by Maxim Mironenko

It has been 7 years, since the first coMra device arrived in my home. At that time, everything seemed to be unclear about how to use it, how much to rely on it and in what circumstances. Since than we have stopped completely using pills and cleaned up our home storage.

Now, just a few weeks ago, coMra Palm arrived in my home. My children now have their own devices, as well as my wife. Moreover, by now they know very well how to take care of themselves using coMra. And even my dogs can greatly benefit from it 🙂 Now I am fully confident and relaxed about health of my immediate family.

The first coMra device was itself a huge leap in terms of technology and healing approach compared to the other low level laser technologies that were on the market. coMra Palm now is another big leap forward.

I wish every family to have this level of confidence and control regarding their daily health needs. That is why I decided to share a series of practical examples of coMra application, which are applicable for the most families. While coMra can have huge role in dealing with very rare and complicated health conditions, yet its daily versatility is something that each family may benefit from.


Case 1: Acute Trauma

The principle how coMra works is to speed up natural cellular processes and restore cellular energy. This is especially effective with acute trauma, because unlike chronic health conditions (most often needs deep restoration of cellular energetic deficiency), most of the time acute trauma would heal itself over the time. coMra just significantly improves speed and quality of such self-healing.

While there is full guide on how to apply coMra in each particular case (you can find it in downloads section, it is by no means strict rules. Knowing the major principles of application, you may well design your own treatments.

Let us take an example of cuts and bruises.

User Guide recommendation is this:


What we see is working with local area as well as circulation system. Sometimes with serious trauma, treating relevant nervous system area also recommended. This usually means scanning along the spine where roots of nerves innervating the area are located.

Now let us look at this treatment step by step:

Local treatment: Apply terminal directly (in case of bruise) or above the skin (in case of burns) for 3 to 5 min.  Apply 1000, 50 or 5 Hz depending on the case.

Device Frequency - the logic goes as this:

1000 Hz – is for surface treatments mostly

50 Hz – medium penetration, soft tissues

5 Hz – deep penetration, bones and beside the bones

That is why for burns it is best to use 1000 Hz, while for bruises, 50 Hz and 5 Hz is used. For example, you can use only 50 Hz if you bruised your palm, while if you seriously injured your leg with deep tissues affected you will need to use 5 Hz as well.

Timing: While generally, it is quite enough to do a local treatment once a day, the practice of applying coMra several times a day locally in the first few days after trauma is widespread.

It gives a kickstart to the process of healing and you may well find in 2-3 days that your healing is well on track, and you no longer need coMra.


Universal Blood Treatment

Circulation Treatment: treating your blood at several points at 5 Hz for 1 min each.


Treating your blood is a very effective systemic treatment in many cases. In fact, some medical protocols in Russia and China use blood treatments as a standalone treatment for multiple conditions, using either invasive laser treatment (a needle with laser inserted in a blood vessel), non-invasive (over the points where blood vessels are close to skin) or intra-nasal (high density of blood vessels in the nose).

Frequency: For such treatment always a 5 Hz is used because it is deep penetrating and high energy setting.

Timing: In terms of timing, normally, you will not need more than recommended treatment for your blood. Unless you have some serious inflammation process happening.


Family experience:

Along the course of the last 7 years, it is not possibly to count how many bruises and cuts we have treated with coMra. Children and we ourselves are quite active, so we together encounter many of those.

Each and every time results were fast – at least twice faster than you would normally expect. Also quality... in terms of cuts, bruises and burns this means leaving no traces of the trauma at all, or minimum scarring. The key here is to start applying coMra very early – in the first hours after trauma is best, before things settle up for worse.

In terms of complicated wounds, especially with our smaller friends at home, when they start to lick wounds, etc. - coMra is virtually the only possible method. Because there is a speed of deterioration of the wound and speed of recovery. coMra tips the balance in the way that non-healing wound that is deteriorating, reverses the balance into gradual healing with good tissue regrowth.

coMra users from around the world may have their own stories about Acute Trauma and I know some of them are quite fascinating 🙂 I encourage you to ask questions if you want more details, share some of your experiences regarding coMra use with Acute Trauma in the comments to the post, on Facebook or chat coMra directly.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

by Sotirios Galanopoulos

I have not been new to coMra-Therapy; I have been struggling with an autoimmune disease, ulcerative colitis, and therefore I have been working with coMra-Therapy since it was first made available back in the year 2010. I have first hand experience of how beautifully it supports the body, especially when the body is physically depleted, as well as how powerful yet completely non-invasive the healing message of coMra is.

However, in this article I’d like to discuss coMra-Therapy’s other applications, which make it extremely useful to have around at your average family household. In other words, one does not have to be suffering from a particular illness in order to invest in acquiring a coMra Palm device.

The very reason why the coMra Palm device is being introduced to the world is so that it may serve your family in all of your family endeavours. You may keep it handy around your home and you also may very easily pack it with your luggage when you go on vacation or even on a weekend escape to nature. It is always ready to offer your family its service and, providing you have been pro-active in keeping it charged, you do not need plug ins, electricity sources or any other such requirements. It is small, light and very easy to carry, even in the smallest handbag. At the same time, it is far more applicable than your average emergency kit!

I shall share with you only some of its applications, as I’d need quite a lot of space to list them all.

The coMra Palm is your best friend, when dealing with pain, either chronic or temporary. It offers pain relief in a completely drug free manner. And what is more important is that you may continue to treat either a family member or yourself for as long as you need to, without experiencing any sort of side-effects whatsoever and without having to worry about addiction issues.

The coMra Palm is ideal for the sterilisation of a wound, especially if you find yourselves in an environment where there is no access to clear running water. The device will safeguard the wound from any infection and it will heal the wound in record time. I have personal experience from a case where I cut myself very deeply while washing a big and sharp meat-cutting knife. The wound appeared as if it required stiches. However, after treating it with coMra for a period of forty-five minutes, the bleeding stopped completely and I saved myself from going to the hospital at least twice: one time for the stiches and another for removing them. At this point I need to emphasise that treating a skin wound with coMra for an extended period of time, like forty-five minutes, is absolutely safe because coMra is totally free of any side effects.

The coMra Palm is also ideal for treating burn wounds. I have first hand experience from burning my hand while cooking. It was a nasty burn as I accidentally had boiling water right out of the pot burning my hand skin. Normally this would mean more than one visit to the emergency room and several days of treating my wound with anti-burn ointments etc. It was just a thirty-minute coMra treatment on my skin burnt area as well as a follow up treatment the next morning!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the coMra Palm is extremely applicable on preventive medicine. There are treatments, which one may very easily obtain through a completely user-friendly coMra app, that help maintain your body in a healthy condition. There are treatments that support and empower the human and the animal immune system, which makes the coMra Palm extremely useful even when it comes to the four-legged members of your family, your pets.

At the same time, the coMra Palm will greatly assist you in coping with those nasty winter viruses, the ones that tend to keep you away from work and your children away from school. Even if, after you have treated and empowered your immune system, you happen to “catch a cold”, the expression we use when we catch a winter bug, the coMra Palm will get you back on your feet in record time. By treating your sinuses, your tonsil and, preventively, your lungs, the virus symptoms will go away in 48 hours and you may also avoid running a high fever that will keep you stuck in bed for several days.

All in all, the coMra Palm is the perfect device to have in case you wish to invest in your family’s good health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

by Maxim Mironenko


I have recently watched a video explaining the polarity of allopathic vs homeopathic medicine or, more generally, healing modality. The questions immediately stands of where coMra Therapy fits into this spectrum.

But before we addressed it, in the spirit of good casuistic traditions, let’s first define the polarities.

So, allopathic, known also as orthodox, mainstream and by other names is what one generally gets from healthcare systems of the world. The terms comes from Allois Pathos which in Greek means something like “opposition to suffering“, that is, the intent is to fight and resist the symptoms. This mode is characterised by its focus on:

  • Materialistic and mechanistic perception of human body as a sort of complex machine;
  • Aim at opposing and suppressing the symptoms rather than addressing the causes;
  • Antagonistic methods. Here the very names of most chemical drugs categories are very telling: anti-biotics, anti-hestamines, anti-etc;
  • Effects which are temporary and not curative.

In this we describe the allopathic in ideal, not touching upon its worse features which all too often manifest in practice, like side effects, inhibiting one organ or system to relieve another and general dependency on chemical medication created.

The professor in the video used impressive metaphor saying that allopathic medicine is like putting wet blanket on blazing fires, the latter representing the symptoms. It will often happen that when the blanket dries up the fire starts again.

Yet, it is not a question of allopathic not having its place. Like with all proper polarities the problem is with one-sidedly and exclusively putting the focus on the one extreme and thus distorting the balance.

Another important point to keep in mind with respect to allopathic mode is that at its core there is still the hope that the body will manage to fulfill its self-healing function, so by temporary relieving the symptoms, we buy the body some time and space to restore itself.

The other polarity, which we choose to call homeopathic, is also known as holistic, integrative, functional medicine and other names, some of which like bio-energetic with more specific meaning. It is concerned with restoring the balance – or homeostasis – in the body as whole and this must perforce include the energetic component and ultimately also thoughts and emotions, since it is often the wrong emotional and mental habits which lie at the root of the physical diseases. As such homeopathic mode not only deals with the whole, but it focuses on co-operating with healing forces of the body and on learning and re-balancing the true causes. It is characterised by its focus on:

  • Holistic and systematic perception of the body as one integrated and intelligent whole;
  • Aim at addressing the causes and restoring the balance;
  • Co-operative and non-invasive methods;
  • Lasting and curative effects.

Obviously this modality requires far greater commitment from both the healer and the person in need of healing.

Ultimately it also relies on body’s own ability for healing, but in far more direct manner.

So then: where coMra Therapy fits into the spectrum?

coMra Therapy – in the chosen classification – is inherently homeopathic (I personally prefer holistic), but this does not mean it is necessarily anti-allopathic in practice.

Many have used coMra Therapy as complementary in allopathic model and this is to be encouraged. If any particular practice is wrong, adding coMra Therapy will not make it wronger, but may help its soothe the negative effects. Also, if someone wants to relieve his or her headache with coMra Palm without caring too much about how he or she caused the headache through his or her own behaviour, then by all means this is what coMra Palm is for.

coMra Therapy is cooperative and it ultimately supports that which does the auto-healing of the body, so it does not matter much where in the above spectrum the chosen healing modality is: it can benefit from coMra Therapy anyway. Similarly, the concrete form of allopathing or homeophatic or something-in-the-middle therapy chosen would usually not preclude using also coMra Therapy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.