"Where do I start in creating health for myself and my loved ones?"

This is one of the most important questions we ask ourselves. And there is no single correct answer to it, because there are so many methods of treating various diseases and even more paths to a good quality of life.  And yet we all share the same means for our human experience of life – our  body, emotions, feelings and thoughts. So if we are to learn how to increase health and choose among many methods of medical treatment, we need to understand how these aspects of a human being interact in manifesting wellbeing or disease.

holistic health

It is quite obvious that if we want to fully partake in life - in a family unit, in a business or a friendship - we need a resilient physical body, emotional balance and a sound mind. It is also important to understand that all of these aspects of our being very closely interact in order to generate health or disease. To put it very briefly:

Let us look at this sequence in more detail. If we have a keen and fluid perception, then we register knowledge that is accurate to what is actually going on in the present moment. Using such knowledge we can make wise decisions and act to increase our quality of life.

But if our perception is too limited or somehow skewed we get a distorted picture of reality. Frequently we are stuck in outdated mental and emotional patterns that once were helpful, but although life has moved on, these patterns have not changed. Such a mismatch between perceived reality and what actually is going on generates internal conflict or a dis-ease in our awareness. So when we reactivate the same outdated pattern of perception over and over again, we heavily tax and then deplete organs and cells in our body that are responsible for our physiological response to that specific pattern. The dis-ease in perception becomes illness in the physical body.

Take, for example, a person who is crossing a street and suddenly sees a speeding oncoming car. Instantly the heart and breathing rates accelerate, pupils dilate, his muscles and the whole body are prepared for running away. Such a response to the emotion of fear is necessary to  preserve one's life. However, if a person lives in a constant state of fear after, for example, a traumatic event in childhood, then the accumulated stresses, that can be triggered by completely unrelated incidents, will  inevitably result in a full blown illness, such as endocrine disease or a psychological disorder or both.

In fact, the emotional colouring of our perception has such a powerful effect over our physiology that in medical research the so called "gold standard" of estimating efficacy of a treatment is to compare it to placebo, such as a sugar pill. Up to 30 to 60% of the effect of pharmacological drugs is due to expectation of the patient that the drug will help. Just as powerful is the effect of "nocibo" when the patient expects a negative effect. Obviously, the body itself cannot read and understand the prescription labels. Instead, it tunes in to the emotional clues arising in our awareness and adjusts its physiology by manifesting real, measurable changes in cellular bioenergetics and chemistry, organ function and structure, and finally symptoms.

We can picture health and disease as result of interaction between the following fundamental aspects of our being:

We can define health, therefore, as a state when a human being is arranged into a harmonious and coherent whole thus enabling the Self to fully manifest and partake in life. Illness, on the other hand, is essentially the same learning process except that it happens in presence of an imbalance originating from physical, emotional or mental aspects. This imbalance impedes the coherence of the whole and thus the learning is occurring through pain and suffering. In other words, apart from obvious causes such as physical injury, pathological changes in the body is a final outcome of a long chain of causes and effects.

We need to clarify here that the physical body, like all animals in nature with whom it shares its evolutionary past, constantly recreates itself through a process of regeneration. This inherent ability to self-regenerate enables the body to maintain itself during its entire life span, to adapt to changes and to heal itself after injury or disease. Therefore self-healing is very much a natural ability of the organism that functions without our conscious control. However, after millions of years of evolution the human physical body has become a perfected response apparatus to the emotional urges that stem from feelings and thoughts. What it means is that the body also carries the burden of being a vehicle for our learning. So when the socially conditioned human being resists learning and insists on behaviour that clearly overuses and damages certain cells and organs, then the self-healing ability of the body becomes impaired, leading to incomplete recovery after a stress. These incompletely healed lesions accumulate over time leading to what is known as chronic disease.

So, generally speaking, when a disease manifests in the physical body, it points to a certain lack of knowledge of life. To heal a disease we need to support the body in its task of self-healing and also use our emotions as a compass to navigate to that distortion in perception and uncover what actually took place in reality. Therefore, true holistic healing is always a journey of discovery and learning!

In this video, Radiant Life Technologies’ Dr Arzhan Surazakov explains how the laser works, and how the combined radiances work together to provide a unique therapy that works at a fundamental level to promote healing in the body:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Do you believe that Life is a powerful force and nothing happens as a coincidence? According to you - does Life support your healing or it works against it and makes you ill? Can you think of a proof to your beliefs? Here is the topic of the article today - the first principle is that Life is a regenerative process. How embracing that will change your journey through life? How can you relate this to the process of healing used in coMra therapy?

Life is Regenerative process

This is one of the principles of Life and it works with every living creature on the planet - animals, plants, insects and people. Perhaps, many people have forgotten this fundamental truth. If you do not trust the power of life, if you don’t see life as your biggest support, think again. When you cut your finger, what can you observe? In several days the wound is closed and in most of the cases, there is not even a scar left. Your body has regenerated itself and you cannot even control this process. But what about more serious conditions like diabetes or autoimmune diseases? Do you believe that regeneration is possible in such cases too?

Your Mind is the Obstacle

The body is a very complex system where all the organs are working together. But your thoughts lead to emotions and they influence the body directly. Maybe you don’t see if it happens one time but a repetition of a certain thinking pattern will eventually manifest in your body either as health or as a disease. If the regeneration is not happening, then something stands in its way. And that is the mind, the thoughts, your beliefs and all the things that you tell yourself day after day.

coMra Therapy Works in Harmony with Life

If you support this powerful force presented in every living being called Life, healing is possible and simple. But if you have been living in resistance and denial for a long time, your body will need some help. Using coMra therapy is a a very gentle way to support your body into remembering what it feels like to be in harmony with life. Not that it has forgotten but because it spends too much energy trying to recover from the negative emotions which affects the hormonal balance and the organs. coMra therapy will awaken the inner healing abilities of your cells providing the needed energy, information and mechanical support needed for the recovery.

What do you choose?

Your choices will show in your way of thinking, talking and acting. Are all of these in harmony? Is there any distortion between your beliefs and your actions? If you choose to support your body knowing that it has the ability to heal from any known disease, do you act on this belief? coMra therapy is a method of healing that is life-supportive. It does not go against what is natural for your body, not trying to manipulate it or harm it in any way. coMra therapy supports the Healer Within with its low level laser working in coherence with the magnets and the light diodes. This creates an environment for your cells to start working normal again, to align with the intention of a healthy body full of energy. And this is another principle of Life - The Intent of a Person defines the quality of Life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Which are the hidden patterns in the mind that would manifest as low or high blood pressure? How to understand the messages sent from the body in order to heal the condition starting with its cause? The thoughts and beliefs that we carry with us could turn into harmful emotions which change the inner balance of the body.

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If there are hidden patterns in our thinking that we are not aware of, they could cause a medical condition or some symptoms. Every time when we are in the particular situation which triggers a belief that we have embraced at some point of our lives, we would feel it in the body. It is in a direct communication with the subconscious mind where all of the hidden patterns are. So, the symptoms are like messages and we need just to listen carefully to see what information is there for us. When something is happening in our mind which is hurting us in a way that we are not aware of, the emotions will show us as they are expressed by the changes in the body. With time if you do not find a way to deal with the emotions,if you suppress them or neglect them, they will start turning into blockages and diseases in the body.

The blood

For the body, the blood is life, it brings all the oxygen, the energy and the nutrients to the cells, it literally brings life to each little cell in the body, connecting it to the whole which is the organism. The circulatory system is the needed condition for the blood to flow easily. The heart pumps the blood all the time and it is also the center of love, of joy, of the feeling of being connected with everything, of the feeling of belonging, of the feeling that you appreciate life itself. When we have problems in these areas of life, when we resist the flow of life and we don’t appreciate it, the body would show it with either high or low blood pressure.

Circulation disorders - Not trusting the process of life.
Pressure (low/ high) - Fear of survival.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Low blood pressure

When the blood pressure is low, if shows the lack of joy usually starting in the childhood that has turned into the feeling of unworthiness and not being good enough or into the belief that whatever the person want to do will not be successful. The hidden pattern in the mind shows an attitude towards life of being a victim, not being able to deal with the challenges, of the not being able to make one’s dreams come true. It looks like a person who does not have trust in life, who doubts if they will survive. It show a lack of courage and confidence, the mind is telling that nothing will ever be good and you trust your mind. This condition is the message that somewhere some emotions of despair and hopelessness are stored, like if you do not trust that you will manage to live this life the way it is supposed to be lived. If the blood pressure is low, it could be linked to lack of respect for the self and the others and also with the lack of trust in love, in the capability to find and experience love.

High blood pressure

When the blood pressure is high, it might show the hidden pattern of not being recognized by the people in the family, with the feeling that the people you love do not accept you as you are. There could be unsolved conflicts with the members of the family, a secret wish that someone should leave or on the contrary that someone new should enter the family. The person with high blood pressure is very sensitive and overreacting, they live in a turmoil of emotions, always spending too much energy on thinking about the problems, on creating a lot of fuss and drama around each little thing. After the next disappointment, they have chosen to close their heart in order to protect from feeling too much pain, so no new love or feeling can enter their life anymore and life cannot move easily in their body. The blood vessels do not support the flow of life, but they create obstacles and the blood creates pressure trying to pass through. The hidden cause of this condition could be also an overthinking habit where you replay one and the same problem over and over again.

Shift the focus

So, when there are problems with the blood pressure or the circulation, the message is to let go of the problems, to trust life and search for the solutions and for the support instead of focusing on how nothing will ever be good and successful. You need to create a habit to look for the things in life that makes you feel joyful, you need to find something to really love, to feel appreciation and gratitude, to focus on the beauty, on the harmony and on the support coming from everywhere.

The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood by coMra therapy could be a good start in taking back the responsibility for your health. It is a very gentle way to heal the results of the high or low blood pressure on the body. However, if you want to heal the reason for the condition, you have to start working with the root of it, with the mind and the emotions.

What are the real reasons behind the pain in the back? Which emotions and thoughts are causing the spine and the bone structure of the body to suffer and how to change them in order to become stronger and more energetic? What does the spine and the back represents in our life?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The spine is the ultimate support of the body, it is the structure that lets it stand upright, walking, running and doing all kinds of movements. The spine is also the place where new cells are born, the red blood cells and the stem cells that could save the body in cases of disease. The spine, the back and the bones are linked to the feelings of support, emotional balance and activity. When a person feels that there is a lack of support in his life or emotional strength, the pain will be respectively in the lower pain or upper back. If the feeling is that you are stuck and you don’t feel any motivation to take action, the problems usually occur in the middle back.

The emotions are the messages that the body is trying to send out for you to understand that some hidden beliefs and thoughts are actually hurting yourself. If you don’t pay attention to them or you just don’t realize that you have embraced a particular belief for a long time ago, the imbalance will reach the physical level and will manifest as a disease or some kind of a painful condition. Each little pain in the body is showing us that something beyond our understanding is happening inside. So, the main subject when back pain occurs is the support and the respect that we have for ourselves and the others. And support is coming from outside but also from the inside, from the people but also from life.

Diseases and their cause: Lumbago
Upper back - Lack of strength.
Middle back - Lack of action.
Lower back - Lack of support.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The problems of the lower back may be connected for example with the financial support and not enough money for someone to feel relaxed and calm. The middle back pain could be linked to a constant feeling of guilt and a lack of action. For example a person is looking towards the past and is not taking actions in the present, emotions and an attitude saying “leave me alone”. The upper back is the place of emotional strength and inner balance, when people feel overwhelmed they usually round their shoulders like they are carrying a very heavy burden, not being able to get rid off. It is very important to respect the time for work and for rest, to take care of yourself, to stand for your health and to make choices that empower you.

So, every time when you feel that your back hurts, ask yourself what do you really need and if you give yourself the space to receive it. Do you allow yourself to feel respected, supported and loved? Are you trying to do everything on your own never asking for support from other people? Are you restricting yourself from actions because of the guilt you feel about your past? Maybe it is time to you to take back the responsibility for your own health with the help of coMra therapy, to start nurturing yourself with care, love and respect until you find the place of harmony and balance. When you let go of the past, of the emotional pain that you carry around, when you forgive and start taking actions, then you will be able to walk through life with strength and you will see the support coming from everywhere.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Which are the thoughts that will affect your digestion system and will create pains and inflammation? How the emotional patterns you are passing through will be shown by the problems with digestion? Each disease and condition has its roots in our mind, in the way we think and the beliefs that we have accepted to be true. What is the mindset that is causing the constipation, colitis and any other digestion disorder?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Through a constant lack of joy and the feeling of not being good enough, the anemia is formed on the level of the mind. People who suffer from it often feel that they don’t deserve to be alive, they don’t deserve Life itself. As if they try to live less, to take less, to spend less and less resources. There is an attitude of a victim of the conditions in which they live, they don’t like their family or any other situation around them. They are not satisfied with life, they maybe want to have more support or love but there is this deep belief that they don’t deserve to receive anything.

Diseases and their causes:
Digestion disorders - Unable to absorb the reality of life.
Colitis (Inflammation of the colon) - Not wanting to accept the process of life.  
Constipation - Not wanting to accept the process of life.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If your body is suffering, then somewhere deep in your mind, you have embraced beliefs that are not true. Are you willing to just accept life as it is and to absorb all that is coming each moment without trying to escape from it or alter it just because you don’t like it? You are always able to change your attitude to it, your perception of the situation. You can always make the choice to accept rather to reject what life brings to you. Some things should stay in the past and you have to let them go in order for the new to come. The way you “digest” the new ideas and the changes will either keep your digestion system healthy or will make it ill from the inside.

Shifting the focus

To change your attitude, perception and focus, is another part of the coMra therapy which is a holistic approach to the human being and the healing process that takes place inside. You can awaken your inner, natural abilities to heal with the coMra therapy. For all the digestion problems, you can apply the treatments in the Gastroenterology section of the coMra user guide. However, you have to listen to your body and try to understand what the message is as otherwise soon you will manifest the same condition again. In order to heal yourself in a holistic way, you need to trust the process of Life, to follow the changes that are always coming with an open heart as life is always supporting you and everything that happens is for your own good.

digestion disorders 1

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..com

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Each disease and condition has its roots in our mind, in the way we think and the beliefs that we have accepted to be true. Which are the hidden beliefs that are causing anemia? What can you change in your way of thinking in order to support the healing process in your body?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If you are not able to notice the thoughts and beliefs that are forming a disease in your mind which will lately manifest into a physical condition, the emotions could show you. The emotions are triggered by our thoughts and are so obvious that we cannot miss them. The emotions are the way your body to tell you, that there are thoughts in your mind that are hurting it, they are causing some pain but you don’t know about it. First, the emotions will come, then the disease will follow them as a message that there is something else that you have to look at and pay attention to.

Through a constant lack of joy and the feeling of not being good enough, the anemia is formed on the level of the mind. People who suffer from it often feel that they don’t deserve to be alive, they don’t deserve Life itself. As if they try to live less, to take less, to spend less and less resources. There is an attitude of a victim of the conditions in which they live, they don’t like their family or any other situation around them. They are not satisfied with life, they maybe want to have more support or love but there is this deep belief that they don’t deserve to receive anything.

Diseases and their causes: Anemia - Feelings of not deserving Life

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The attitude that we have towards ourselves, the others and life will manifest either as health or as a disease. The body will assist the communication between the conscious mind and its subconscious part. Anemia is the poor condition of the blood, affecting either the red or white blood cells, the quantity of iron needed for the transportation or any other aspect of the healthy blood, making it weak. The body is feeding itself through the blood, every little cell of it will receive oxygen, food and minerals for its best performance. When the inner conflict becomes so big that the mind cannot deal with it, anemia occurs and the production of the red blood cells is compromised, the whole body will suffer from this.


So, if these thoughts are hidden deeply in your mind and you are not even noticing them, try to look at the problem directly and search for the limiting beliefs that you have accepted as true leading you to the emotion of not being lovable, of not deserving life and support. If you manage to shift your perception and start believing that you deserve to be alive as does everyone else on this planet, and if you give yourself love and care as an intention to start the healing action, the improvement will manifest soon.

Shifting the focus

To change your attitude, perception and focus, is another part of the coMra therapy which is a holistic approach to the human being and the healing process that takes place inside. You can awaken your inner, natural abilities to heal with the coMra therapy as the Universal Treatment 3 -Blood is recommended in cases of anemia, however if you don’t receive the message that your body is delivering to you and don’t find and change the limiting beliefs in your mind, you will manifest the same condition. So, as part of this holistic approach, the best is to take care of your body, to make your blood stronger and to embrace beliefs that are life-supporting.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Life is a regenerative process;

Regeneration means to create again and a process implies that the regeneration flows from step to step. Our bodies go through this regenerative process all the time. Old cells die and new ones are created continually.

coMra-Therapy supports this process of renewal by optimising energy production within the body.

Life is one interconnected whole;

I am connected to the people around me by how I perceive and how I respond. The people around me are connected to other people, and those people to other people. In this way all people are connected and so the way that I live my life affects everyone in some way.

The cells in our body are also connected in a similar way. When treating one area of the body with coMra Therapy, because the whole body is interconnected I am in effect treating the whole system.

Life is a gentle, natural evolutionary process;

Music is a vibration that if I listen carefully and immerse myself in the sound changes my whole state of being. Music is very gentle but it is also coherent. If music can have such an effect on my state of being, what about other coherent vibrations?

coMra Therapy is specifically designed to be coherent and the vibrations are tuned to support the production of energy for the body to use in healing itself.

Life is a self-sufficient and self-sustaining unto itself;

A healthy body, does not need anything from outside of itself except food and water. Excessive stress can impair the bodies ability to sustain itself.

coMra Therapy is a non-invasive treatment to support the body in the process of getting back in balance without causing harm.

Intent is the one and only pervasive force sustaining all of life.

When I am in an un-healthy state it is easy to forget what it actually feels like to feel healthy. I find a few treatments of coMra Therapy give me a reference point for what good feels like that I can then strive towards by adjusting my lifestyle.