Kidneys are often neglected when doing a detox or a cleanse but they have a major role in the filtering all of the body fluids. Kidneys may suffer from coldness, too much emotions like fear, dehydration, a diet rich in proteins, exposure to toxins and from all the chemicals and additives in the food. Supporting their work while they are still healthy and functioning well is a good way to ensure that they will do so in the future. A kidney cleanse and a detox will do good for your skin, if you suffer with fluids retention, if you have any type of infection or kidney stones.

Water and liquids

The most important thing for the normal functioning of the kidneys are the fluids that you drink. The formation of kidney stones depends on the quality and quantity of the water you consume, so you need to choose pure and fresh water as often as possible. All the soft drinks, juices and other types of bottled drinks which contain a lot of sugar do not have the same effect as the water on the kidneys. Instead of providing the needed liquid they could even cause dehydration. For the kidney cleanse and detox, the best is to consume only pure water, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. If the blood sugar levels are too high, the body will try to eliminate the excessive glucose with higher amount of urine which caused excessive thirst. Less sugar, more water is beneficial for the kidneys.

Support the Cleanse

While doing a kidney cleanse you can support the kidneys and even heal many conditions with coMra therapy. It is a non-invasive and gentle method to boost the work of any organ or system in the body, to induce the healing abilities of the cells naturally, to support elimination of toxins or to use it as a prevention. In the Nephrology Section of the coMra user guide, you will find kidneys linked diseases that could be treated with coMra therapy. However, the Universal Treatments could also be beneficial for you, so you can combine all of them to create your own healing course. With coMra therapy, your body will have the energy to restore its balance, to regenerate damaged tissues and to heal major organs like the kidneys, the liver etc.

Herbs and Foods

Parsley, nettle and spinach are great for the health of the kidneys as they contain a good amount of vitamin C, vitamins B and antioxidants. You can add them to your meal or salads but also you can drink nettle and parsley tea two-three times per day. Prepared this way, they will act as diuretics helping the kidneys with eliminating the excessive liquids in the body and from the tissues. Cranberries and celery juice are very high in antioxidants and support the healing of infections of the urinary tract. Blueberries and black cherries are recommended too as they contains this special antioxidant resveratrol which is great for eliminating uric acid. You can add it even as a supplement in case of kidney disease and would be great to combine it with daily coMra treatments. Try to eat less protein as the excessive amount of these type of foods put too much pressure on the kidneys. Spirulina, chlorella, beet juice and lemon juice water could be included in the kidneys cleanse as they will help the elimination of heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Hypothalamus is that part of the brain which controls the glands and the production of the hormones in the body. It regulates the temperature, the thyroid and adrenal glands. The normal functioning of hypothalamus is essential for the body weight, the reproductive organs and the whole endocrine system. Hypothalamus also controls the fluid and electrolyte balance, the digestion and the blood pressure. It releases dopamine and regulating hormones which stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, gonadotropin, the growth hormone etc. The physical functions like hunger, thirst, mood, sex drive, sleep, hunger are controlled by this part of the brain.

What Can Have Negative Effect on the Hypothalamus?

What can cause issues with the normal functioning of the hypothalamus? Injuries, malnutrition, radiation, inflammation or infections are among the the factors that can lead to problems in that area of the brain and as a chain reaction to disturb the inner balance of the whole organism. If you have obesity or adrenal dysfunction, then your hypothalamus might need some support.

What Causes Hypothalamic Amenorrhea?

How problems with hypothalamus will affect the overall health? Since this area of the brain regulates the production of different hormones, any problem there will result in endocrine imbalances. Reproductive issues like infertility or irregular periods can be one of the problems. The absent monthly period - amenorrhea may occur due to various reasons, however there is a type of this condition called hypothalamic amenorrhea. If often develops as a result of high stress and poor diet which disturbs the signals to the brain related to the menstrual cycle.

Which Other Conditions are Linked to Hypothalamus Health Issues?

Conditions like Hashimoto disease, growth hormones deficiency, strong headaches, brain tumors and secondary male hypogonadism often occur as a result of hypothalamus disorder. The best way to support its functioning is to change your lifestyle, eat rich in nutrients diet and apply coMra therapy to induce the healing process.

Can Cold Laser Therapy Help Boosting the Hypothalamus?

Have you heard of cold lasers or low level lasers used for various conditions and diseases with great success? Now, the good news is that you can experience the benefits of a laser in the comfort of your home. Namely, you can do this with coMra therapy which is a very gentle and non-invasive method. The low level lasers used in these portable devices are highly beneficial for the cells while they induce the healing and recovery process in different organs and systems. The laser, the magnets and the colorful light diodes work in harmony in order to provide the needed energy for the cells to start their own regeneration.

Which Treatment Protocols to Use to Boost the Hypothalamus?

The Universal Treatment 1 - Head from the coMra user guide was specially created to support the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system. As everything in the brain and in the body is interconnected, applying any other treatment will positively affect the overall health. You can combine the treatment of the head with Universal Treatment 2 - Heart or the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. The coMra therapy has no negative side effects, so you can plan your own personal treatment course including the specific conditions that you suffer from.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes To Support the Hypothalamus

For the health of the hypothalamus make sure that your eat more chromium containing foods like broccoli, garlic, oranges, green beans, basil, potatoes and bananas as this mineral is vital for the brain. Try to consume more healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, grass-fed butter and wild caught salmon as fats are essential for the hormones production and the normal functioning of the brain. They support the maintaining of healthy levels of cholesterol which plays a major role in the hormones synthesis.

The Importance of Managing Stress in Your Life

Managing the stress levels are vital for the health of the adrenal glands and hormonal balance in the body. Getting enough and quality sleep is crucial for your health as lack of sleep could cause excessive cortisol production and may lead to adrenal fatigue. Using essential oils can help you deal with both stress and inflammation, so you can try frankincense or ylang ylang oils which had very calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Exercise regularly to support the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Your body needs movement in order to function normally and the combination of time in nature with exercises would calm you down, tone your muscles and improve your emotional state.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Millions of people suffer from diabetes which is a very serious condition but it could be reversed and cured if you embrace a holistic approach to it and make some changes in your life. There are two types of diabetes and both lead to high blood sugar levels which is dangerous for the normal functioning of the body. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease that occurs at young age and as a result of it, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. This disease is hard to be reversed but you can control the symptoms and get some relief. Type 2 is a condition following insulin resistance and it usually happens later on in life. In that case, the insulin is produced and released but the cells do not respond properly to it which is a condition called insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes

As Type 2 diabetes is a result of the lifestyle, diet, mindset and stress, it could be successfully healed. The best approach is a prevention or to start when you are prediabetic. High levels of stress, poor diet and excess weight are among the causes for diabetes, so you need to focus on that for a start. If untreated insulin resistance is could quite challenging for the body to handle and is often linked to high blood pressure, liver inflammation, increased abdominal fat, constipation, neurological damage and many others. You can exclude gluten and casein from your diet to reduce inflammation, you can avoid sugar and take some supplements too. However, there is a another very powerful way to help your body healing diabetes and insulin resistance.

coMra Therapy

You can support the inner healing abilities of your cells in a very gentle and natural way with coMra therapy. This method will provide the needed energy for each cell, organ and system in your body for their regeneration and rejuvenation. The lasers are well-known these days with their potential to heal various diseases and conditions. So, with coMra Palm you have a small cold laser, magnets and colorful light diodes on your side fighting the disease. The device is small, portable and very easy to use. All the details you need to know before applying coMra therapy are in the coMra user guide. However, while there are no side effects from the therapy, you can easily create your own treatment course or just treat the places where you feel pain. It will reduce the stress response in the body and is used to treat depression and anxiety, which could be very beneficial if you have diabetes.

Complimentary supplements and diet

The coMra therapy is a non-invasive method to heal and restore health in your body. It has shown great results with insulin resistance, diabetes, heart diseases, nerve damage and many more. The best way would be to apply coMra therapy together with diet changes, supplements therapy and moderate activity as everything is connected. Exercising is very important for the cardiovascular system which could be supported with coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood as well. The recommended supplements for diabetes are chromium, alfa-lipoic acid, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and clean proteins or collagen. You need to avoid sugar, grains, dairy products, alcohol, hydrogenated fats and genetically modified foods are all of them trigger inflammation in the body. Spending more time in nature, eating clean food, taking care of your well-being and managing emotional stress together with coMra therapy will have huge and positive impact on your health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Candida is a type of bacteria that naturally exists in the body and helps with the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the intestines. However, if overgrowth of candida occurs, it becomes a serious condition that could affect the major organs and systems. If you have white coated tongue in the morning, brain fog, bloating, joint pain, hormonal imbalance, fatigue, sinus or allergy issues, then maybe candida is the cause of all of them. The overgrowth of candida affects the natural balance of bacteria in the gut and often leads to leaky gut and pain after eating.

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Mood swings and premenstrual syndrome could also be a sign that candida is too much and you need to take care of it. The usual causes for candida overgrowth are antibiotics which kill the good bacteria in your body, consumption of too much sugar, diabetes, weak immune system and digestive issues. On the other hand, candida is linked to diseases like hypothyroidism, urinary tract infections and skin fungal issues. As it tends to be very stubborn you need to embrace a complex and persistent approach in order to deal with it which includes diet changes and coMra treatments.

Candida Symptoms

1.Digestive issues

If you often experience excessive gas, bloating, constipation or other digestive issues, the cause of them could be candida overgrowth. When these bacteria reach the intestinal tract, they start reproducing there depending on the environment there. The health of the gut is a constantly changing balance of the bacteria living there, some are good for you and some are bad. When the balance is disturbed, the healthy bacteria cannot fight the infections which is known as dysbiosis. Treating candida overgrowth can bring relief. 

2.Mood swings and anxiety

While the gut is affecting our mood so much, it is not a surprise that all that byproducts from the candida infection can cause mood swings, anxiety, irritability and even depression. The so-called gut brain is directly affected by the bacteria balance in the gut and how well the digestive system is functioning. While candida is feeding mostly on sugar, you can start observing how you feel after eating something sweet. In the next few hours or even on the next day, you might notice signs of irritability or anxiety and that is often linked to excessive candida growing because of the sweet treat. That is why the diet for candida eliminates all the refined sugar and limits the consumption of carbohydrates.

3.Chronic fatigue and brain fog

If you suffer from chronic fatigue and experience difficulties concentrating, together with poor memory, then it might be a sign that you have candida overgrowth. Usually, the fatigue lasts for more than a month or two, it is often accompanied by headaches and lack of any physical energy or motivation to be active. Brain fog often occurs after consumption of sugar or carbohydrates, it is a common symptom of candida infection too.

4.Urinal and Vaginal Infections

The recurrent infections of the urinary tract and the vagina are in most cases caused by candida. While there is some quantity of the bacteria there, the overgrowth can cause health issues which are difficult to heal and have the tendency to come back when you experience stress. During an active infection, women need to avoid tight underwear and hot baths. Cold laser therapy is a good non-invasive option for chronic and recurrent issues of the urinary tract. 

5.While coating on your tongue and mouth (oral thrush) and bad breath

One of the most common symptoms of candida infection is the white coating on the tongue in the morning caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria. This can cause bad breath and gum problems if left untreated. It is a very helpful practice to clean your tongue in the morning after you wash your teeth in order to prevent the bacteria spreading to your digestive tract, heart, liver, etc.

6.Fungal infections on the skin and nails

Nails fungal infection and skin issues might be caused by candida and this shows that your immune system is very weak. Prolonged infections are a sign that you have a yeast infection which stems from a bacteria similar to candida. You will need a systematic approach and a cold laser treatment program in order to address the issues both from the inside and outside. 

7.Hormonal imbalance

When candida overgrowth is untreated, it might cause hormonal imbalance as the substances from its metabolism are mimicking the hormones, especially in women. It can throw the estrogen out of balance, disturbing the abilities of the body to eliminate the excess estrogens from the body. The estrogen dominance occurring then can cause thyroid and fertility problems. All hormonal imbalances can also be addressed and treated with cold lasers without hormone replacement therapies with even more estrogen.

Support the spleen and the liver

Spleen is often weakened if there is candida overgrowth in the body, so coMra therapy supporting its functioning would be very beneficial. Liver is the other organ which is trying to compensate while dealing with the toxins released from the bacteria. The Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality from the coMra user guide is a healing course which will support the body in case of any physical exhaustion and could be used to treat candida overgrowth too. You can apply several more minutes on the spleen and the liver the first two weeks as daily treatments are essential for the good results.

The Gut Health and Your Diet

The other important part of the healing is the food that triggers the yeast overgrowth. Most of the candida symptoms will show problems in the abdominal area causing digestive issues. First, you need to eliminate processed food and sugar from your diet.Then to reduce the consumption of grains, especially wheat and other gluten containing foods. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your intestines causing the candida overgrowth and grains also are turned into sugar. It is better to eat starchy vegetables like squash or sweet potatoes while dealing with candida. Beans are good for you if you soak them in advance and if your body can digest them properly. You need to eat more leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce etc. as they contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. Avoid cold foods as they affect the spleen and suppress the digestion process, choose more soups and warm vegetable dishes.


Fermented foods like kimchi or sour pickles contain a huge number of natural probiotics which will help the growth of the good bacteria in your body. You can also take probiotics as a supplement and to apply coMra therapy on the abdominal area in order to restore the balance. The ratio between good and bad bacteria in your intestines is crucial for your immune system and candida overgrowth is also liked to re-occurring inflammations or infections. It even affects your emotional state and may lead to depression or anxiety. If you feel the craving to eat more and more sweet, feeling bad after that, then you have to help your good bacteria with probiotics and foods like ginger, garlic or turmeric.

Working with your mindset and emotions

The body itself is the physical part of our being and it is directly connected to the mind. Any health issue is firstly born in the mind and the emotions, then it shows itself on the physical plane as a health issue or a disease. When there is an imbalance of any kind or a condition, it is a sign that there is an inner conflict going on. There are also some thoughts or emotional patterns which are harmful for the body. So, if you want to be healthy, you need to do the inner work too. Candida is linked to thoughts of self-hatred, to inability to accept life as it is, and a lack of trust in the process of life. Try working with this while you are treating yourself with coMra laser therapy and changing your diet and lifestyle.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Although, some medical doctors are still sceptical about this condition being real, there are many practitioners who find the leaky gut syndrome being related to many diseases. The intestinal permeability occurs when you cannot digest certain substances properly and some particle from the food are released in the bloodstream. The reason for this are the “leaky”walls of the intestines which are supposed to protect the blood from the food particles. If this happens, your immune system is alarmed and starts searching for these particles in your body in order to destroy them. This process when repeated many times induces a constant inflammation in your body.

Symptoms linked to leaky gut syndrome

In the beginning, the walls of the intestines are slightly damaged and only certain foods cause pain or inflammation. You may experience some bloating after a meal, irritable bowel movements, diarrhea but they occur from time to time and disappear by themselves. However, if the leaky gut syndrome continues to be a problem for you, with time you might find even more symptoms linked to it. Feeling tired, without any energy or motivation shows that some nutrients are already not properly absorbed by the intestines. The digestive issues increase in number and you might have excessive gas, constipation, colitis etc. The regular migraines and headaches are also a part of the linked to leaky gut conditions.

If you have problems with losing or gaining weight, experience joints or muscle pain, have hormonal or reproductive issues, feeling constantly stressed, having difficulties concentrating, then you might have leaky gut. As it is often accompanied by candida overgrowth, you mind find yourself craving for sweet food or bread. Some autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's, Crone’s, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis etc. are also related to the issues in the gut as the proteins entering the bloodstream trigger the immune system all the time. Your skin could also show that toxic substances are circulating in your body and you could have acne, eczema, dermatitis etc. If you have food intolerances and some kind of an allergy, then the problem could also be the inflammation of your intestinal walls.

Treatment of the leaky gut

In order to heal the leaky gut syndrome, you need to understand how it has occured in the first place. If you have some food intolerances, you will need to avoid the irritable foods as well as sugar. We will discuss the diet changes in another article. The most important thing is to heal the conditions linked to the leaky gut as the balance in the body was disturbed. Restoring your health could be much easier with the help of the coMra therapy. Whatever condition you have and you need to heal, coMra therapy will be beneficial for you. As you can see in the coMra user guide, there are numerous diseases that could be treated effectively. The method is totally safe and non-invasive, gentle and with no side effects.

For the recovery of the gut and reducing the inflammatory processes, you can apply Gastroenterology 9 treatment from the coMra user guide daily until you see some improvement, then continue as much as needed. If you have diabetes, Hashimoto or another condition, find the treatment course there and apply it too. If you want to support your general health, you can apply any of the coMra Universal Treatments. The harmonious work of a laser, magnets and colorful diodes will gently induce the healing process in your cells and will support the regeneration of the tissues. When your organs and systems receive the needed energy for their recovery, the healing will start and the depletions will be filled once again with time. The coMra therapy is a great way to treat your body naturally without medications, as it works with the energy of the body and heals the deep roots of the conditions.

How the food affects the gut health?

The condition called leaky gut syndromes comes with many symptoms like fatigue, bloating, digestive issues and even autoimmune diseases. The problems are caused by the proteins and other particles passing through the intestinal walls. Some foods, stress and enzymes deficiencies could be the cause for the condition together with minerals depletion and malnutrition. On the other hand, if you have leaky gut, it could lead to malnutrition and depletion of any kind, so soon all of that could turn into a vicious circle.

About the symptoms and treatment of leaky gut, you may have started the coMra therapy in order to support the recovery of the intestinal wall and to reduce the inflammation in the body. The method is very gentle but highly effective, inducing the healing and regeneration of the tissues and the organs in the body. While you are applying coMra therapy, you need to avoid triggers like certain foods, stressful reactions, toxins from the cleaning products and allergens like pollen or gluten. Your body is a perfect system which will restore its own balance if you only support it and not interfere with it negatively.

What to Avoid

It depends on your food intolerances but there are some foods that happen to trigger leaky gut in many people. Such are sugar, gluten, dairy products and trans fats. You need to reduce or avoid white, brown and any other sugar as it feeds candida and other bacteria in your gut, causes blood sugar spikes and overweight. Although, fruits are very healthy, an excess amount of fruits and especially dry fruits will cause the same effect as eating refined sugar. Gluten is the other major trigger and you may find great relief if you cut the eating of foods like wheat, bread, pasta, rye etc. and replace them with buckwheat, rice and potatoes. Dairy products are often full of antibiotics, hormones and their protein chains are quite long which makes them hard to digest. Trans fats and refined fats are the other group of foods that you need to avoid which include all fried products and processed food.

What to Eat

If you have leaky cut, then your body cannot digest food properly, so you need as much healthy nutrients as possible. You need to eat proteins daily but not too much and the best sources are wild caught fish, eggs and plants like quinoa, chia, buckwheat, broccoli etc. You need to eat enough amount of leafy greens and other vegetables are they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Basically, most of your food should be plant-based and there plenty of recipes out there for soups, dishes and salads with healthy ingredients. Olives and olive oil, avocado, coconut oil are full of good fats which will support the recovery of the tissues. You can eat legumes, nuts and seeds but you have to soak them in water in order to get rid of the natural inhibitors in them which could also irritate your gut. Try to eat whole foods as much as possible and avoid eating cooked food that you don’t know what was used during the process of cooking it. Eating clean and healthy will help your leaky gut to heal and to restore the bacteria balance needed for the absorption of the nutrients.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The hormonal balance is the foundation of your overall health as when we speak about hormones everything is interconnected. Hormones take part in almost every process and the problems with their production can spread and affect more than one organ. The issues linked to hormones are thyroid diseases, estrogen dominance, adrenal fatigue, low testosterone, diabetes etc. Some women tend to experience mood swings and anxiety just before the monthly period which is a result of a changed proportion between estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. Menopause is the period when the levels of many hormones decrease which leads to hot flashes, gaining weight and even irritability or sleep issues.

Test not guess

As it is very hard to guess on your symptoms which gland is out of order and how the quantities of your hormones are changed with time, the best way is to test. If you want to have the complete picture of your hormonal condition, you need to look at the reproductive hormones, the adrenal glands hormones, the thyroid ones, vitamin D3 and to test your liver to understand how the sugar is processed in your body. While some of the results could be contradictory and analyzing them may lead to even more tests, the general blood test probably will show you the main issues.

Stress management

The hormones produced in the adrenal glands like cortisol, adrenaline and many others, are linked to what we all call “stress”. When you experience adrenal fatigue, the whole endocrine system is affected and the production of other hormones would be disturbed. It negatively affects the thyroid gland or might cause insulin resistance among many other conditions like heart disease, nerve damage, digestive issues, infertility etc. So, you really need to reduce stress in your life and to heal the damaged organs and systems in your body. Many people try yoga, meditation, sleeping routine and supplements in order to calm down the adrenal glands or to stimulate them. These are natural ways which are better than medications destroying one organ in order to fix another but they will take time and the suffering organs will need even more time to regenerate on their own. There is another way to heal - coMra therapy.

coMra therapy

You can heal and treat many conditions with coMra therapy without any negative side effects. On the contrary, coMra therapy can only help you in your healing process as it is a very gentle and non-invasive way to restore your health. The laser, magnets and colorful light diodes work in harmony to provide the needed energy to your body supporting its healing, regeneration and rejuvenation. As you may see in the coMra user guide, there are various conditions that could successfully be treated with coMra therapy. For the hormonal imbalances, check the Universal Treatment 5 - somatic biostimulation. Because coMra is a holistic approach to health, you need to treat your body as a whole and not only one organ or system. You can combine treatments and create your own treatment course suitable for your condition. The treatments are easy, pleasant and don’t take too much time.

Healthy fats

In order to restore your hormonal balance, you need to avoid toxins in food and in cosmetics or to do some detox programs for the liver or the digestive system. But in any case, your body needs some good fats as they are needed for the hormones production. Omega 3 fatty acids are getting more and more popular as they reduce inflammation and support the blood vessels. You need to include more wild salmon, chia seeds, flax seeds and walnut in your diet to get more Omega 3. Monounsaturated fats like avocados, almonds and olive oil are also great for your health as they provide Omega 9 fatty acids to your cells. Hemp seed and evening primrose oil are very useful in cases of low progesterone. Coconut oil is a source of medium chain fats which your body can use for energy and to regulate the blood sugar levels. Good fats are essential for the production of various hormones in your glands.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Some medical conditions, injuries or inflammations may lead to nerve pain in various parts of your body. The nerves react to the changes in the chemical balance in your body and you will feel their damage as burning pain, cramping or even tickling. It is very common to feel numbness or sharp electric pain in your legs or arms if your peripheral nervous system is affected. Some autoimmune conditions, diabetes and heart diseases are linked to nerve damage too. A lot of people also experience difficulties with sleeping due to the pain, losing balance or discomfort when walking or moving, swelling of arms and legs. Sometimes reasons for nerve damage could be an exposure to toxins or cold weather and as a side effect from taking some medications.


The first step would be to find out where in your body inflammatory processes are taking place. If you have digestive issues, high blood pressure, high temperature, an autoimmune disease etc., then your body experiences a continuous inflammation. In order to address it properly, you will need to heal the reasons not only covering the symptoms with painkillers and aggressive medications. If you already take such products, you know that the pain comes back the moment when they don’t work anymore and then you need another dose. However, while you cover the pain with medications, the nerves are getting worse and worse, the damage stays and there is no progress towards healing.

coMra therapy

This method is a non-invasive way to heal so many different conditions in your body as it naturally induces the healing potential of your cells. The laser, magnets and colour lights are working in harmony, providing your body with the needed energy to start the healing process and to restore the depletion. So, coMra therapy is one of the nerve pain treatment options for healing without medications . You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief but the important part is that your nerves will start slowly to regenerate, the inflammation will be reduced and you have the option to have them healthy again. On the other hand, you can treat the medical conditions that might be a reason for the nerve pain like insulin resistance, heart diseases, autoimmune conditions etc. Most of the conditions could be found in the coMra user guide but coMra therapy could also be successfully applied in any case of illness or disease.

Home treatments

It is very easy and pleasant to apply coMra therapy as no discomfort is a part of the treatments. The coMra Palm is a small and portable device, which is very simple to operate with. You can have it with you wherever you go and can include treatments in your routine even if you spend long hours in the office. All you need to do is to find the most suitable treatment for your condition in the coMra user guide. You can also combine two or more courses in order to adapt them to your needs. Then just choose the frequency and the time desired, place it on the point on your body and wait. You will not feel the work of the device but in your cells regeneration and healing process will begin. The coMra therapy has no negative side effects for you and can only help your body with restoring its balance and healthy state.


Incorporating gentle massage sessions in your healing course is another nerve pain treatment option that would be quite complementary to coMra therapy. Especially, if you try essential oils like lavender, lemon, cedar etc., which tend to have anti-inflammatory and calming qualities. They will help you calming down while the massage itself will restore the blood circulation around the damaged nerves. You can do the massage sessions even on your own using natural base oils like almond, sesame and coconut mixed with several drops of essential oils. Gentle stretching and exercising could also have a good effect on the peripheral nerves regeneration.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.





Chronic Nerve Pain 3 cases; Postherpetic Neuralgia Sciatic, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Median Neuralgia:

Dr Zlatev, MD, shares three cases of severe chronic nerve pain.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles/ Postherpetic Neuralgia) of the sciatic nerve at the hip, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and surgically damaged median nerve (2 carpal tunnel surgeries). All treated successfully with coMra protocols: Traumatology 9 (modified), Traumatology 19 (modified) Neurology 2 (modified), Neurology 4, Traumatology 7 (modified). More in coMra User Guide.

coMra therapy for cranial nerve damage:

Female had a brain tumour surgery and surgeons damaged the 6th cranial nerve accidentally, resulting in her right eye being completely turned in. Some swelling and damage to the optic nerve also noted. 6 months post surgery hospital sent her away nothing they could do. Case was considered hopeless. Then treated with coMra Neurology 3 (modified) protocol by Dr Larry Wallace, OD, Phd

Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:

This report describes the results of use of the Delta Laser in treating Multiple Sclerosis. The case study participant, a 50 year old female, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per year that led to permanent neurological damage. Starting in September 2010, daily coMra-Therapy treatments resulted in a very significant reduction in a wide variety of different types of pain, and an improvement across a wider variety of symptoms, including greater vitality, increased coordination and balance, mobility and physical function.

The adrenals are these small glands which regulates your periods of being awake or asleep, they also react to dangers coming from the outside engaging the whole body in the process of escaping or fighting. However, these days more and more people experience constant stress which causes adrenal fatigue with symptoms like constant tiredness and lack of energy, fibromyalgia, emotional breakdowns, hypothyroidism and many more. If your adrenals are not producing enough hormones after periods of intense stress or physical exhaustion, you need to execute some changes in your lifestyle to support them. Also when their rhythm no longer follows the natural cycle, they might produce too much cortisol in the evening and not enough in the morning which will cause insomnia and difficulties waking up.

Combining the following easy daily life steps with coMra therapy will boost the work of the adrenals a bit further and will support the whole endocrine system where everything is connected. As a gentle and non-invasive method, the cold laser can be used to support the healing of various conditions and diseases. Laser therapies like coMra are successfully used when dealing with adrenal fatigue and respectively with other stress related conditions like depression, anxiety and digestive issues.

1. Start your day

Drinking a cup or two with warm water just after your wake up is a good way to activate the organs in your body. This will help them with the elimination of the toxins and waste materials left from the previous day. You can add some lemon or lime juice which will support your stomach with the acid production during the day and is a great vitamin C supply starting in the morning. You can create your own morning routine which calms you down and fill you up with energy. Stretching, breathing exercises, yoga, swimming will activate your body and will boost your mood and emotional state.

2. Your breakfast is important

Your adrenals will thank you if you eat your breakfast in an hour after you get up as this will normalize the levels of the cortisol, the hormone that wakes you up. Of course, consider a combination of foods which is balanced and healthy, include some fruits, good fats and even proteins to soothe your cortisol and insulin levels. Keep the sweet in moderate as you don’t want blood sugar spikes early in the morning. You can eat more carbohydrates at lunch time but reduce the intake of sugar during the day anyway.

3. Coffee is not your friend

If you want to calm down your adrenal glands, consider to replace coffee with green tea or herbal infusion which are good for your gut health too. The stimulants like coffee and cocoa will overwhelm your fatigued glands even more while what you want is to calm them down. So, avoid reaching up to coffee, black tea or sugar and try to keep your energy levels in a dynamic balance. Make sure you rest enough during the day and try not to work for too many hours in a row.

4. Adaptogens

In order to support the work of your organs and systems, you can include some adaptogens in your diet. These herbs have been used for hundreds of years by natural healers as they are adapt to your specific needs supporting the balance of the organism. And on the top of that, some of them taste really good. So, consider adding herbs like ashwagandha, macca, licorice, ginseng and rhodiola to your smoothy or tea which could be beneficial for your adrenal glands.

5. Small intervals

When the adrenal glands are tired and do not produce the appropriate quantity of adrenal hormones, your body has difficulties to organize the energy and could literally run out of it. This is the reason why chronic fatigue is the main symptoms of adrenal dysfunction. The best way to help your body with that, is to eat in small intervals like two -three hours. Make sure that you still eat healthy snacks, just reduce the amount and plan to eat regularly. Do not go too many hours without food and avoid overeating, your adrenals will calm down if your meals are balanced and there are no spikes of blood sugar as well as no sudden drops. The best habit which will soothe the adrenal fatigue symptoms, is to eat often small portions of healthy food.

6. Address your food intolerance

If your body reacts negatively to some foods, the adrenals will be triggered to produce cortisol, your body will experience inflammations and emotionally you might be affected too. This could easy turn into a pattern, so you need to understand which are the foods that you should avoid at all cost. The common allergens are gluten, soya, milk products, eggs and corn. You can try elimination diet to find out if you feel better when you exclude some foods from your diet. On the other hand, food intolerance often lead to leaky gut which will trigger pain and more work for your adrenals. The digestive issues often lead to depression, anxiety and inflammations.

7. Enough protein

You will need to eat enough proteins both plant-based and animal as they will regulate your blood sugar levels and will calm down the adrenal glands. Most of your food should be vegetables and fruits because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. If you have adrenal fatigue, it is very probable that you have some minerals and vitamins deficiencies which could turn into a cause for prolonged adrenal dysfunction. The artificial additives in the processed food and in the vegetables with non-organic origin, could stimulate your adrenals to produce more hormones. So try to eat clean and to follow a balanced diet.

8. More good fat

Although, most of the fats like refined oils, trans fats and deeply fried foods are very harmful for your cells, you need to eat fats. The good ones like virgin oils, avocados, flax seeds, nuts etc. are essential for the work of your organs as they contain fat-soluble vitamins and omega acids. Make sure that you add good fats to your diet as they will help keep the blood sugar levels stable for longer periods. Of course, you need to be careful not to eat too much fat as then the work of your liver might be compromised. If you have problems digesting fat, you might need to apply some coMra therapy on your liver, which will support its work and will heal it.

9. Sleep well

You need to follow a regular daily routine with moderate exercising and at least 7-8 hours of sleep. The best time to go to bed is an hour or two before midnight, do not eat at least three hours before that and stay away from the screens at least one hour before going to bed. All of this is essential to your sleep. Everything that helps you coping with stress in a natural way without the assistance of medications, will soothe the adrenal fatigue. The coMra therapy could be very effective before sleep, you just need to find in the coMra user guide the best treatment for your conditions and apply it half an hour before going to bed. Regular sleep hours will support your adrenals to produce less or more cortisol at the same time every day. Avoiding stimulants is vital for this part too as caffeine affects your sleep.

10. Enjoy life

The burn out is the result of the adrenal fatigue, so you don’t want to let the things slip that much downwards. You need to make sure you do not work too hard for too long time without a rest as this will deplete the adrenals which are trying to stimulate your body to produce more and more energy. Take a walk, go to a massage, attend a yoga class and most of all breathe. Slow and profound breathing, especially if your go through periods of more stress than usual. Avoid putting too much pressure on yourself, try to see the things in life from the brighter sight, laugh more, laughter is a great medicine too. Enjoy life and find your own source of joy.

Adrenal fatigue is a serious condition that may affect other organs and especially the hormonal balance in the body. Due to the high levels of cortisol and adrenaline, the production of progesterone, insulin and other hormones could be postponed. However, if this condition lasts, the lack of certain hormones in the body will affect the overall health. The fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands tend to produce either too much or not enough hormones.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The dysfunction of the adrenal glands which are situated at the top of both kidneys, is usually called adrenal fatigue when it is in its first stages of development. The adrenal glands produce several hormones which regulate the energy levels in the body and also the production of other hormones. When your adrenals are tired due to periods of stress, depression or physical exhaustion, they do not produce sufficient amount of adrenal hormones. For example, in the mornings when the levels of the cortisol have to be higher in order your body to wake up, they are low and you wake up without any energy. But there are so many more symptoms and conditions your body experiences when the adrenal glands are not working properly.

Physical symptoms

The first and most common symptom would be chronic fatigue coming together with low energy, muscle weakness, brain fog, fast heart rate and high blood pressure, dizziness, not being able to do anything other than lying on the bed. You may also experience problems with falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night, disorientation, inability to concentrate and even trembling. If your adrenals suffer your PMS would be worse with sweet or salt cravings, bloating and headaches. Some of the adrenal fatigue symptoms are digestion issues like nausea, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea. In some cases, you may even experience flu-like symptoms.

Emotional and cognitive symptoms

Anxiety and panic attacks are results of the abnormal functioning of the adrenal glands which change periods of hyperactivity with ones with a very low hormones production. So, you may find yourself being easily irritable, angry, emotionally unstable, oversensitive and even paranoid. Impatience, low sex drive and overreacting to stress situations could also be signs of adrenal fatigue. Basically, when your adrenal glands are depleted by stress which could be just perceived or emotional stress, you would feel even more stressed, trapped in the “fight or flight” response and not being able to calm down easily.

Linked conditions

Fibromyalgia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, estrogen dominance, hypoglycemia, allergies and other autoimmune disorders are linked to the adrenal fatigue as the high levels of stress hormones would steal the potential of your body to produce other vital hormones. The sex hormones like testosterone and progesterone would be affected as well as the thyroid hormones and insulin. Many people experience also lower back pain or fibromyalgia which comes with pains all over the body. If you find yourself with some of the linked conditions, you need to treat and cure your adrenal glands as part of your healing process.

coMra therapy

All the above symptoms could be addressed with lifestyle changes but you can support the healing with a very successful method called coMra therapy. This is a very easy to apply at home therapy which uses a laser, magnets and changing colourful lights to induce the healing abilities in your body. It provides the needed energy for your organs, systems and cells to restore the overall health. The coMra therapy heals your body as a whole by treating the organs that are out of balance in a very gentle and non-invasive way. You can find the adrenal dysfunction treatment in the coMra user guide under the name Universal Treatment 5 - Somatic Biostimulation routine 2. All the steps on how to apply the coMra therapy are described in details with the frequency you need to choose and the time to treat each point. You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief, for healing and even as a prevention.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Every day new inventions enter our lives and we learn how to use them quite quickly. The good part is that some of them are good for your health. Now, you can enjoy and experience the benefits of a cold laser device that you can operate on your own. The coMra therapy is the method emerging the power of a laser, magnets and changing colorful lights which is highly effective when treating various conditions. The coMra Palm is a small, portable device that have the potential to heal you, provide some pain relief and could be used to treat yourself as a prevention in order to maintain good health.

Basically, coMra therapy is a gentle and non-invasive method which provides the needed energy for your body to heal. It positively affects each cell, organ and system supporting their regeneration and healing. There are no medications included, on the contrary, this is a very natural way to induce the inner healing abilities of the cells. You can apply coMra therapy in any case of inner imbalance, infection or in periods of higher stress. It could be used by everyone including children, pregnant women and old people, you can even treat your beloved pets. Through the years, coMra therapy has shown great results with most of the common conditions these days like anemia, heart diseases, diabetes, digestion issues, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and many, many more. Because there are no negative side effects from this therapy, you could say it is the best cold laser for home treatments.

To use the coMra Palm device is very easy and there is not any pain involved in the procedures as it operates on very low frequencies. You just need to choose the frequency that you need at the moment, then set the time and place it on the skin. After that only wait for several minutes before changing the points. When you want to apply coMra therapy as a pain relief, you can treat the painful area on its own several times per day until you feel some improvement and then continue for several more days. One of the best things about this cold laser device is that you can take it with you wherever you go. The coMra Palm is ideal for your home, office, gym and also for your vacations.

Most of the conditions and diseases that could be treated and healed are in the coMra user guide. However, if you don’t find yours, you can still apply the coMra therapy on the affected organs or to support your body in general. Such a very beneficial course, for example, is the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood which is a part of many other treatments. Even if you feel good, you can apply it as a prevention or just to support your cardiovascular system. We encourage you to experiment with coMra therapy and create your own healing course if you need to combine more than one treatment. If you need to address more than one issue, it is totally fine to make your own scheme and to follow it if it makes you feel better and gives good results. We also recommend that you go through your lifestyle and make some changes that will support the coMra therapy such as a healthy diet, moderate exercising, being in nature more often, conscious breathing etc. After all, coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health that requires to heal not only your physical body but your emotions and way of thinking too.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.