Why coMra?

Why choose coMra as your treatment method? It is totally safe and non-invasive, at the same time it is highly effective for all kinds of conditions. In a very gentle but firm way, coMra is providing additional energy for the cells to heal and regenerate, awakening the inherent healing abilities of the body. It works with and not against. There are no negative sensations during the treatments and no negative side effects. The coMra therapy is combining different radiances which are modulated to create coherence, these are a cold laser, a magnetic field, light diodes and (in Delta) ultrasound.

Where to find the coMra User Guide?

We have a main coMra User Guide which you can use as a Web App or get the App for iOS or Android mobile application versions.

In the Downloads sections of the website, you can also download the Beauty and Wellness User Guide, the Training and Performance User Guide and the main coMra User Guide as PDF files to have them with you whenever you need them.

In which languages the new coMra User Guide Web/Mobile App is available?

The new updated version of the coMra User Guide is now available in three different languages - English, Spanish and German. Just choose your preferred language when you open the application and then continue with the next steps of finding the best protocols for your condition. 

What do you want to treat and how to find the protocol? 

There are two ways to find the most suitable treatment protocols for yourself. 

The first option is to write in the search bar the name of the condition and to see if it is listed there. If your exact condition or disease is not listed in the search bar, continue to the second option of finding the protocol that you need. 

The second option is to go to the relevant section (for example, Cardiology) and search the protocols there, finding the most suitable one for your condition. Choose it by similarity, by the main organ or system affected or by the most similar symptoms. For example, if it is a type of heart disease, check the Cardiology section and apply the protocol for the condition which is the closest to yours. 

Protocol Sections and Conditions

Before going to the protocols section you can read the “Foreword”, the “Before you start” section and the Operating Instructions. In the old versions all the protocols for the different conditions were called treatments and now you will find all the treatments under the name “protocols”. All the treatment protocols are separated in different sections and you can look at them when searching for the most suitable protocols for your conditions. You can also combine different protocols if you suffer from various conditions or diseases. 

Pictures and points

All the points which are to be treated with coMra devices are shown visually in the coMra User Guide in the form of pictures with the exact location of each point on the body. 

How to contact coMra Team directly?

Find the green Chat Button at different places on the coMra websites and write to use directly. We do not use bots to provide ready answers but real human representatives will make sure to guide and support you the best way they can in order to answer all your questions.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

In the following video, Dr Arzhan Surazakov PhD explains Treatment Protocols with coMra - Why, What and How to Treat? How to Make Your Own Treatment?

In the cold months, cough is one of the usual symptoms of a common cold, also known as upper respiratory infection. Depending on how strong the immune system is, it can take three days to two weeks to recover from it. Sometimes, after the common cold, bronchitis is developed and it is a condition that can be quite stubborn. 

Bronchitis is a condition which occurs when there is an infection in the lungs. The major airways of the lung - the bronchi, are inflamed and irritated. Most common types of bronchitis are acute or chronic, there are other types too. Although the symptoms of acute bronchitis, which is sometimes referred as chest cold, usually last for about 2 weeks, the cough might stay for up to two months.

Which Are the Most Common Symptoms and Signs of Bronchitis?

What Might Trigger Bronchitis?

As it was mentioned above, bronchitis could develop after a common cold. It could be caused by a virus or bacteria infection, it could be triggered by breathing in irritant particles or substances. Smoking can be a trigger too for some people however, it is not the main cause of bronchitis as non-smokers can suffer too. Toxic or polluted air environments should be avoided or protective gear must be used to protect the lungs. Sometimes, emotional stress can be a trigger too as it compromises the immune system. 

Cold Laser Home Treatments for Cough and Bronchitis

How quickly you will recover from bronchitis depends on how strong your immune system is. While it is often developed after a common cold, the immune system is often compromised and the cough syrups are not even working to give a relief from the cough. In that case, you might think that you need stronger medication but there is another way to treat acute and chronic conditions - cold laser therapy. It is known that cold lasers are very effective to help the natural healing abilities of the body, totally safe and non-invasive. On the other hand, coMra is an improved cold laser therapy, as in the coMra devices the power of the laser is combined with the healing properties of magnets, light diodes and ( in Delta) ultrasound. 

The coMra treatment protocol for Bronchitis is Pulmonology 1 and all the details of it can be found in the coMra User Guide. You will need to apply the protocol until you see some improvement or at least for two weeks. It is a totally safe way to treat yourself or your family without any side effects as all the protocols are thoroughly described in the User Guide. The cold laser therapy is suitable for everyone including children, elderly people and pregnant women, you can even treat your pet with the devices. There are coMra protocols for various conditions and diseases, as bronchitis is merely one of them. 

Natural Remedies for Cough and Bronchitis

The herbs and other natural healing methods are very well combined with coMra therapy as soon as they are gentle and non-invasive too. In order to assist the recovery from bronchitis, first you will need to apply the coMra protocol daily and then you can include some additional remedies: 

​​How to prevent coughing

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

Cervical erosion is a common health issue however not an extremely serious one, it is not linked to cervical cancer as many people might think. It occurs when cells from the cervix start growing outside of it and this looks like a red, inflamed patch on the neck of the cervix. Although, the condition usually goes without symptoms, some pain or bleeding during sex might be felt and vaginal discharge or spotting between periods might occur. These could be a sign for a different condition though, so even if you experience them, it is not a reliable way to diagnose yourself with cervical erosion.

Causes of Cervical Erosion (Cervical Ectropion)

The most common reason is a hormonal Imbalance of the reproductive hormones in the female body due to birth control pills, pregnancy or other. The cervical erosion is linked to elevated levels of estrogen. The high levels of estrogen can cause abnormal growth of cells outside the cervical canal, usually on the neck of the cervix. It might be a fluctuation of the estrogen levels or a permanent estrogen dominance, however the cervical erosion occurs when the hormones are out of balance in the body and this is what needs to be addressed in the first place. The conventional methods of removing the cervical erosion with cryotherapy or silver nitrate will not work on the root cause of the condition but will only remove the result of the hormonal imbalance. The reason why the birth control pill causes not only these issues but many others too is that it consists of estrogen or synthetic progestin, both of which completely disrupt the fine hormonal balance in the female body. 

Cold Laser Therapy for Hormonal Imbalances

Choosing a non-invasive treatment like cold laser therapy is a way to address and heal the root cause of the condition which is the hormonal imbalance. In coMra, the cold infrared laser is combined with magnets and light diodes to create even better support to the cells, providing them with the additional energy they need in order to heal. It is totally safe, non-invasive and highly effective. The high levels of estrogen are linked to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, migraines, water retention, weight gain, etc. Estrogen is the reproductive hormone that you really need to be kept in balance by the relevant levels of progesterone, low levels of prolactin and stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. 

The recommended coMra treatment protocol in that case would be Universal Treatment 5 - Nervous system from the coMra User Guide and the Gastroenterology 1 treatment protocol which will address problems in the liver. The liver is the organ which is responsible for eliminating the excess estrogen from the body, so you need to support its work with a proper diet and regular coMra treatments. Even if you are not doing the whole protocol, you can still treat it daily on 5Hz for at least 10 minutes to support its normal functioning. These protocols can be done with coMra Palm as you also add the points from Gynecology 1 which do not require the Delta Probe Terminal. 

coMra Treatment Protocol for Cervical Erosion

The specific coMra treatment protocol designed to address cervical erosion will require Delta Probe Terminal in order to execute the whole treatment. In the coMra User Guide, you will find it under the name Gynecology 1 and you need to apply for it for at least two weeks. The cold laser therapy will induce the healing and regenerating process of the tissues without any negative side effects and without any pain involved. However, it is still a good strategy to combine this protocol with the treatments mentioned above - Universal 5 and Liver. Additionally, you might want to treat the adrenal glands a bit more, especially if you feel under stress or have troubles sleeping. 

More Ways to Support Your Reproductive Health

If you experience hormonal imbalance you will need to keep your stress hormones in a good range by managing your stress response, your sleep, diet and exercise routine. Any additional stress will add to the imbalance. Following a balanced diet is crucial as if your body is underfed, it will be perceived as stress by it, the same goes with intensive training or the lack of sleep. Avoid foods which decrease your progesterone and might add more estrogen into the system lie dairy products, soy and certain herbs.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Can I use coMra Palm on my own? Is it difficult to operate the device and will I learn how to apply coMra therapy soon? Where do I start from? Which are the first things I need to know about dealing with the device? Where to find all the information that I will need? Will someone answer my specific questions if there is something that bothers me about my treatment protocols? Will coMra-Therapy be suitable for my condition and how to incorporate it in my daily routine? Have you ever had any of these questions? Here is what you need to know about coMra-Therapy that will help you to start applying it on your own at home.

Everyone can apply coMra therapy

If you are still wondering whether you want to purchase your own coMra Palm and if you will be able to operate with it, this article is for you. Everyone can use coMra devices as the process was made as simple as possible. If you are following this blog, you know that coMra-Therapy is a powerful and effective method to heal and support your body. It combines infrared laser, magnets and LEDs to enhance the metabolism and the communication inside the cell. This leads to regeneration of the tissues and healing of the organs and systems. On top of that, all of the components were modulated in such a way that there are no negative side effects on the body whatsoever. Which means that as soon as you know how to change the frequency and the time, you can start using coMra devices today. It is that easy!

What do you need to know in advance

In order to apply coMra treatments on your own, you will need some instructions. All you have to do as a first step, is to download the coMra User guide. Read the introduction as there you will find some of the main instructions on how to apply the treatments. For example, if you place the device on your heart, you always have to choose 5Hz. After the pre-word, start exploring the coMra User Guide and find your condition or something similar to it. If you cannot find the name of your disease, search by the organ or system. When you support the organs which are suffering with coMra, your body will do the rest of the healing. Your body has its own intelligence, so you only have to provide some additional energy and it will use it for healing and regeneration. Here is where coMra-Therapy comes. In a very coherent way, It induces the healing process inside the cell by improving the hormonal communication, metabolism and energy. It is very effective when treating a wide range of conditions from headaches to cancer and diabetes.

Prevention and daily use

There is a section in the coMra User Guide called Universal Treatments. The protocols which you will find there can be applied both as a healing treatment and as a prevention procedure. They address the major organs and systems in the body which are the key for the overall health. Daily usage of coMra-Therapy includes also injuries and pain relief. Once you start applying it on a daily basis, you will see even more occasions to reach out to the device. Soon, you will take your own coMra Palm with you wherever you go. Anytime you have an injury, a wound or just some pain, you can place the device on that point to speed up the recovery process. You can use coMra-Therapy on you, your kids and your pets. During periods of stress, extreme weather conditions or the flu season, apply coMra Universal Treatment protocols 3, 4 or 6 to support your body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Many women experience pain, bloating, nausea and constipation before their monthly period. And although PMS is often considered as a normal condition the last days of the cycle, actually all these show that there is a hormonal imbalance in the body. The levels of the reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone etc. are different depending on the day of the cycle. The last week of the period, just before menstruation, the estrogen levels are supposed to drop down. What is the connection then between PMS, painful cramps, endometriosis etc. and the estrogen levels?

The Main Cause for Endometriosis

If you need to lie down for two-three days when your period starts because you cannot stand upright, if the pain is so severe that you need to take painkillers in order to go on with your days, if you bleed too much each month... then you might have a condition called Endometriosis. The main cause for it is the estrogen dominance. The progesterone levels are too low and the estrogen is not balanced, so it takes over. Why so many women experience estrogen dominance these days? Mainly due to the chemical pollution. The chemicals are everywhere- in food, medications, household cleaners even in drinking water. Most of the plastic containers that we all keep our food and water in, contain the so called xenoestrogens. They mimic the estrogen molecules and the body cannot eliminate the excessive amount of estrogen from the body. Estrogen dominance is the main cause for hormonal imbalances in women, thyroid issues, infertility and even breast cancer.

coMra Therapy for Gynaecological Issues

The coMra therapy is a totally non-invasive and gentle method for healing which is great for many conditions including gynaecological issues, hormonal imbalance, infertility and all kinds of pain. The harmonious work of a laser, magnets and colorful diodes induces the inner healing ability of your body without aggressive chemicals entering your bloodstream. The procedures of applying coMra treatments is very pleasant without any discomfort. You just place the device on the point where you feel pain or where the organ is projected on the skin and leave it there for several minutes. In the coMra user guide you will find many different treatment courses for various conditions.

Gynaecology section

In the Gynaecology section are all the treatments related to reproductive and gynaecological problems. However, you will need to treat also the major organs in the body if you want to address hormonal imbalances like the estrogen dominance. Universal treatments 4 and 6 are beneficial for the overall health and will restore the vitality and the organs like liver, spleen etc. Universal treatments 5 and 7 are designed to heal and support the nervous system, very suitable if you experience stress, anxiety, depression etc. While stress is the root cause for many diseases, treating the nervous system and the adrenal glands is very important for the overall health and the maintenance of hormonal balance in the body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Your body is a well balanced system where each organ and cell have their role in sustaining health. They all work in perfect harmony to keep the coherence and well-being of the whole. Every minute hundreds of reactions and processes occur in order to maintain the balance and life itself. Your body has its own intelligence which looks after the healthy condition of every little cell. But there are factors which can interfere with the body intelligence like the environment, the mind, emotions, some substances etc. When the coherence is destroyed, a disease happens as a result. However, if you give your body the needed information and energy, its own intelligence will do the rest to maintain health.

What do the symptoms mean?

Your body has its own way to show you that the coherence is destroyed and it needs some help to restore it. Symptoms and body signs are the messages your body is trying to send you. A change is needed, something has to be done for the body to have more energy in order to start the healing. With more resources and energy, the body intelligence will manage the process. But if it is depleted of energy from years of keeping up with unhealthy lifestyle, negative emotions and hurtful thoughts, healing could be hard. So, when you feel pain, you need to get the message rather than taking a pill to silence the messenger. If you neglect the symptoms, your body will suffer and the messages will get louder.

How coMra therapy supports health ?

What will happen if instead of using aggressive chemicals and medication to try to manage the processes in your body, you just support its own intelligence? There is a way to do this now and it is called coMra therapy. From the low level laser combined with colorful light diodes and magnets, your body will receive the needed information and energy to induce the healing process on its own. With only several treatments, the body intelligence will be awaken again into sustaining the inner balance. This approach gives your organs a mild but powerful support in order to restore their healthy condition. As you can see in the coMra user guide, there are different treatments and they all focus on one or more of the major organs. When the coherence in the work between the organs and the system is restored, you will experience health and well-being. And you will observe the results not only on the physical but also on the mental and emotional level.

Non-invasive approach

The key thing about coMra therapy, is that it is a non-invasive method used for both healing and prevention. There are no negative side effects as it only supports the body intelligence into repairing the damaged tissues and cells. And the body knows how to heal itself while balance and health are its main goals in the process of sustaining life. You do not interfere in its chemical reactions with substances like medications, which fix one thing just to destroy another. With coMra therapy you will support the whole system in a very gentle way. Providing the needed energy for your body to heal, you start a process that is beyond the physical level.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

More and more people today experience hormonal imbalance at a different range. The endocrine system is extremely sensitive to all the chemicals in the food and medications, to all the plastics that we use daily and to stress. The body is trying to restore the balance but with all the factors that affect the hormonal production negatively, this could become quite a complicated task. Women experience all kinds of symptoms linked to the disturbed hormonal balance from hot flashes, skin issues to weight gain and increased heart rate.

coMra Therapy

While with coMra therapy you support the coherence of the whole body, it is very beneficial when there are symptoms and signs of a hormonal imbalance. The method is very gentle and non-invasive without any negative side effects. It awakens the natural abilities of the body to heal itself without using any aggressive chemicals which interfere with the processes in the cells. Applying coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health which gives your cells the information and the energy they need in order to induce the healing process. So, which treatments from the coMra user guide you can use to address the hormonal imbalance?

Universal Treatments 5 and 7

The main target of these two treatments is the nervous system. Stress is the factor that slowly destroys health undermining each organ and system in the body. Calming down the nervous system is a way to manage the stress reaction that occurs each time when you perceive something as too challenging. On the hormonal level, the high levels of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline can cause less production of other hormones.. The body spends all its sources to produce them as they become a priority when you are under stress. When your body lacks energy, it stops the production of reproductive hormones like progesterone, testosterone etc. The thyroid malfunction is also directly linked to stress. Also, adrenal glands are overstimulated when you are stressed and this may lead to adrenal fatigue and dysfunction. Applying the coMra Universal treatments 5 or 7 will balance the nervous system and will support the recovery of the endocrine system.

Endocrinology 1

Prediabetic conditions like insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are the modern lifestyle diseases affecting more people each year. You can apply Endocrinology 1 treatment as a prevention of diabetes and in cases of diabetes. If you have diabetes type 2, you can reverse it with coMra therapy, diet and lifestyle changes. It is another condition linked to stress so you need to manage it properly including relaxation and exercises in your routine. You can spend a bit more time treating the liver with 5Hz as it has a major role in the elimination of toxins and the metabolism of fats and sugar.

Autoimmune 4

This is the treatment used to heal conditions like Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism. When you experience hormonal imbalance of any kind, the thyroid gland tries to compensate as it regulates the metabolism and how your body spends its energy. The whole endocrine system is affected if the thyroid does not function properly. The Autoimmune treatment 4 from the coMra user guide is very beneficial as it includes points on the head, the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals covering almost the whole endocrine system. Women tend to suffer more often from thyroid issues, so this treatment course can be used as a prevention method too. You can create your own prevention routine as soon as you have some experience with coMra therapy. With time, you will see how your body reacts to different treatments, so you can come up with your own way to heal and to support your body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Summer is a wonderful season to do a detox. Warm weather, long days, vacation, plenty of fruits and vegetables. All of these will help you to prepare your detox course. Why do you need to detox your body? Due to poor diet plans, stress, fatigue and dehydration, a lot of waste material stays in various tissues in the body. With time, these toxins can cause diseases and permanent damage to the organs. That is the reason why you need to give your body some rest from the heavy meals, lack of activity and stress. When you eat smaller amounts of food or even no food, your body will have the energy to cleanse from toxins, dead cells and other waste material. However, if you decide to do a fruit fast starting tomorrow, you may experience headache, stomach pain, increased heart rate and even nausea. These are the signs that there are too many toxins released in your bloodstream and your organs have difficulties dealing with them.

Types of detoxification

There are many ways to detox your body from the toxins and the excessive fat. You can decide to eat only fruits for one week or to do a water fast for a couple of days, intermittent fasting for 16 hours per day is also an option, raw food diet for several days or more, sugar detox, alcohol detox etc. The focus is on giving your body a little break from your regular diet. For example, if you eat too many sweets, then you need to start with a sugar detox and then move on to even lighter food plan without bread, potatoes. After that you can move on and try raw food diet for several days. You have to follow your own pace and observe how your body reacts to the detox. If you want to do a fruit juice or water fast, then you need to prepare yourself with some raw food days, then try one day fasting, then eat raw food for a day before going back to your regular diet. Next time you can extend the fast to two or three days. Give your body some time to adapt.

Which coMra treatment to use during the detox?

When you are doing a detox program, some of your organs will need to catch up and to deal with all the toxins that should be taken out of the system. The liver, spleen and kidneys will experience some extra pressure while the cells and the organs are releasing all these waste particles in the bloodstream. All the toxins have to be neutralized and eliminated from the body as soon as possible. In other words, some of your organs will need support during the detox process. The coMra Universal Treatment 8 - Complete Organ Treatment addresses the organs of elimination providing the additional energy they need. You can apply this treatment a week before the detox start date and continue during the detox itself. The low frequency laser of the coMra Palm or Delta will gently support your organs helping them with the maintenance of the balance in the body. You can combine this treatment with other treatments from the coMra user guide if you need to in order to heal a particular condition. When you finish your detox, try to come with a plan to change your diet in a way that it will support your health and well-being.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Digestion is the foundation of physical health. It is not only important what we eat but also how the body can digest and absorb all the nutrients from food. Without good digestion, the human body cannot work properly. Sooner or later, all of the major organs will be affected if the food particles are not digested or eliminated. The diet and the quality of the food may cause digestive issues like stomach pain, bloating, constipation, leaky gut syndrome etc. However, your emotional state also affects the digestive system as stress and negative emotions may cause inflammation in the colon, pancreas, intestines etc. So, the overall health affects digestion and digestion is a foundation for the overall health. You need to restore the coherence and the inner balance in the body so that all the organs to work in harmony.

coMra Therapy

A very gentle and simple method of healing can help you with your digestive and emotional issues. It does not include the usage of any aggressive medications, it is totally non-invasive and supportive. With the harmonious work of the laser, the magnets and the colorful lights, you cells will receive the needed energy and information to start the healing process. With coMra therapy your body will begin to restore its inner coherence. You can use coMra therapy both as a healing method and as a prevention. In the coMra user guide, you will find many conditions and diseases that can be successfully treated with coMra therapy. In fact, when you get familiar with the treatment courses, you can create your own personal one in order to cover your needs. Which treatments to use for digestive issues and diseases?


When you download the coMra user guide from the website, you will see the list of the treatments and the conditions. In the Gastroenterology section, you will find 11 different treatment courses for diseases like hepatitis, colitis, constipation, irritable bowel movement etc. If you feel pain in any part of the abdominal area, you can place the coMra device on that place for several minutes with 5 Hz frequency. After that you can start the treatment course from the user guide. If you are not sure which treatment you need and you just want to support the digestive system, you can apply the Gastroenterology 6 treatment for two weeks. It will support the main organs in the abdominal area and will induce a healing process.

coMra Universal Treatments

As it was mentioned above, the coherence of the body is very important for the healthy state of all its organs, systems and cells. While, coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health, you need to support your other organs too. The  Universal treatments from the coMra user guide are great to be used as prevention and as a way to boost a bit the whole body. The core of the coMra Universal treatments is Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. When you support the work of the circulatory system, the whole body will benefit. All the nutrients and oxygen are transported by the blood so they can reach each cell in your body. Applying Universal Treatment 3 - Blood several times per week will strengthen the blood vessels, will increase the number of red blood cells and will improve the circulation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

So, here is the last of the Universal Treatments which was created in order to support any healing process, cleanse, detox and recovery happening in the body. Each organ receives an additional boost of energy, assisting the elimination of toxins and waste products from the cells.

Universal Treatment 8 – Comprehensive cleanse and regeneration

This treatment scheme can be used as a comprehensive cleanse and regeneration program if you want to support the detox process in your body. It consists of two parts that must be done consequently and puts the focus on the major organs of elimination. Please follow the instructions that you will find in the coMra user guide but also feel free to combine this sequence with other treatments if you feel the need and in order to achieve better results.

How coMra works

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to heal your body, it is non-invasive and awakens your own inner healer, the invisible force of life which knows how to restore your health and balance . The combined power of a laser, magnets and light is working in a very unique and natural way in order to provide your cells with the energy they need. Once your body has the energy, it will start building and catching up with each of the functions that might have been cut off due to depletion of resources or blockages caused by inflammations.

 The coMra therapy does not deplete the body during cleansing treatments. The aim is to regenerate and support the body in achieving a natural detoxification. As with all cleansing programs, it is important During this treatment to also take your diet into consideration and drink plenty of pure water to help with the elimination of toxins. Moderate and regular exercise would be quite beneficial for better circulation.

How to approach the process of treatment

Be gentle with yourself during the cleansing process and observe yourself carefully for the signals that your body will send you. Certain effects such as increased tiredness, skin rashes, nausea or headache may be noticed whilst the body is making use of the available energy provided during the treatment in order to expel toxins.

It is recommended during the cleansing period to avoid stress, to spend more time in nature, to minimize the usage of alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar and trans fats. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, enough proteins and good fats for the body to have all the needed “bricks” to use for filling up the gaps and restoring the inner balance. Once the system is clean it will go naturally back to its harmonious state because the body knows how to to work in perfect balance and timing. All the hormones, fluids and organs will start working as an orchestra creating the melody of health.

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To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!