in the present, it doesn’t matter how much guilt you will feel, the things in the past will still be the same, you can only change this present moment. Try to learn how to let go, to end what doesn’t work for you anymore, to say goodbye, to move on. Life is a constant change, we cannot keep the things as we want them to be forever, everything will change sooner or later.

Moderate exercising and walking in the nature will give your body the movement it needs to be in a good shape. You can use coMra Therapy to heal the organs which suffer from the constipation, however the holistic approach requires to embrace new habits and to do your inner work in order to change the cause of the condition rather than only dealing with the symptoms. You need to find your own way of accepting the process of Life and enjoying every step of the way.