The health of the heart is vital for the overall health as all the blood is pumped constantly by the heart in order for it to reach each cell in the body. The prevention is the best cure and this is a good approach to keep your heart healthy. If you have noticed warning signs like chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, chronic fatigue, feeling dizzy or even snoring too much, you probably need to take better care of your heart and the cardiovascular system. Here is how to maintain better heart health using coMra therapy and making some lifestyle changes.

Blood vessels and the heart

If you already have a heart disease or you want to support the work of your heart, you can apply coMra Universal Treatment 2 - Heart even as a prevention method. The coMra therapy is a non-invasive way to induce the natural healing ability of your body and to provide the needed energy for the healing process. The application is easy and you will feel the difference soon, meanwhile you can use coMra therapy as a pain relief too. For all the heart treatments, you have to use only the frequency of 5Hz as it is explained in the coMra user guide. For the blood vessels and the health of your blood, you can apply coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. This treatment could heal conditions like anemia but it is also a part of other major treatments while the blood is moving through the body distributing the nutrients and the hormones to each cell.

Hormonal Balance

There are many conditions which may affect the heart health, so you need to address them in a balanced and non-aggressive way. You can apply coMra therapy in order to soothe the symptoms and to heal the causes of diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes type 2, estrogen dominance, adrenal fatigue and malfunction of the adrenal glands etc. In the coMra user guide, you will find all the listed conditions, so to come with your own treatment course. As coMra therapy has no negative side effects, you can successfully combine different treatments in order to receive better results. It is very important to reduce the production of adrenaline and cortisol as if the body experiences is as stress, the levels of other hormones would go down.

Balanced diet and movement

If you want to support your healing and generally your heart health, you need to be careful about the amount of animal, saturated and trans fats that you eat while it may lead to buildup of plaque in the arteries. Basically, this means to avoid processed and packed foods as most of them contain trans fats. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits is always a good idea, so you may need to monitor your eating habits and to make some changes. A moderate exercising program or walking on regular basis will help your circulation and will stimulate the work of the heart. You may need to avoid highly intensive training programs if you have symptoms of a weak heart.


The heart is the organ that suffers if you experience negative emotions, so if you are in a difficult period of your life, try to find a way to breathe and calm down. The grief, apathy, depression and anxiety could affect the heart with time, so your emotional state is key for the heart health. If your nervous system is out of balance, you may need some supplements like magnesium, B12 and other B vitamins. However, in order to support the nervous system, you can apply coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 until you feel some improvement. Then rest for 2 weeks and apply another treatment course. The coMra therapy has shown great results with conditions of the nervous system as it helps the regeneration of the nerves too. And remember to smile more, it is good for your heart.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Sometimes people are worried as there always are some problems or challenges in life. But anxiety is something else, it is like a constant numb pain in your emotional being and it refuses to go away easily. When people get anxiety attack it may come with difficulties to breathe, feeling of fear, crying, brain frog, extreme fatigue, apathy and emotional imbalance. The symptoms could vary a lot and could last for hours. Although, you might not consider anxiety as a disease, it could become a serious condition that many people struggle with. The roots of anxiety start in the mind and the emotions but the physical body suffers too. The triggers for the anxiety could vary from a person to another, we are all unique personalities, but let us go through some major anxiety causes as it might be useful for your to find your own reasons.

Adrenal Glands Health

All the changes in the emotional state will reach the body at some point and they will affect the hormonal balance. When the stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are continuously produced, the endocrine system suffers and the production of other major hormones would be interrupted. The adrenal fatigue is a condition with symptoms like fatigue, difficulties to concentrate, insonmia, emotional breakdowns, depression and anxiety. There is a natural approach to address it without medications. You can apply coMra therapy daily for several weeks in order to support the work of the adrenal glands. The Universal Treatment 5 is recommended in order to effectively heal the nervous system and to give some extra energy to the body. The coMra therapy is a gentle and non-invasive way to heal different conditions and diseases. In order to keep your adrenal glands healthy, you need to avoid extreme emotions and to find your way to reach relaxation through breathing, moving and joyful activities.

Stressful daily routine

If you spend too much time in from of screens, do not eat rich in nutrients diet, if you tend to think too much about the past or the future, if you work with a lot of deadlines and the work piles up every day, if you tend to multitask...then there is a possibility all of that to cause anxiety at some point of your life. Too much information and worrying about thousand things at the same time will overload your nervous system. If your daily routine is creating stress in your life and you do not have time to rest, your adrenal glands will suffer but also your thoughts and emotions will go out of balance. The way you think and perceive life is very important when we speak about anxiety.


If on the top of all that, you like to have a daily boost of energy with the help of coffee, lots of sugar and other stimulants, then you are depleting your brain from hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Be careful to not enter the cycle of feeling very tired in the morning, drinking tons of coffee during the day and not being able to get quality sleep in the night. If your brain and nervous system are overstimulated, this could become a cause of anxiety. Some herbs and fat burners could also act as stimulants, so you really need to find the balance between being very energetic and your moments of relaxation. If you have problems with sleeping, you can apply a coMra Universal treatment 5 or 7 before going to bed as this will help your nervous system to calm down.

Additives in the food and toxins

When we talk about stimulants that affect the nervous system, we need to mention all the chemicals that are added to the food we eat every day. Even if you do not eat processed food, you can intake a lot of harmful chemicals with the fruits and vegetables too. Be careful with the source of the food you consume and try to avoid heavy metals in any case. The toxic environment could become a cause of anxiety as many household cleaning products contain very aggressive chemicals. So, try to clean your environment and your food while checking if there is any improvement. In the coMra user guide, find the best treatment to support the work of your major organs like the liver, kidneys and the spleen as they are the ones detoxifying your body constantly.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

While acne is mostly common for people in their teen years, the number of cases of acne out of that age range increases each year. The symptoms are irritated and inflamed skin on the face or other parts of the body like the back or arms, red bumps, clogged pores, pimples and painful lumps under the skin. The skin care products which claim to help with the acne discourage many people as the external treatments have only temporary effect.

What could cause it?

If you want to know the causes for the acne, you need to look deeper than the oily skin tending to end up with clogged pores. The reason why it usually appears in the puberty, is the hormonal changes in the body. However, if the hormones are not in balance and there are issues with the metabolism and digestion of certain foods, the acne could appear at any age. The roots of this condition could be found in food intolerances of any kind, in way the fat metabolism happens and most of all in hormonal imbalances which may cause the previous two.

Internal Healing

Before you reach out for the cosmetics and count on them to be a sufficient acne skin treatment, you need to heal from the inside. A very suitable way to treat acne skin problems would be coMra therapy, a gentle and non-invasive way to address many medical conditions. The cold laser with the help of magnets and lights, induces the natural healing abilities in the cells. It is a very effective way of providing the needed energy and supporting their recovery. It is a very easy to apply therapy that you can do at home and to address not only the skin problems externally, but to heal your inner organs which cause the skin issues in the first place.

Treatments course

In coMra therapy, you can combine treatments as there are not any negative side effects from it, it is gentle and medication free. So, first you need to restore the hormonal balance in your body and the Universal Treatment 5 from the coMra user guide will support all of your major organs while they return back to their normal functioning. In order to clean your blood from the toxins and to help the circulation, you can apply the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. To support your liver with the fat metabolism and the detoxification of the waste materials from your body, apply Gastroenterology 1. On the top of all that, you can treat your skin directly with 1000Hz daily in order to help its recovery from the severe inflammations.

Supplements and remedies

Neem oil could be taken internally in the form of capsules together with zinc as they both will provide some more support for your skin to recover. For the external acne skin treatment, you can include tea tree oil in your routine as it really increases the speed with which your skin will clear out from all the pimples and scars. While hygiene is vital for the irritated skin, try to avoid very harsh products which will overdry your skin, alcohol is also very aggressive and should be used only when needed.

Diet  changes

Although it may look not relevant to you, the diet is in the roots of some types of acne. Even if you don’t have any other problems, food intolerances could cause acne that is very persistent. The main cause for such skin reactions are the dairy products, so avoid them for at least for a month and observe the difference. Sugar is another trigger of skin problems, so while doing your acne skin treatment course, try to avoid it and also reduce the amount of animal proteins in your diet. In order to assist your body into cleansing from all the waste products formed after the metabolic processes, try some days of juice detox, water fasting or raw food diet. In any case, you need a sufficient amount of water daily to flush out the toxins and lots of fruits and vegetables as they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Laser treatment for neuropathy is very beneficial as it heals the cause of the condition. Neuropathy is the damage of the nerves which can occur as a result of a disease, injuries, due to a virus or toxins. If you have symptoms like cramping, burning pain in the arms or the legs, poor sleep due to the pain, difficulties while walking, tickling feeling or sharp electric pain, loss of balance and numbness in some part of your body, then your nerves might be affected.

The nerve tissue is very hard to heal and the recovery process of regeneration takes a lot of time. In that case, many people turn to painkillers which do not solve the problem but merely cover the symptoms, so they are not a solution. On the other hand, laser treatment for neuropathy with coMra can provide a better solution without the negative side effects.

Deep tissue laser therapy significantly reduced pain and improved the quality of life of older patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Benefits of laser treatment for neuropathy

Low level laser therapy is very effective for people with chronic pain which comes together with inflammation, nerve damage, diabetes or other forms of neuropathy. Most of the people experience decreased levels of pain after the laser treatment protocol. In addition, it will improve the quality of life in terms of walking, sitting and all kinds of daily activities. Therefore, significantly reduced pain also affects the emotional state of the person in a positive way.

It is very common, pain often isolates people from social interactions and activities which leads to depression and anxiety. The treatments with low level lasers like coMra are pleasant without a feeling of heat, tickling or any other specific sensation while applying. In most cases, due to laser therapy, you can cut down the amount of medications taken.

Addition of either magnetic or laser therapy to medications could bring extra positive benefits to patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy . Both magnetic and laser therapy can be applied with medications for the treatment of patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.

Why choose coMra therapy over standard laser therapy

coMra treatment protocols

In the coMra user guide, you will see all the details of the treatment protocols. In other words, the points where to place the device with time and frequency. Start to get familiar with coMra Therapy step by step. You can use it as pain relief but it also assists the healing of tissues on a deeper level. With daily treatments, the nerves and muscle tissues will be recovered without any negative side effects.

One of the many conditions which you can treat and successfully heal with coMra is neuropathy. If it is a result of an injury or a disease, you can combine several coMra treatment protocols for even better results. For example, if it is diabetic neuropathy, apply also the protocol that is for diabetes as you need to address the very root of the problem.

What can be treated?

CoMra therapy can be applied to support the body that is experiencing any abnormal condition, disease, injury, physical or emotional stress, as well as for disease prevention and improvement of quality of life.

CoMra therapy has an unprecedented, to our knowledge, benefit to risk ratio. It is fast acting and effective, so that it can be used in emergency medicine, for preparation for and after surgery or any other major medical intervention.

Equally, coMra therapy can complement and support any holistic medical practice. At the same time, it is completely safe, easy to use and portable, so that practically anyone, including children under supervision of adults, can use coMra therapy at home. And after our 10 year experience of coMra therapy in practice we are convinced that this life-supportive technology opens a world of opportunities in medicine and that it has a profound potential to transform the quality of our lives.

coMra therapy H E A L I N G W I T H C O H E R E N C E by Dr Arzhan Surazakov PHD

Pain and emotional state

It is an emotional downwards spiral for many people with chronic pain and especially severe cases like neuropathy and nerve inflammation. Usually, as a result of the constant pain people are not able to maintain their social contacts. As it was already mentioned, this often leads to depression and anxiety. The whole nervous system is alarmed which affects both the emotional and mental state.

In coMra Therapy, there are several treatment protocols which you can include in your healing program. Firstly, apply the Universal Treatments 7 as it focuses on the nervous system and on supporting the work of the cardiovascular system (Universal treatment 3- Blood is included in it). Another option is, to treat your belly with 5Hz with slow movements of the device on different points over the small intestines and the colon. It will benefit in improved gut health and increased production of serotonin.

Healing as a holistic approach

We recommend approaching your health in a holistic way. So, you need to treat your body as a system which is fully able to maintain its own balance. The problem is, there are too many things to be taken care of. However, the good news is that your body has its own intelligence and you do not need to manage each and every process in it. What you can do, is to support it in the best possible way - without aggressive methods and substances.

Start by applying the laser treatment according to the coMra protocol. Observe yourself, how do you feel, is there any change? In addition, you can include massage, diet changes and exercising in your routine as a way to improve your physical condition even more. All of that will improve the quality of your life which is very important for overall well-being.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


Chronic Nerve Pain 3 cases; Postherpetic Neuralgia Sciatica, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Median Neuralgia:

Dr Zlatev, MD shares three cases of severe chronic nerve pain. As of 2019, Dr Zlatev is no longer alive. He made a great contribution to coMra practice when he was alive.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles/ Postherpetic Neuralgia) of the sciatic nerve at the hip, Trigeminal Neuralgia and surgically damaged median nerve (2 carpal tunnel surgeries). All treated successfully with coMra protocols: Traumatology 9 (modified), Traumatology 19 (modified), Neurology 2 (modified), Neurology 4, Traumatology 7 (modified).

coMra therapy for cranial nerve damage:

In the following video, you will see the story of a female who had a brain tumour surgery. The surgeons damaged the 6th cranial nerve accidentally, resulting in her right eye being completely turned in. Some swelling and damage to the optic nerve were also noted. What happened next?

Six months post surgery, doctors from the hospital sent her away as there was nothing more they could do. In other words, the case was considered hopeless. Soon after that, she got familiar with coMra therapy. Then she was treated with coMra Neurology 3 (modified) protocol by Dr. Larry Wallace, OD, Phd. Watch the video to find out how this changed her experience and what results were achieved.

Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:

This report describes the results of using the Delta Laser when treating Multiple Sclerosis. The case study participant, a 50 year old female, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per year which led to permanent neurological damage.

Starting in September 2010, daily coMra-Therapy treatments resulted in a very significant reduction in the numerous different types of pain. Also, an improvement across a wider variety of symptoms, including greater vitality, increased coordination and balance together with better mobility and physical function.

The symptoms of the depression are the feeling of grief, lost of interest in activities that you used to like before, slow thinking, talking and movement, hurtful thoughts, no motivation, sadness and often it comes with anxiety. According to many people, depression is a result of a great emotional pain or loss and suppressed anger. Usually, this could cause it but in other cases, the reasons could hide also in the physical - depletion of minerals, viruses, diseases and toxins.


The most obvious trigger is the emotional pain which has occurred after a traumatic experience. However, different people may react in various ways to one and the same situation, so the emotional pain is mostly in the perception of the current conditions. The different reactions are as a consequence of the personal background, character, personality and even the brain chemistry. But most important is how you will experience and react to the loss in your personal or work life. The appropriate depression treatment depends very much on the causes of the condition, so the first step is to observe and find its roots in your perception. Search for feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness and despair following certain situations in your life.

Physical reactions

The emotional pain or grief trigger a hormonal cocktail which is very harmful for the heart, the brain, the adrenal glands, the stomach and other organs. Your body will experience all the emotions and pain in different parts of it may occur out of the blue. As depression is linked to eating and sleeping disorders, it is no surprise that your physical body will soon start carrying the burden of your emotions. On the top of that, if your diet is poor of nutrients or you are exposed to toxic environment, the roots of various diseases are already there. Some viruses and bacteria which affect the microbiology of the body or which attack a certain organ, can also become triggers of depression. Very often depression treatment includes medications which are very aggressive and even if they soothe the symptoms of your current condition, may cause depression in long terms are they destroy some organs like the liver, the kidneys etc.

Treatment course

The depression treatment should be done step by step with persistence and with great awareness. Your organs and systems will need healing as they were greatly affected by your emotional state. A very good and non-invasive option is coMra therapy. Unlike the chemical medications, coMra therapy will not harm your organs in any way but will only induce the healing process in your cells in a natural way. The laser with the magnets and the lights, will provide the needed energy for your body to heal and recover. The coMra therapy is highly effective beneficial for many kinds of conditions and depression is one of them. All the treatments are well described in the coMra user guide and the courses are very easy to follow. You can apply coMra therapy on your own at home.


On the other hand, parallel to coMra therapy you will slowly need to unwind your emotional state and to find things in life that bring you joy. Then you can change your diet and lifestyle making sure that you eat enough nutrients and do regular exercising. Some supplements like magnesium, chrome, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids have also positive impact in cases of depression. However, the main work is to heal your emotions and your perception and to support your body in restoring the balance.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The main fuel in the body is glucose - a type of sugar which is used by all your cells for the energy they need in order to function, heal, grow and reproduce. Glucose is the main source for the physical body to maintain its healthy state. The central nervous system and all the other organs use the glucose. It is also needed for the muscles to be built but also if some cells have to be healed and replaced by new ones.

When the body digests the food, it turns it into glucose in order to be used as an energy source by the cells. But the cells do not have direct access to the glucose in the blood. At this point, the pancreas, which is a major gland, is activated. As soon as high levels of glucose are detected, the pancreas produces insulin. The insulin attaches to the cells giving them the signal to open up and receive the glucose. So, the insulin has two main functions in the body, it allows the cells to use the glucose and to maintain stable levels of blood sugar.

If you, for example, have eaten a very rich in fats and sugar meal, the levels of glucose in your blood would get really high in a short period of time. In that case, the insulin will give a signal to the liver to store the excess sugar. Later on, the stored glucose will be released, when you are hungry or if you exercise, your body will use it. But if the pancreas is not able to produce all the needed insulin, the things could get messy. If at some point, your cells “refuse” to open up and use the glucose, then you have insulin resistance. From that point, it is not far diabetes type 2 to be developed as the normal functioning of the body has been destroyed and the processes could not go smoothly.


When the levels of the glucose are high all the time and the body is trying to get rid of it but this fails, then you have the diabetes type 2 condition. The diabetes prevention is vital for everyone who has insulin resistance or prediabetic condition as so far millions of people are at risk. The main problem in that case is stress because the production of adrenaline and insulin at the same time makes your cells to close up. If you tend to experience a lot of negative emotions in your life and to cover them up with eating sweet and fatty foods, you are in trouble. At one point, your pancreas will become so weak that it will not produce enough insulin in order to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

The solution

Less stress and not to combine fatty foods with sugar and to eat mostly foods with low glycemic index. Your body cannot digest properly the sugar in your food if you eat a lot of fat. Another option is to cut off all the sugar from your diet for several months, until all the inflammations are healed. You also need to cure your major organs like the pancreas, the stomach and the liver as they all suffer from conditions like insulin resistance, prediabetic state, hypoglycemia and spikes of the blood sugar.

Diet changes

You can use coMra therapy as a method to heal your body and your organs in a very gentle but highly efficient way. The harmonious work of the laser, magnets and lights induces the natural healing in your cells. In the coMra user guide you will find the diabetes treatments course in the Endocrinology section but we recommend to apply also the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood in order to support the work of the cardiovascular system. The usage of the device is easy and very gentle, you will soon start feeling the improvement. It will be better if you make the needed changes in your lifestyle and watch over your emotional state. Although it is non-invasive, coMra therapy has shown excellent results in cases like diabetes, insulin resistance and many more.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Most of the diseases that we know are caused mainly by the high levels of stress which the body is experiencing too often. Stress is the reaction of the body as if we are in danger and it produces hormones that will help us to gather all our power and run. The problem is that there is no such thing and we have to live through some imaginary dangerous situation day after day. If the body is aware that there is nothing scary around us, then we could calm down easily and reduce the level of stress. With yoga, we unite the mind and the body in order to recover the harmony between them.

Slow down

When we try to multitask, think about many things at once, when we are in a hurry and try to get somewhere on time, then we may think that we are more productive but our body experiences all of this as a reason to produce more of “stress hormone” - cortisol. The high levels of cortisol in the body for a long period of time, are harming the main organs and cause diseases. In yoga, we do everything very slowly and this gives the body enough time to adjust to the changes without producing so much “bad” hormones. The slow movements are beneficial for the body helping it to detoxify and to be in good shape.

Breath and observe

When practicing different breathing techniques, we become more aware of what is going on with the body in this particular moment. The mere observation of the breathing process is something that brings us back to the present moment and helps us to deal with the overthinking. As this is the root cause of all anxiety and depression, it is very important to teach ourselves to just think less thoughts at one and the same time.


When observing the breath long enough, we gently enter this specific state of mind called meditation or a mind without thoughts. Maybe it is hard at the beginning to even understand how it is possible to stop all of this chatting that is happening constantly in our heads, but it is getting easier with the practice. It is proved that after several minutes of meditation, the levels of cortisol are lower and we are actually even more concentrated and productive afterwards. The stress from the work is a big trouble when the thinking about the professional problems starts to interfere with our personal life. Meditation will help us to just relax and see the things from a different perspective.

Health issues and coMra therapy

Doing yoga on a regular basis will help you control your health issues and will ease some of the symptoms. However, some of the conditions could not be healed only with yoga practice but it is a good complimentary activity to coMra therapy. As this therapy is very gentle and non-invasive, it awakens the inner healing abilities inside you to give a full support into healing and recovery. In the coMra user guide you could find all the treatments and could apply them even as a prevention.

Healthy lifestyle

Actually, the cause for the stress at work is not only the problems that we need to deal with, but could be also how we take care of ourselves in general. Yoga is an ancient tradition that includes all areas of life. When practicing yoga, it is recommended to eat clean and healthy food, to go to a massage therapy regularly and to be active every day. When you eat whole foods, a lot of fruits and vegetables and other good food, you assist the body in its recovery and well-being. Applying coMra therapy, massage therapy and other alternative ways of healing would only make your yoga practice even more beneficial.

Maybe stress is not so much about what happened but more about how do you react to the issue, how do you handle and solve the problem. If you build a strong base inside yourself and create a confidence that will be always with you, you will live a more peaceful life. Yoga is all about connection, so when you connect the body with the mind and the soul, you could experience more joy and happiness in your life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The massage therapy is an important part of the routine of everyone who is regularly practicing bodybuilding or fitness. It has many benefits for the muscles and for the general condition of the body. The deep tissue massage reduces the recovery time and the muscle tightness as at the same time it increases the range motion and the flexibility. It is highly recommended before competitions as it helps the definition of each particular muscle group.

Muscles healing

The deep tissue massage increases the blood circulation and helps the fluids to run through the blood vessels more effectively, providing all that is needed for the muscle to recover after a hard training or injury. As the recovery time is reduced, you could train more and have a proper muscle growing without the side effect that may cause pain and the need to rest. This massage has healing effect on the whole body helping the detoxification and the micro-circulation within the muscle tissue. If you combine it with the coMra Universal treatment 3 – Blood, your whole body blood circulation will be improved and will make the massage even more beneficial.

Better flexibility

The range motion is highly increased when the deep tissue massage is done often as the flexibility could be something quite tricky for any bodybuilder. The therapist will help you with the stretching in a way that your own weight is not used. You just relax and breathe during the massage and you get properly stretched. It reduces the tightness of the muscles that could be painful and could prevent the grow which is the ultimate goal when practicing bodybuilding.

Defined muscles

If you want to have a well-defined bodybuilder physique, the circulation of the blood is very important and the tight muscles are simply not able to store enough blood. Using the pumping technique which moves the lymph around, the muscles are toned due to the improved fluid circulation in your body. The tension is easily released and the result is a beautiful and a well-built body with good mobility.

Injury recovery

Sometimes due to overtraining, a poor diet or just wrong exercises, sport injuries occur and it takes precious time to just wait for the body to recover and get well again. The deep tissue massage will reduce this time for you. A professional therapist will examine your muscles and could identify tight and scar muscles which will prevent the future injury. That is a major reason for most of the professional bodybuilders to have this type of massage done regularly in order to prevent and heal sport traumas.


When regularly done, the deep tissue massage will have a good psychological effect and is recommended before each event or competition. When the bodybuilder is in good condition and mood, it shows and a strong and motivated mind is as much important as the physical characteristics. The massage will increase your confidence and will heal the stress that might be kept in your body and mind during the training process. This will improve your performance and help you reach and show your full potential.

Inner cleanse

The deep tissues massage will help you to get rid of the waste products from the muscles such as the lactic acid, will increase the elasticity of the muscles and will define them. With special movements, the toxins accumulated during the training process will be taken out of the tissues and the body and thus helping you feel more energy and power.

The hard training and injuries could stand in your way to develop the shape that you want and this type of massage will reduce a great deal of this negative side effect from your dedicated work in the gym. If you want to have a proportional and symmetrical physique with well-defined muscles, the proper care is needed especially if you plan to take it on a professional level and do competitions. The professional bodybuilders often share that the deep tissue massage is an important part of their training program especially before an event and when they need quick results with minimum risk of injury.

The deep tissue massage is a great way to obtain the flexibility that is needed for the muscles to work properly and to look well. Applied together with regular coMra treatments, will result in faster body conditioning and better health. As both methods are healing your body on a deeper level, it will allow you to continue with the training for a longer period of time and to keep the good shape for years.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Because more and more people every day find out that their bodies don’t work properly due to high sugar consumption, the food industry uses various alternatives in order to make the food tasting sweet. The high amounts of sugar in the diet are linked to diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, heart disease, obesity etc. If the packed food contains sugar, in some cases it would be better than the artificial chemicals used to deceive your taste receptors and to make your body believe that there this food is sweet because it contains good carbohydrates.

High-fructose corn syrup

The glucose-fructose, isoglucose and glucose-fructose syrup are the other names of the popular these days high-fructose corn syrup made from modified corn starch. This type of sweetener has a very sweet and distinctive taste and is widely used in common foods, however it is the most damaging your cells one. It contains glucose and fructose, but fructose is in such high concentration that it causes seven times more problems to your digestive system that the ordinary table sugar. On the top of the that, the sweet corn that is used for the production of high-fructose syrup is modified which means that your body cannot even recognize it as a natural plant. If you have high blood sugar levels, you should avoid foods containing it.

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners

Some chewing gums and lots of soft drinks contain aspartame which is proved to cause brain and blood vessels damage, especially if consumed by children. The other artificial sweeteners like saccharin, cyclamate, Acesulfame K etc. are as harmful as aspartame and should not be used by humans or animals. They had been advertised in the past as safe for people suffering from diabetes because of their low glycemic index and because they have extremely sweet taste but the results of their consumption could be cancer, brain damage and all kinds of diseases.


Although maltodextrin is moderately sweet, it is added to a lot of packed foods, including meat and fish. It has a very high glycemic index of 110 which is even more that the pure glucose and is very harmful for the inner organs as it acts as a glue. A lot of foods, even in the healthy stores, could contain this poisonous ingredient. For example, the stevia liquid which is supposed to be very healthy because stevia is the number one natural sweetener with zero glycemic index, could have maltodextrin in it in order to make the solution thicker. Do not be deceived because it is written stevia, but read the labels on the back and choose wisely.

Sugar alcohols

The information about sugar alcohols is very contradictory because there are so many kinds of sugar alcohols on the market. The most popular one is maltitol and it has a quite high glycemic index of 35 which could be very dangerous for people suffering from diabetes or insulin resistance. Others like xylitol, erythritol, mannitol etc. have very low glycemic index and are preferred for consumption by people who have high blood sugar problems or are on a keto diet. Generally, the increased amount of sugar alcohols could cause stomach issues and could act as laxative, the results on the health are not so drastic but the body cannot recognize them as sugar so it is still not so clear how they are digested, so use them very rarely.

Refined and modified Sugar

The refined sugar is white or brown and could be found in all kinds of sweet desserts, its glycemic index is 65 and is called a “fast carbohydrate” as the body digests it very quickly. This means that the blood sugar levels would jump up immediately after the consumption of it and in long term could lead to a lot of health issues including weight gain.The most dangerous thing about it, is the amount of it as a lot of soft drinks and packed desserts could contain much more sugar than you imagine. The easiest way to avoid the bad effects, is to substitute it with raw cane sugar or to choose another healthy sugar substitute like coconut sugar, stevia etc. Modified sugars like caramel syrup, inverted sugar etc. are with lower glycemic index but more difficult to be digested.

Agave syrup

Very recently, some researches showed that agave syrup contains a lot of fructose and is not properly digested by the body as it might even causes some health issues with the liver. Although, you will find it in most of the organic shops as a healthy alternative of sugar, the consumption of agave syrup is not recommended as it is considered as one of the most damaging kinds of sweeteners on the market.

Limited sugar consumption is important for the overall health but you need to choose wisely what do you put in your body as not everything that is sweet is good. Actually, very few things that have the sweet taste are good for your body except for fruits. Fruits are healthy and tasty, they will support your health rather than destroying it. Another gentle way to heal your organs and to awaken your inner healing abilities is coMra therapy, all the different treatments are created to help you heal yourself and stay healthy and full of energy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

What you choose to eat or drink in the morning is quite significant for your metabolism and health, so you need to be careful about the breakfast and the whole morning routine after you wake up. Warming up the body with some moderate exercises, some meditation or reading for several minutes, will tune you into the balanced and harmonious vibration, while jumping on the phone or the computer could create stress and anxiety later on as the day goes by. Depending on your morning routine, you would have breakfast early or within an hour or two, but let us discuss how your choice of foods or liquids in the morning, could possibly affect your healthy energy levels.How to start the day in order to feel good and to help the body getting rid of the waste materials and toxins from the cells?


While the body is a bit dehydrated in the morning, one of the best things just after you get up is a glass of warm water as it will speed up the cleansing of the waste products from the previous day out of the intestines.This simple act of hydration after sleep will prevent from constipation, skin problems, heart diseases and digestion issues. It is better if the water is freshly coming from the spring or pure structured water in order to be well absorbed by the cells. Water has quite different effect on your body than coffee or tea as they are both diuretics,they increase the heart rate and blood pressure. If you still like drinking coffee in the morning, it is recommended to drink at least a big glass of pure water with it in order to restore the balance.

Alkaline liquids

The best alkaline liquids are water with fresh lemon juice, water with propolis, with baking soda, with apple cider vinegar and also the green tea. They will help you if you feel bloated in the morning as they will regulate your acid/alkaline balance in the body. Another way to help your body with its alkaline balance is coMra therapy because when there is no inflammatory processes in the body, the inner balance is easily maintained. Your can choose the most appropriate treatment for yourself from the coMra user guide. Using the coMra Palm is very easy and just for 10 min per day you can boost your energy or get relief from pain. It is a portable personal health device combining laser, magnets used to heal your cells and to help the work of the internal organs.

Juices and fruits

As you need vitamins and minerals, after the morning cleansing with warm water and alkaline liquids, you can eat whole fruits or drink some fresh, natural juices from fruits, roots and green leaves in order to support the organism. If you want to intake more fiber to support your digestive system, it is recommended to eat the whole fruits. The best is to search for organic, naturally grown fruits. Although the carbohydrates and the vitamins will boost your metabolism and will feed the brain, some people should choose not so sweet fruits in order to keep their blood sugar levels moderate. Watermelons, red apples, bananas, pineapples etc. contain a lot of sugar, while strawberries, raspberries, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis are not so sweet and are better for people with sugar linked diseases.

Cereals, smoothie and protein

If you are still hungry or you have a long day ahead, you can eat some whole foods in the form of cereals or whole grains bread with dried fruits and seeds or different combinations of smoothies made from fruits, nuts and superfoods. You can add some powder proteins, eggs and yogurt if you feel the need for more energy, as the proteins will feed the muscles and will postpone your next meal while they need more time to be digested. This type of breakfast is suitable for people who like working out in the morning or like to have late lunch during the day. Adding some good fat to your breakfast like avocado, coconut, nuts etc. will not let you get hungry after two hours and will give you even more energy for a wonderful day.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.