What are the real reasons behind the pain in the back? Which emotions and thoughts are causing the spine and the bone structure of the body to suffer and how to change them in order to become stronger and more energetic? What does the spine and the back represents in our life?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The spine is the ultimate support of the body, it is the structure that lets it stand upright, walking, running and doing all kinds of movements. The spine is also the place where new cells are born, the red blood cells and the stem cells that could save the body in cases of disease. The spine, the back and the bones are linked to the feelings of support, emotional balance and activity. When a person feels that there is a lack of support in his life or emotional strength, the pain will be respectively in the lower pain or upper back. If the feeling is that you are stuck and you don’t feel any motivation to take action, the problems usually occur in the middle back.

The emotions are the messages that the body is trying to send out for you to understand that some hidden beliefs and thoughts are actually hurting yourself. If you don’t pay attention to them or you just don’t realize that you have embraced a particular belief for a long time ago, the imbalance will reach the physical level and will manifest as a disease or some kind of a painful condition. Each little pain in the body is showing us that something beyond our understanding is happening inside. So, the main subject when back pain occurs is the support and the respect that we have for ourselves and the others. And support is coming from outside but also from the inside, from the people but also from life.

Diseases and their cause: Lumbago
Upper back - Lack of strength.
Middle back - Lack of action.
Lower back - Lack of support.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The problems of the lower back may be connected for example with the financial support and not enough money for someone to feel relaxed and calm. The middle back pain could be linked to a constant feeling of guilt and a lack of action. For example a person is looking towards the past and is not taking actions in the present, emotions and an attitude saying “leave me alone”. The upper back is the place of emotional strength and inner balance, when people feel overwhelmed they usually round their shoulders like they are carrying a very heavy burden, not being able to get rid off. It is very important to respect the time for work and for rest, to take care of yourself, to stand for your health and to make choices that empower you.

So, every time when you feel that your back hurts, ask yourself what do you really need and if you give yourself the space to receive it. Do you allow yourself to feel respected, supported and loved? Are you trying to do everything on your own never asking for support from other people? Are you restricting yourself from actions because of the guilt you feel about your past? Maybe it is time to you to take back the responsibility for your own health with the help of coMra therapy, to start nurturing yourself with care, love and respect until you find the place of harmony and balance. When you let go of the past, of the emotional pain that you carry around, when you forgive and start taking actions, then you will be able to walk through life with strength and you will see the support coming from everywhere.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Which are the thoughts that will affect your digestion system and will create pains and inflammation? How the emotional patterns you are passing through will be shown by the problems with digestion? Each disease and condition has its roots in our mind, in the way we think and the beliefs that we have accepted to be true. What is the mindset that is causing the constipation, colitis and any other digestion disorder?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Through a constant lack of joy and the feeling of not being good enough, the anemia is formed on the level of the mind. People who suffer from it often feel that they don’t deserve to be alive, they don’t deserve Life itself. As if they try to live less, to take less, to spend less and less resources. There is an attitude of a victim of the conditions in which they live, they don’t like their family or any other situation around them. They are not satisfied with life, they maybe want to have more support or love but there is this deep belief that they don’t deserve to receive anything.

Diseases and their causes:
Digestion disorders - Unable to absorb the reality of life.
Colitis (Inflammation of the colon) - Not wanting to accept the process of life.  
Constipation - Not wanting to accept the process of life.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If your body is suffering, then somewhere deep in your mind, you have embraced beliefs that are not true. Are you willing to just accept life as it is and to absorb all that is coming each moment without trying to escape from it or alter it just because you don’t like it? You are always able to change your attitude to it, your perception of the situation. You can always make the choice to accept rather to reject what life brings to you. Some things should stay in the past and you have to let them go in order for the new to come. The way you “digest” the new ideas and the changes will either keep your digestion system healthy or will make it ill from the inside.

Shifting the focus

To change your attitude, perception and focus, is another part of the coMra therapy which is a holistic approach to the human being and the healing process that takes place inside. You can awaken your inner, natural abilities to heal with the coMra therapy. For all the digestion problems, you can apply the treatments in the Gastroenterology section of the coMra user guide. However, you have to listen to your body and try to understand what the message is as otherwise soon you will manifest the same condition again. In order to heal yourself in a holistic way, you need to trust the process of Life, to follow the changes that are always coming with an open heart as life is always supporting you and everything that happens is for your own good.

digestion disorders 1

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..com

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Each disease and condition has its roots in our mind, in the way we think and the beliefs that we have accepted to be true. Which are the hidden beliefs that are causing anemia? What can you change in your way of thinking in order to support the healing process in your body?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If you are not able to notice the thoughts and beliefs that are forming a disease in your mind which will lately manifest into a physical condition, the emotions could show you. The emotions are triggered by our thoughts and are so obvious that we cannot miss them. The emotions are the way your body to tell you, that there are thoughts in your mind that are hurting it, they are causing some pain but you don’t know about it. First, the emotions will come, then the disease will follow them as a message that there is something else that you have to look at and pay attention to.

Through a constant lack of joy and the feeling of not being good enough, the anemia is formed on the level of the mind. People who suffer from it often feel that they don’t deserve to be alive, they don’t deserve Life itself. As if they try to live less, to take less, to spend less and less resources. There is an attitude of a victim of the conditions in which they live, they don’t like their family or any other situation around them. They are not satisfied with life, they maybe want to have more support or love but there is this deep belief that they don’t deserve to receive anything.

Diseases and their causes: Anemia - Feelings of not deserving Life

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The attitude that we have towards ourselves, the others and life will manifest either as health or as a disease. The body will assist the communication between the conscious mind and its subconscious part. Anemia is the poor condition of the blood, affecting either the red or white blood cells, the quantity of iron needed for the transportation or any other aspect of the healthy blood, making it weak. The body is feeding itself through the blood, every little cell of it will receive oxygen, food and minerals for its best performance. When the inner conflict becomes so big that the mind cannot deal with it, anemia occurs and the production of the red blood cells is compromised, the whole body will suffer from this.


So, if these thoughts are hidden deeply in your mind and you are not even noticing them, try to look at the problem directly and search for the limiting beliefs that you have accepted as true leading you to the emotion of not being lovable, of not deserving life and support. If you manage to shift your perception and start believing that you deserve to be alive as does everyone else on this planet, and if you give yourself love and care as an intention to start the healing action, the improvement will manifest soon.

Shifting the focus

To change your attitude, perception and focus, is another part of the coMra therapy which is a holistic approach to the human being and the healing process that takes place inside. You can awaken your inner, natural abilities to heal with the coMra therapy as the Universal Treatment 3 -Blood is recommended in cases of anemia, however if you don’t receive the message that your body is delivering to you and don’t find and change the limiting beliefs in your mind, you will manifest the same condition. So, as part of this holistic approach, the best is to take care of your body, to make your blood stronger and to embrace beliefs that are life-supporting.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Laws of Nature

Holistic Health is based on the law of nature that a whole is made up of interdependent parts. Just as we as individuals are beings that are made up of interdependent parts, which contain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to our being, our physical health is effected as a result of these interdependent parts, and our state of health can be used to guide us to the cause of the imbalance, which is often manifested by our different states of dis-ease.

Connected to life and yourself

For me what this means is that all life is interconnected, and that I need to be aware and alert as to how the many different factors, connections, and relationships which effect my ability to achieve my optimal health (homeostasis).

This could be as simple as choosing to exercise on a regular basis, change my diet, or even relook at how I allow myself be effected by what other people might say or think about me. At times I am left with a sense of gratitude for my own approach to healing, when I talk to friends and people about their health, being aware how long we have been conditioned into accepting a belief system that is deigned in essence to create dependency or offer only temporary results.

A much better system would be guiding us to make the changes necessary in our lifestyle that improves our quality of life, and which also helps prevent a lot of health problems from happening.

Taking responsibility

From personal experience, I have had a few battles with a Doctor and his medical staff trying to explain to them the concept of my philosophy relating to Holistic healing, as well as my commitment to healing my fractured arm using coMra-therapy during my healing process, to such an extent that there was attempt to force me to take drugs which I did not need, and also resulted with me demonstrating and instructing the Doctor what the best strategy was at that time for healing my arm.

Fortunately I was able to do so in a constructive way, which resulted in the Doctor offering to provide me with a referral as he was so impressed with the results that I had achieved in accelerating the healing process, and I also managed to continue my life mostly unaffected by the fracture.

Health as a choice

When I came across the concept of Holistic Health, I realized that like coMra-Therapy Holistic Health is a lifestyle choice and also a personal commitment to maintain a balanced lifestyle, and that both require a conscious choice, as well as discipline.

Fortunately coMra-Therapy is a most effective complementary tool for Holistic Health, that assists our body directly at a cellular level to reduce pain, prevent Health problems from occurring, and also to assist our body to heal much more efficiently than normally possible by activating our immune system and providing energetic support.

With Holistic Health and with coMra-Therapy, the patient is an integral part of the healing process by wanting to take responsibility for their own healing process, and I have been encouraged and uplifted to have participated and observed many transformations from friends and patients, who have made this commitment to themselves.

Thinking prevention and staying healthy is the best cure. Prevent the problem, rather than having to look for ways to solve it once it occurs. The flu epidemic is here, as it is every year at this time in Europe and health prevention becomes a topic of the day once again. In combination with the extreme cold blast that invaded the continent, our bodies are put under a tough test. This is one of the moments when coMra Palm comes handy and it becomes a reliable ally and guard to our health and well-being. Thinking prevention and staying healthy is the best cure - prevent the problem, rather than having to look for ways to solve it once it occurs.

CoMra Palm is the perfect tool for prevention. Its compact size allows you to cary it around in your pocket and give yourself a treatment wherever you go. And coMra-Therapy has a profound effect on the immune system. All you need to do is to follow a simple daily treatment protocol and give your body the care it deserves. In my own experience a combination of Somatic Biostimulation and Heart treatment does the job profoundly well! It takes a mere 15 min and done daily for 10 days it conditions the immune system to top performance. Yes, it is that simple!


In case one fights with extreme mental and physical stress and feels exhausted, additional few points could be added to the protocol. I would usually treat the adrenaline glands (top of kidneys) and the top of the sternum - the point at the top of the chest between the clavicles of the collar bone. The secret of this point is that the thymus gland is located right below it and it serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell.

With this simple coMra basics anyone could enjoy good immunity, prevent general diseases and enjoy well-being everyday in the year.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

by Avril Murrin

When I was asked if I wanted to join Radiant Life Technologies in order to bring coMra-Therapy to humanity, I said a resounding YES! At the time, I was only aware of certain aspects of why I said yes, but I also felt within myself that there was much more to all of it.

What I was aware of at the time and very excited about:

- It was a therapy based on holistic healing
- It was supporting people to become self-sufficient when it came to their own health
- It was something my husband and I could work at together
- It was a way to support the purpose of a man who had become a very important friend and guide to my husband and I, and this purpose felt close to my own heart

What I’ve learned over the years about what else was underneath that YES! of mine and the aspects I was aware of:

It was a therapy based on holistic healing

Even though I was aware of holistic healing, I had to learn what that actually means and continue to do so. Each time my body displays an imbalance or dis-ease it is an indication for me to go deeper and look at my perceptions and beliefs and behaviours and what I’m creating. Working with coMra-Therapy has supported me in learning more about myself through learning about holistic healing because it doesn’t allow me to escape my challenges. No healing method does this for anyone, but it is a common perception that something or someone other than oneself is supposed to be responsible for the healing. Support from healing modalities and methods and others is a definite must, but support does not mean being responsible for someone’s health and healing.

It was supporting people to become self-sufficient when it came to their own health

Once again, this was a concept that I was aware of, but the learning around it has been huge. This motivated me at the time because I was quite polarized against the current state of our health care systems and it looking like these systems were not in support of people getting better or in them helping themselves in the process of their illness or healing. It’s set up to be relied upon, and the rights and support of people wanting to look after their own health are being taken away a step at a time. In my learning over the years, I have shifted the focus away from this being my motive. I have chosen instead to focus on what I can do to create change and the steps I can take in my own life. Using coMra-Therapy in my own life and sharing about it with others was the action I took.

It was something my husband and I could work at together

When I spoke with my husband about working with Radiant Life Technologies together, I had a strong feeling that he would say yes! It definitely felt that we were on the same path together as we had many of the same interests and passions, but we hadn’t had an opportunity to work as closely as we would if we did this together. Having something practical to work with, which was/is the Delta device and focusing our intent in the same direction was thrilling for us. We have both learned so much about ourselves and each other and working together as a couple. What a journey. I knew it would be a good step to take together and I felt the potential of it, but I had no idea about all the adventures and what we would learn together.

It was a way to support the purpose of a man who had become a very important friend and guide to my husband and I, and this purpose felt close to my own heart

There is so much I could share here about what I’ve learned with respect to this. The main thing to share right now though is that all along it has been about my own purpose, my own learning, my own potential. In my heart I could feel that I resonated with Théun Mares’s purpose and how coMra-Therapy fit into it but I didn’t really understand at the time that I had my own purpose or what it was. On my journey with coMra-Therapy and Radiant Life Technologies, I have been learning about it. I am much clearer now on why my Yes! back then was so emphatic, and it’s mainly to do with my purpose.

So the force that drew me to coMra-Therapy? It was within me all along.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Sometimes new ways of doing things take time to get recognised. The first time I heard about coMra Therapy was 8 years ago - "Laser doing what? Uh, that sounds quite strange." This is how my first stage of learning started. Was it against my initial concept of health that people need to heal naturally and how laser can be something that is natural?

First stage of learning: is it possible at all?

It took time and effort to get used to the concept that infrared low level laser, combined with colour LEDs and magnetic field is one of the most non-invasive and also natural healing methods.

Why it is natural and non-invasive? Because it is based on the light. Something we all intuitively know is that proper forms of light are extremely valuable for the body. For example sun is one of the best healers, though of course not too much of that.

What I have learned only later is that long before strong laser appeared (used for surgery), low level lasers were discovered to have non-specific medical properties. Non-specific means that they were adding speed to what is otherwise natural body process - decrease in inflammation, tissue regeneration.

Already in 1960s it was discovered that wounds healing speed is dramatically increased. Surely since then the knowledge of using laser light evolved and also benefits of LED light were discovered 1990s.

For example some systematic review of wound healing with Laser and LED is found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4148276:

"The reviewed studies show that phototherapy, either by LASER or LED, is an effective therapeutic modality to promote healing of skin wounds. The biological effects promoted by these therapeutic resources are similar and are related to the decrease in inflammatory cells, increased fibroblast proliferation, angiogenesis stimulation, formation of granulation tissue and increased collagen synthesis."

Slowly but surely I started to understand that there are hundreds of papers that actually demonstrate the benefit. The key was properly applying all the subtle combinations of parameters and Radiant Life Technologies had those keys. Every aspect in the design of coMra Therapy was very carefully chosen.

Second stage of learning: it is not a magic wand.

Carefully applying the non-specific properties of coMra Therapy it is virtually possible to treat almost every known and unknown condition (see User Guide) with varying degrees of success. Does it mean RLT has found a panacea? No and this is what I have learned later on. It is blood, sweat and tears that are required for every serious case and even then the outcome is not in the hands of a human.

Every process in the body has its speed. And every disease has its expression on 4 levels: information, energy, function and structure.

With coMra Therapy we can do as much as try to work with energy and function. However there are two other components to consider: information and structure.

If information remains the same then it will continue to feed disease. By information meant all that array of impulses that influence the body`s chemistry through nervous and endocrine process. For example prolonged and intensive emotional stress can lead to a disease. After many years or sometimes months it may also get to the level of structural changes.

It is hardly possible to reverse that without removing stress. And even then structural changes would take time required for the cells to replace and regenerate.

In the end of the day it is all about speed - "speed of disease" vs. "speed of healing".

If we consider speed of healing - we can not possibly push coMra Therapy beyond its limits, otherwise it will not be safe and non-invasive. So every additional aspect as diet, physical exercise, sleep, positive mindset - all of them are as well important. Same goes for any other Therapy that is not damaging your body or irreparably alter its function.

Third stage of learning: lots of work to be done.

It is apparent that there are much more stages of learning to come and much work to be done for coMra Therapy to have its proper place in the toolbox of every practitioner and home user worldwide.

For me it is a most rewarding journey of regeneration to be a part of "Our future of health" and I hardly find anything more meaningful then that.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

When deciding to create the coMra Palm we also had to decide how to fund it. Since we already had people using coMra-Therapy and loving it we asked them for backing through the Indiegogo crowd funding platform.

Happily I report that as a result of their response, our indiegogo campaign was a success. Yay! 🙂

I had occasion to ask some people their first impressions due to contacting them for other matters as the first arrivals of the new coMra Palm landed...

Here are a few responses....

“The 4 new Palms have arrived - I checked the Palm, its touch is a great feeling.”

Atila Rist, Ontario Canada

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"Honestly I was a little skeptical about how effective the coMra-Palm would be with the 980nm infrared laser and no ultrasound, but I did a little treatment on my wrist and neck yesterday and could feel the response during treatment as well as immediate relief! I also lent it to a friend for 30 minutes to treat his neck and shoulder and he called me today and is still pain free! I also LOVE the design!! The material feels great, and it seems like it is very durable which is very exciting... And it fits in the tiny front pocket of my purse as it is smaller than my phone!! Well done!!!"

Becca Kallaus, Florida U.S.A.

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"Well, the portables [coMra-Palm] arrived and they are..SWEET!"

Ardie Stein, Washington U.S.A.

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“I am delighted to have received the Palms....all 6 of them are already gone.....”
“Loving the Palm.”

Gladys Maryol, Texas U.S.A.

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“I love the coMra-Palm, really neat design!

Anastasia Gaisenok, Vancouver Canada

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“I just got it! Love it. Amazing.”

Patricia Haman, Florida U.S.A.

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And also some more emails....

“I Have both the original wand and the new portable. My husband and I use them daily for just about anything that is bothering us aches and pains, migraines and some chronic issues we both suffer from. We just love them both. They are so easy to use , charge and store. Although we never store them because they are in almost constant use by by one of us or on the charger being readied for the next round of applications. We travel a lot and the portable is really easy to take along, but we take them both as the wand travels easily in it's case and then we always have a fully charged one handy. my husband was diagnosed with cancer several months ago and we used the protocols for that plus diet and lifestyle changes and his tumors were gone within six months rather than being dead as they predicted. I can't say it was specifically the laser, but I can't say it wasn't. I am certain it was a major factor in his return to health. The people we deal with at Comra are the nicest, kindest folks they never hard sell you and always check in to see how you are doing. God Bless them al….The Steins”

Ardelle Stein, U.S.A.

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“The Palm is a very well-designed and easy to use product. My only suggestion is to increase the audio volume. It is difficult to hear the signals. The Palm is very effective for joint pain relief. I am also using for other conditions but too early to report on those.”

William Hensley, U.S.A.

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“I like the design and size for ease of use. I would like an auto off after x# of mins as sometimes after using I forget to turn it off. Also the beeping when finished sound is very soft, hard to hear at times.”

Barbara Shore, U.S.A.

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“Yes I love the palm and use it personally and as a therapist. The palm is light and easy to use and with most clients laying flat I don’t even need to hold it at times which allows me to use it alongside my Delta Series Laser. The CoMRa Palm also allows my clients to participate in doing their treatments so they get used to using the Palm.”

Caprice Thompson, U.K.

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“The device is easy to use and solve many of my physical problems. I recommend its purchase to all seeking relief from the pain of physical problems.”

Carl Bugaiski, U.S.A.

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“I like the design very much. The device is easy to use. I have already recommended it to some people. My complaints have improved after only a few applications. However, I had difficulties with the English instructions, which are very detailed, but very difficult for me to understand. Instructions on paper in German would be great! This would make it easier for me to read if I want to carry out a specific treatment. It is quite cumbersome on the Internet.”

Claudia Gourmet, Germany

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“The CoMra Palm is fantastic! The Delta is the most brilliant device; we all use it in our family, for everything from broken bones, to chest infections to migraines. But as it was delicate, we were always worried about damaging it when travelling. The Palm has solved that problem as it is so beautifully designed and easy to use. It has revolutionised my ability to support my self to healing. I travel a lot for work and now my Palm goes into my laptop bag where ever I go and if the battery runs out, I can easily charge it through the USB connection. I use it in the treatment of aches and pains, headaches and as support, with the conventional medical treatment, of my chronic thyroid condition. I have no reservations recommending the Palm and the Delta Laser, especially if your health is important to you.”

Constance Harris, Ireland

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“The design, quality and functionality of the coMra Palm is excellent. It is very easy to use and there are clear healing results. I would certainly recommend everyone to purchase one as part of their first aid kit.”

Deirdre Cuttle, Australia

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“I am in love with my coMra Palm! Not only does it look elegant, but it’s also very user friendly that my kids utilize it too! The size is ideal, it fits perfectly in my purse so I can bring it with me wherever I go. I highly recommend everyone to invest in a coMra Palm, as it can bring much relief if ever any pains or aches occur.”

Diana Hevia, U.S.A.

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“White color coMra Palm - the color gets dirty pretty fast & i have new user who wrap up the palm to protect the device with cling wrap & causing it to be less effective. Once remove, she sees the improvement pretty fast; 2. Owing to the white color device difficult maintenance, most users opt for grey. Perhaps change consider a easier to manage color? 3. Since coMra Palm is to be used in Public places, the beeping sound is designed to be soft. However for most users especially the older folks, they are struggling to hear the beep. Is it possible to adjust the beep sound to be slightly louder? 4. The Yellow button to start the treatment in some instances appear stuck & thus unable to initiate the session for treatment. Not sure if this is specific to the particular coMra Palm that we are using. Otherwise, users are quite amazed at the effectiveness of the coMra Palm for treatments & finding it very handy for use.”

Diana Hii, Malaysia

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“Yes it is very easy to use. The only thing I would do is mention that the opening and closing sound is very soft - I couldn't hear the sounds at first because of extraneous sounds in the household. It is helping me manage very bad MS nerve pain in my legs. There is no cure and I am in an advanced stage, so to get relief is difficult. The cobra Palm does work better than the pain prescriptions!”

Donna Shugrue, U.S.A.

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“yes the functionality is very good sometimes I think I am making progress especially when I get some relief and able to do more (gardening) but the more I do the more aggressive the pain gets right side only. I am in the rest phase after completing section 12 neurology 1 for the 2nd time the pain has got severe again I would like advise on how to continue”

Christopher van der Merwe, Canada

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“I have used coMra for musculoskeletal pain, as well as deeper internal healing that requires the body to self-heal. I've had very positive outcomes in both areas. I hope more practitioners learn about the coMra Palm and the value it brings.”

Jeff Bova, U.S.A.

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“Great product. Easy to use. I use it for my arthritis in knees. Thank you”

Linden Cheney, U.S.A.

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“I use the coMra palm device for everything - pain, aches, injuries, chronic conditions of the skin, fatigue, etc. For example, I pulled a muscle while adding a new routine to my exercises. The pain was excruciating, however, after a couple of 10 minute coMra palm sessions to the area over a couple of days, it is nearly gone. No exaggeration! This coMra palm is easy to carry, and to use while fitting nicely in my purse. I carry it with me, just in case I can share it with my family and friends, and because the sessions are so short, I am able to let others see how it can help them. Many have expressed wanting one, so I send them the nifty emails I get with experiences focused on different symptoms, and that is always appreciated. I was fortunate enough to have an earlier version of the device in 2011, but the new one is vastly improved. On one occasion the electric cord malfunctioned so I phoned the company representative who immediately sent me a new one! Nice customer service, good job well done. Thank you for saving me and helping me and my family from the consequences of illness….there are dozens more personal stories I can share….my husband has his own details to share, such as eliminating leg cramps, etc. Thank you again.”

Marilyn Rodgers, U.S.A.

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“I would definitely recommend coMra Palm to anyone. The design and the size are perfect for everyday use, for travelling. It works magic. It is simple and easy to use with great benefits. Its a wonderful product. Thank you”

Svetlana Sanduleac, U.S.A.

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“My coMra Palm exceeds any expectations I had. The sleek design allows ease while applying it to all affected areas. Although I continue to use the Delta, the portability and light weight of the Palm provides additional treatment options. The User Guide App is particularly useful, accessible and provides clear instructions. I am thrilled to have a drug free tool that eases joint pain.”

Shari Paziuk, Canada

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“I do like the design etc. but I have one of the originals. I have used my Delta for everything from recovering from a heart attack, fractured sternum and hip replacements to burns, headaches, strained muscles and eczema flair-ups. I've also used it on my dogs for multiple ailments from serious to minor. Thank you to my team of Avril and Garrett Murrin”

Denise Shaw, Canada

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“Excellent quality, well designed and manufactured.”

Peter Jakeman, U.K.

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“The Palm is indeed easy to use, well designed, and great value for the price. I like to keep mine by my bedside to use just before I fall asleep for treating heart palpitations, which tend to become worse in the evenings while laying prone. Or I'll use it on a muscle or joint giving me problems that day. This is now very easy to do with the cordless operation. As I age, the coMra Palm has become invaluable for me to continue to lead an active life, including gardening, walking/hiking, and biking. OK, now one thing I would like to see improved: there is no treatment for a general headache in the online app! When I search the keyword head, almost nothing comes up, and nothing at all for headache. The funny thing about this is that most of your marketing images seem to portray folks using the Palm for a headache - a common condition.”

Kamori Cattadoris, U.S.A.

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And for myself, well... I love the coMra Palm. I just would not want to be without it! I love it, it works very good too!!!! Best device for the money - EVER!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

In October 2017 we opened the first coMra centre for regenerative medicine in Russia - "Technology for Life".

Take a look at a news episode aired by a regional TV channel:

As of today we are four months into operation!

When we first opened our doors, we were getting mostly puzzled looks and questions like "What are you regenerating here?" or "Are you offering some sort of massage?".

To bring clarity we published three detailed articles in the local newspapers and now airing several extended TV interviews where we cover everything from origins of coMra-Therapy to how it works and what is it for.

Gradually we started to see a shift in perception and recognition of the true scope of coMra-Therapy. Yes, it can and should be used for treatment of many tough chronic diseases and acute conditions. And this is the main role of our centre - to let individuals experience the unique effects of coMra-Therapy.

But we also need to recognise in this medical technology means for changing our attitude towards our health and our own body.

When a coMra-Therapy device is available at home it becomes a part of daily self-care. What it means is that instead of waiting until a disease hits hard, listen to the body as it gently speaks about tensions it carries. Next, we learn how to trace these tensions to the challenges in our lives and address them. And, at the same time, use coMra Palm to assist those organs and body systems that carry the burden of our learning process as human beings!

Do you choose drugs - or do you choose something less invasive for you and/or your daughter(s)? I have found a lasting way of dealing with menstrual cramps - quickly, non-invasively and safely.  I no longer spend precious hours writhing in pain!

According to the in-depth study published by the journal "Statista"**

U.S. population: Have you had menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in the last 12 months?”

37.23 million women in the U.S. alone reported menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in 2017.

As the survey-based study says “the total prevalence of menstrual pain experience was very high with 84.1% of participants reporting pain at some point. Some 43.1% of participants reported having painful menstruation in every menstrual period, and 41% reported pain in some periods.”

The menstrual cramps we are talking about are the ones called a primary dysmenorrhea; this means they are not a result or symptoms of any gynaecological disease.

Based on my own personal experiences I must unfortunately say that from my teenage years up until 9 years ago I regularly used drugs for my severe menstrual cramps. I chose drugs instead of natural remedies because, as I perceived it at that time, drugs worked faster and with less hassle.

However, although I did take drugs, I still had to spend at least the first day of my period at home and in bed and I was experiencing other very unpleasant, but common symptoms such as irregular digestion and diarrhea, nausea, back pain, and headaches. The following days of my period were still with pain, coming and going, so I took drugs on those days too.

What I would not consider at the time are commonly taken drugs that are supposed to “solve” the problem of menstrual cramps, e.g. birth control pills. I was at least aware at that time that taking such drugs would often result in various side effects - and even the malfunction of other body functions!

Eventually I did try natural remedies for dealing with the cramps. These are various from avoiding some type of food before your period, to herbs, to keeping very warm or sleeping. Although these remedies are to be commended, what I personally found challenging was that many times they did not resolve my problem over the course of my periods. I needed to repeat them often and sometimes the remedy required either a long time of preparation - or I was meant to source the most unusual ingredients - and have them to hand!

Is there a different solution available?

Then one day, serendipitously, I found my lasting solution! Once I started using “coMra-Therapy” I discovered that treating myself up to 45 minutes on the first day of my period – or any time menstrual cramps occurred -  not only resolved the pain during that day, but I did not experience any more pain over the next few days.

Today similar experiences are reported by my female friends - and now my female clients. Over the past years of my using coMra-Therapy as a method to relieve my menstrual cramps, the mothers amongst my clients are now also treating their teenage daughters, who have now also become my clients.

The wonderful outcome is that by using coMra-Therapy their results are the same as mine – fast pain relief, a positive side effect of help with other symptoms too, and above all without any negative side effects on my body.

Treatments applied are very simple. For the pain itself it is 5 Hz per a point on a lower abdomen and the minimum suggested number of points is four. For other symptoms, for example nausea and the same can be applied too.

In addition, I travel a lot and having my magic “wand” in my handbag or at hand at any time is not only hugely useful, but also brings me a feeling of safety and comfort for these challenging days. I have an instant solution for any discomfort.

**“The recent statistics from 2017 shows the number of women with menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in the United States in 2017. The data has been calculated by Statista based on the United Nations data and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS). According to this statistic, 37.23 million women in the U.S. reported menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in 2017.”

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.