Solutions For Health Conditions Linked To Chronic Fatigue

Many people are in transition periods just before a disease or after healing a health condition. There could be no particular symptoms or blood test results to show what is actually going on in the body. However, fine changes in the hormonal balance, enzymes levels, oxidizing processes, the immune and emotional integrity could cause short periods of fatigue. These moments come and go without a particular reason such as physical or mental exhaustion. Only if you feel exhausted for months without any improvement, then it might be chronic fatigue.

Healing crisis

When you start the healing process there is always a transition period when the symptoms could become even more severe and then the improvement occurs. Even when you apply coMra therapy, a healing crisis can occur although coMra is a totally safe and non-invasive method. With coMra therapy there are not any negative side effects on your health but sometimes your body will need to turn the volume up for a while. This is a good sign which means that you have started the healing process. There is a change in the pattern which caused the condition in the first place. However, chronic fatigue could be a sign that more serious diseases take place unnoticed. So, observe yourself if you experience weakness for a prolonged period of time with muscle pain, shortness of breath, sleeplessness etc.

Fatigue with weight loss

If this occurs very rarely as a result of fasting, detoxifying program or after stressful period, then it is just your body adjusting. The flushing of toxins out of the body could cause headaches, fatigue and even nausea. However, these symptoms will disappear very quickly and everything will soon be in the normal ranges. On the other hand, if your chronic fatigue lasts for months then it could be a sign for endocrine imbalance or digestive issues due to problems with the intestines, liver or stomach. It could be a result of an autoimmune condition, parasites, prolonged inflammation or even tumours. Start applying the coMra Universal treatments protocols to support your body before the exact diagnosis. Then find your condition in the coMra User Guide and follow the instructions of the particular treatment for your specific condition.

Pale skin, low blood pressure and chronic fatigue

This could be a sign that you have anemia and the causes of it are often very complex combining physical and emotional reasons. In the article about the mindset behind anemia you can find more information on the possible thoughts or emotions linked to your condition. Low blood pressure also shows that your emotional balance is disturbed and your body suffers. Start applying coMra treatment protocols designed for anemia and low blood pressure like Universal treatment 3- Blood from the coMra User Guide.

Thirst and too much urinating

In that case you need to observe and test your blood sugar levels as this could be a sign for pre-diabetic condition, insulin resistance or diabetes. Another possible reason could be kidney problems. In the coMra User Guide there are specific treatment protocols both for diabetes and kidney issues.

Why coMra?

The coMra therapy is a gentle but very effective method to support and enhance the healing process linked to any condition. You can apply it in case of chronic fatigue too. The natural healing abilities of the body are induced and awakened helping it to restore its primal balance and health. When treating almost every condition with coMra, the positive changes could be observed shortly. The healing will not happen overnight but with small steps of improvement and in a couple of weeks you will notice great results. Most of the treatment protocols are to be applied until you feel improvement of your condition or just for two weeks, then take some rest and repeat as it is explained in the coMra User Guide.

Every day your energy levels are different depending on your physical activity, food intake, emotional balance and more. Sometimes, you can feel tired for various reasons but usually after some good rest and several hours of deep sleep, everything is back to normal. Except when the tiredness is there for months. There are many conditions linked to chronic fatigue and together with other symptoms could be a sign for a serious disease going on unnoticed.

Similar could be observed when you start your healing and it seems like the symptoms are getting worse. Even with coMra therapy this could happen and it is actually a good sign which means that your body is recovering. This is called a healing crisis and fatigue is often a part of it. Although coMra therapy is totally safe and non-invasive, a healing crisis is the natural way of the body to get rid of a disease or issue. If you are in the process of cleansing your body from toxins and excessive weight, then fatigue is a sign that your body is in a phase of transitioning.

Chronic fatigue with digestive issues

If you feel bloated, have bad taste in the mouth, constipation, diarrhea or a heavy feeling in the abdominal area and all of that combined with chronic fatigue, you need to treat your digestive system. In the coMra User guide, there is a Gastroenterology section with various treatment protocols for the digestive system. The condition of your intestines and colon will affect the health of the whole body as all the nutrients are absorbed there. Your emotional state and thinking patterns are of great importance for the health of the digestive system and the gut brain. Therefore, you can also treat and support the nervous system with coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 which will enhance your overall health and well-being.

Heart conditions and chronic fatigue

Problems with the heart is one of the most common conditions linked to chronic fatigue together with symptoms like irregular heartbeat, arritmia, shortness of breath, pain or heaviness in the heart, then you need to check your body for cardiovascular problems. In coMra therapy, there are gentle and effective treatment protocols to support the health of the heart and to enhance the healing process. In the coMra User Guide, you will find all the details on how to apply the Universal Treatment 2 - Heart on your own.

Mental and emotional issues

Conditions such as depression and anxiety include many complex problems like lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, emotional instability, irritability, lack of desire to live etc. It is normal to feel tired after a challenging period with a lot of stress and overwhelming emotions, however you need to look closely at it if you cannot get up for days and have the desire to stay in bed and not do anything. From the coMra therapy protocols, you can apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which will support and heal your nervous system as a part of the holistic approach. Of course, a great deal of inner work is required to address the emotional reasons for your condition.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: What Might Cause Chronic Fatigue

READ: Is coMra Therapy a Solution for Chronic Fatigue?