The bacteria living in the gut play a very crucial role in our overall health. All these beneficial bacteria are known to boost the immune system, help the digestive system, and are important for our hormonal balance and the health of the brain. This complex ecosystem of bacteria living in our gut is called microbiome and there is always a changing balance between “good” and “bad” bacteria which is easily affected by lifestyle, diet and emotions. In the gut there are lots of nerve cells and that is why it is often referred to as the gut brain. The gut brain is directly affected by the microbiome, that is why health issues in the gut will change your mood and can even result in depression or anxiety. How to improve the gut microbiome?

1. Reduce Stress

Actually, you cannot reduce the stress coming your way, you can only alter your response to it, you can change your perception of the situation and as a result experience less stress. The health of the gut is easily distyrbed by negative emotions or an emotional breakdown, you may have heard of a “nervous stomach” of a “nervous belly”. Many people actually experience a lot of digestive issues due to high levels of stress. At the end of the day, the decision on how to respond to a situation is yours, check your priorities and see if you can alter the way you are used to reacting to stressful situations in your daily life. Find ways to support your nervous system by pleasant activities, massages, mediation, yoga, cold laser therapy and supplements.

2. Less Sugar, Sweets and Sweeteners

The bacteria in the gut is feeding on something, so the bad bacteria is actually feeding on sugar, sweet foods and even sweeteners. In order to support your microbiome, you will need to limit the consumption of refined sugar and simple carbohydrates like white flour, white rice, pasta, etc. Some people think that they need to limit the consumption of sweet fruits but if you eat them in moderate amounts, they are actually beneficial for gut health as they are full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Always prefer to eat the whole fruit instead of a fresh fruit juice, as the sugar in the juice is released in the bloodstream much faster.

3. Take probiotics, prebiotics and fermented foods

Probiotics can reduce inflammation, can improve the fine balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut by bringing more of the good types in. You can take them in the form of supplements or choose the natural source - fermented foods. Fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. are delicious and very beneficial for your microbiome, so try to include them in your diet. Also, some foods like asparagus, banana, artichoke and more, are a good source of indigestible fiber which is the food for the good bacteria in your gut. 

4. Exercise regularly 

Active lifestyle will improve your overall health in many ways as when you move, walk or exercise, more oxygen is entering your body, the circulatory and lymph system are stimulated and detoxifying processes are initiated. When you train your muscles, you develop strength and the digestion is improved. Regular activity increases the variety of bacteria species in your gut, improving the immune response to illness and inflammation. It will also help with maintaining a healthy weight and losing the excess weight, making it a good prevention of obesity. 

5. Support the gut health with cold lasers

Nowadays, more and more people experience the benefits from cold laser therapy which can be very beneficial in treating a wide variety of health conditions. Cold lasers can be used as prevention and to support the work of different organs and systems in the body. The coMra therapy is an advanced technology combining a cold laser with magnets and light diodes, specially modulated in order to induce the healing processes in every cell and organ. You can apply coMra as a prevention in order to support the gut or as a healing method when you have a health condition. 

It is a very gentle way to help your own body and awakening its natural abilities to heal itself. For the gut, you will need to place the coMra device on your gut, on different points for several minutes at 5Hz, 2-3 times per week in order to boost the good bacteria and to improve the digestive system. For more specific treatment protocols, you can refer to the coMra User Guide and find the most suitable program for yourself. All the protocols can be combined in order to achieve the best result in your case. Universal treatment protocols are also very versatile and effective for all kinds of conditions or when used as a prevention program.

6. Get enough sleep

Hormonal imbalances, stressful lifestyle, health conditions, anxiety or emotional stress can affect the quality of your sleep. Sleep deprivation is actually putting a lot of pressure in your mind and body, it will affect the gut microbiome too. Irregular sleep habits and sleep disorders will negatively affect the gut flora in your body and can cause inflammation. Setting up a sleeping routine is very helpful when you want to improve your sleep - limiting screen time before going to bed, listening to calm music, taking a shower, reading a book, etc. You can find the best evening routine for your personality. In order to calm down the nervous system, you can drink herbal teas and apply a short cold laser treatment protocol. In the coMra User Guide, Universal treatment protocol 5 is very suitable to be applied in the evening, before going to be. This will improve the quality of your sleep and will support gut health. 

7. Avoid taking antibiotics

Medication, food additives and most of all antibiotics will negatively affect your gut. Antibiotics will literally erase all the bacteria in your gut, both the bad and the good. That is the reason why antibiotics are prescribed together with probiotics in order to soothe that effect on the gut. However, the best strategy is to avoid taking antibiotics unless it is absolutely needed. Once the gut microbiome is distubed, it will take months to return its natural balance. With age, the time to restore the gut balance will increase, so try to cut the intake of antibiotics, aggressive medications and processed food with lots of additives and preservatives. 

8. Avoid toxins and aggressive chemicals 

When we use household cleaning products, we have to be aware that these chemicals are very aggressive and can affect the gut microbiome and the hormonal balance in the body. The less of these products we use, the better. Try to avoid inhaling cleaning products or disinfectants very often as they can easily enter your bloodstream through the lungs causing known and unknown effects on your health, use them rarely and exchange them for more natural options. Cosmetics is another way for all kinds of substances to enter your body. Some ingredients are known to be endocrine disruptors and might be potentially harmful for the gut microbiome too. Always choose, if possible, natural or organic skin care with minimum ingredients.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Estrogen, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone, testosterone ...all these hormones are taking part in the reproductive health of a woman. Their fine balance can be disrupted by stress, diet changes, certain conditions, the mindset and the emotions of the woman, by the food she eats and the environment where she lives. So many things around us contain different chemicals which are unknown for the human body and still it encounters them on a daily basis. One of the results might be excess estrogen. How will that affect your health and why it is so dangerous?

What Causes High Estrogen

Estrogen is known as the female reproductive hormone and there are several types of estrogen in the female body, estradiol is the primary one. There are changes in the female body which occur naturally with age, after puberty she is in her reproductive age and then around 45-55 years of age, the woman reaches her perimenopause and menopause stage. The common practice at that point in her life, the woman to be offered hormone replacement therapy with estrogen which puts her at risk of developing blood clots, stroke and even tumours. However, the main thing is that the excess estrogen has to be eliminated by the liver and if this does not happen, she might end up with too high levels of estrogen. That is why the liver is the organ that needs additional support by non-invasive methods like cold laser therapy, fasting and detox programs, certain herbs and supplements. 

Additionally to that, excess estrogen might be caused by foods like soy, eggs and meat, especially these animal products which come from places where they give additional estrogen to the animals to make them grow faster. Plastic bottles and containers contain xenoestrogens which mimic estrogen in the female body and disrupt the elimination process. This means that in time, more and more estrogen is flowing in the body without the option of getting rid of it. Candida infections, diabetes and other endocrine diseases might also cause excess estrogen. Low levels of progesterone in the female body will eventually lead to estrogen dominance and that also usually occurs after a certain age, but these days more younger women are suffering from any form of hormonal imbalance. 

Symptoms of Excess Estrogen in Women

Symptoms and body signs of high estrogen may vary depending on the individual, you probably will not experience all of these at the same time. Also, there are certain health conditions which might have similar symptoms:

Health Issues Related to High Estrogen 

Excess estrogen in the female body will cause tissues to grow and that is why it is well know that hormonal replacement therapy has  blood clots, cancer and tumors are a side effect. Estrogen is the hormone which will cause weight gain, especially around the waist line and the belly, and that weight is the one very hard to lose. That is the reason why so many women cannot lose weight after 40, for example. How excess estrogen affect the female body and the related health issues:

Most of the thyroid dysfunction cases are related to high estrogen. When the thyroid is not functioning properly, the metabolism is affected and then it is very hard to lose weight, you feel tired all the time, experiencing troubles sleeping and even hair loss. Blood clots, tumors and cysts are potentially very dangerous for your health too, so any additional estrogen taken into the body should be considered very carefully. 

What is the treatment then? In coMra, we are interested in the holistic approach to health, so we cannot recommend any medications. Our method is cold laser therapy combined with magnets and light diodes, which is gentle and non-invasive, but highly effective at the same time. We have thousands of successful case studies of different health conditions and hormonal imbalances are amongst them. If you experience high levels of estrogen, you will need to do the Liver Treatment Protocol, Universal 3 and 5 Protocols too. Also, if you have a specific condition, you can check it in the User Guide and find the protocol for it.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Our body is closely connected with the mind - whatever is happening in our mind and emotions, it will show sooner or later in the physical. If we experience negative thinking, it affects the body and will manifest as a health or a disease. The body itself has the intelligence to heal and to stay healthy, however every emotion leaves its trace in it. We cannot look only at the body when trying to heal from a condition, we always need to have the thinking patterns and models in mind. 

This approach is known as a holistic approach to health, where the mind and the body are connected so strongly that you cannot simply treat the symptoms and expect the cause of the problem to disappear by itself. Also, our true self or the soul, is something that knows everything and has the power to make us whole again, if we clear the mind from the past harmful patterns. 

 “We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease. “ 

                                                            “Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Of course, dealing with the patterns and models from the past takes time but more importantly, we need to look inside and search for the real cause of the conditions or the symptoms that we experience. For example, let us take trigeminal neuralgia or neuropathy and look for the deeper reasons behind these conditions. 

In the book by Theun Mares, “Health and Holism in the 21st Century”, there are many health conditions and their causes. What does it say about Trigeminal Neuralgia and Neuropathy: 

Trigeminal Nerve Neuralgia

Not wanting to look at or acknowledge an issue that is causing emotional pain

Trigeminal Nerve Neuropathy

Not wanting to look at or acknowledge an issue that is causing emotional pain


Nor being able to accept the received injustices in life

As we can see, there is an emotional pain that is left unacknowledged. We all live in a very dynamic environment and a lot of people experience stress on a daily basis. This stress is an emotional state that is repeated over and over. Very often, it is not only one thing or area that is causing stress. So, the first step is to look closer at the reasons behind the stressful situations. Every healing starts with acceptance and by admitting that there is a problem. 

If you experience Trigeminal Neuralgia or Neuropathy, you probably feel a lot of pain. This pain is often triggered by different things but what are its deeper roots? Be honest with yourself - where is your emotional stress coming from, where is the emotional pain hiding in your life. Face it and tackle it, first by seeing it and then by taking action. The keys that we have about the cause of the condition are two - to look at and to acknowledge the issue that is causing the emotional pain. 

Look at the different areas in your life, how do you feel about them? How is work life or your personal life, is there a situation that is causing resistance and the desire to escape from it. Is there something in your past that you cannot find peace with? Is there a person in your life that you do not see or hear, but you feel inside that you have unfinished business with? How do you feel about your body, is there a negative thinking pattern related to how your body looks? There could be so many different scenarios that can cause an “invisible” emotional pain. 

Using meditation and breathing techniques is a great way to have the silence needed in order to hear the deep needs inside. The knowledge coming from your true self can only be heard when the mind is silenced, when the inner dialogue is stopped. Taking responsibility for your health is also very helpful, by changing your diet, lifestyle and quitting the harsh medications and painkillers. In coMra, we embrace the holistic approach and that is why all the coMra devices are safe, gentle and non-invasive. They will gently support you on your journey back to health.

Due to many factors in our life, it is very common among people after a certain age to experience high blood pressure or also called hypertension. The pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries is changing throughout the day depending on your emotional and physical state of being, however if it is higher than normal for too long, it might affect the health of the heart, brain, kidneys, etc. The conventional approach is to regulate the blood pressure and to keep it in the normal range by using medications. In fact, there is another option that is not invasive and will support the actual healing process, it will not only cover the symptoms - cold lasers.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

The cause of this condition is complex and it develops over time. The blood pressure could be affected by medical conditions like diabetes or obesity, it sometimes occurs during pregnancy but most of all, it is a lifestyle disease. What does this mean? It basically means that your daily choices of food, your physical activity and emotional balance will have a direct impact on this condition. It is well known that people who suffer from hypertension tend to react emotionally to daily triggers and when they get too emotional, the blood pressure rises immediately. We always have to make the link between our thoughts and emotions, and how they affect the health of the physical body. 

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure and the Health Risks

Many doctors tend to believe that the only way to find out if your blood pressure is too high, is by measuring it several times per day as there are no distinctive symptoms. However, if you are experiencing hypertension, you might have symptoms like: 

Hypertension is a serious condition that might affect some of the major organs in the body like the brain, the kidneys and most of all, the heart. As the blood supply to the brain is compromised, the oxygen needed might not reach it and as a result the brain cells are damaged. This might lead to poorer cognitive function and dementia later on in life. 

Cold Laser Therapy for High Blood Pressure/Hypertension

Now, there is a very gentle way to manage the condition, soothing the damaging effect on the organs and even strengthening the blood vessels. Cold laser therapy is very effective treating various conditions as it does not disrupt the fine balance in the body by adding aggressive chemicals. The low level laser is emitting photons which are absorbed by the cells and turned into energy. This additional energy is then used for healing, recovery and regeneration. This method is gentle, safe and non-invasive, and most of all effective.

coMra Treatment Protocol for Hypertension/High Blood Pressure

In the coMra User Guide, you can find the treatment protocols for numerous conditions. In the section called Cardiology 3 is the program designed to address high blood pressure. You can see that the points to be treated are on the head, on the front and back of the neck, the heart and the kidneys. The main goal here is to provide the arteries with some additional support and also to gently assist the work of the organs that are directly affected by hypertension. While high blood pressure is often linked to other health conditions, it is highly recommended that you follow the protocols for all of your diseases, conditions or symptoms. 

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure

While it is a lifestyle disease, you will need to have a balanced and healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, find your own way to incorporate physical activity in your daily routine as exercising will strengthen your heart, will improve your metabolism and is very good for the blood and lymph circulation. Additionally, you can prevent it by keeping a good weight, not smoking and managing your stress levels. Most of all, try to enjoy life more.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

The liver is a large organ under your ribs responsible for the food digestion and to get rid of all the toxins in the body. It plays a great role in the hormonal balance too while that is the place where the excessive estrogen is removed from the body, for example. In order to keep your liver healthy, you will need to check and change if needed your diet and lifestyle.

1. Choose your food carefully

While the liver is one of the organs participating actively in the digestion process, you need a balanced diet in order to support it. The fiber in the fruits, vegetables and grains is important for digestion and will decrease the load on your liver. Avoid over-eating and high calories meals, too much refined carbohydrates and trans fat (deep-fried foods, margarine, etc.). Be careful when eating raw fish or shellfish, they may contain parasites which will attack the liver or other organs. Keep well-hydrated with pure water as if your body is dehydrated, it will be hard for the toxins to be eliminated from the blood or the lymph. 

2. Maintain a healthy weight

It is quite important to maintain a healthy weight if you want your liver to be healthy as obesity is the main cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver. If the person is overweight, the body is storing fats basically everywhere and if the liver becomes fatty, its functioning is highly compromised which may lead to a vicious circle - the more toxins produced, the more the liver is not able to eliminate them. 

3. Limit your sugar and alcohol intake

Excess alcohol consumption is also a very common cause of liver disease or a fatty liver. Diabetes Type 2 is also linked to liver issues. The main thing is that if there is a greater amount of sugars (alcohol, refined white sugar, sweets, deserts) in your meal, it is not possible to use all of them as fuel, so they are turned into fat and stored in the body for a later need of energy. However, if you eat a lot of sugar or drink too much alcohol on a daily basis, there is no such need for fuel. On the contrary, intermittent fasting or one day water fasting weekly are very beneficial for the health of the liver. 

4. Avoid household and cosmetics toxins

When you are in contact with aggressive chemicals like the ones in the household cleaning products, always wear gloves and avoid inhaling the harmful gases. Be careful with aerosols and sprays. Cosmetics also have a huge impact on the liver, especially in women while they tend to use up to five times more products than men. All the toxins and unknown substances have to pass through the liver in order to be taken out of the body. 

5. Use medications and supplements wisely

Some medications can have negative side effects on the liver, especially if you mix several different types. So, always check the potentially harmful combinations. Taking too many supplements can also be a bit heavy for the liver mainly because of all the additives, substances which are in the capsule or tablet just to fill it in and to make it the right size for swallowing. For example, if you want to take some kind of a mineral and you need only 50mg from it in one capsule, the rest of it is made by these additives. Not to mention what is going on in your liver if you take a handful of medications and supplements, all the unknown and potentially harmful substances have to be eliminated from your body by the liver and the kidneys. Choose less aggressive ways to treat and heal yourself like non-invasive coMra cold laser therapy, massage therapy, meditation, exercising, etc.

6. Exercise regularly and manage your stress levels

When you exercise, walk or practice any kind of training, the blood and the lymph are moving faster in your body, supporting the elimination process. More oxygen means fresh and healthy blood entering your organs and helping the detoxification. On the other hand, when you exercise the glucose in the blood is regulated more effectively. All of that will help your liver and will speed up the cleansing of the body from toxins and metabolic waste materials. Managing stress and emotional imbalances is also a very important part of any healing process. When the liver is suffering, it is a sign of suppressed anger or fear, or any unprocessed stressful situations in your life which are causing emotional crisis on a very deep level.

7. Maintain good personal hygiene 

Since, the liver is the organ which is guarding the body from harmful substances, it is crucial to maintain a very good personal hygiene - always washing your hands thoroughly when needed, never sharing personal items like a toothbrush with another person, not touching dirty surfaces, etc. Using disinfectant on your hands twenty times per day is the other side of the coin as it contains aggressive chemicals which are there to fight the germs but still they are entering your bloodstream through the skin. Maintaining a proper balance in everything is a good strategy for a healthy liver after all.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..


When the thyroid, this little gland in your throat, is not working as it should, you will experience mild to severe symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, hair loss and increased heart beat. It is well known that women are more prone to develop thyroid issues especially after a certain age or after a pregnancy. The most common problem with conventional approaches to thyroid hypofunction is that doctors are prescribing a synthetic hormone that you need to take for the rest of your life. Fortunately, there is another effective treatment which you probably didn’t know about. 

What causes thyroid hypofunction?

This is an interesting question while the condition is quite complex and the cause combines several factors. First of all, stress. All the hormonal imbalances are linked to stress as the body produces too much cortisol which is called the “stress hormone”. The thing is that your body will prioritize the cortisol production in order to help you get out of a dangerous situation. However, when you are constantly distressed, the danger is not real but your body produces more and more cortisol, cutting off the production of other hormones - reproductive and thyroid hormone production is disrupted. With time, stress may lead also to a prediabetic condition while the insulin levels are also affected. 

Thyroid hypofunction is linked to estrogen dominance

Most of the women with thyroid hypofunction also have estrogen dominance and insulin resistance. The high levels of estrogen cause progesterone deficiency and disrupts the function of the thyroid too. Estrogen is a hormone that is produced in the body but also it enters the system from the outside in the form of phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens. All the pollution, household chemicals and plastic usage causes estrogen dominance while the liver is not able to eliminate the excessive amount of estrogen fast enough. From the high levels of estrogen is the weight gain as with thyroid hypofunction slows down the metabolism. 

The effective treatment of thyroid hypofunction you didn’t know about

You can surely change your diet and your daily routine to support the thyroid, but to heal the condition you will need additional help. The treatment that shows very good results with thyroid hypofunction or hyperfunction, with reproductive hormones imbalance, insulin resistance, diabetes and many more is a low level laser therapy. This cold laser is very gentle but highly effective. There are many studies showing how light can actually support the healing process. 

The cold laser therapies like coMra will gently stimulate the regeneration of the cells providing them with the additional energy they need. In the coMra User Guide you will find the detailed treatment protocol with the points and time spent on each one. It will take several minutes per day and soon you will see improvement in your symptoms. The body will heal the gland and will reduce all the inflammatory processes once it has all the energy needed. 

Support your liver in order to balance your hormones

Now, if the liver is the organ which should eliminate the excessive estrogen from the body and also has a major part in the metabolism of the sugars, you need to support it if your thyroid is not working properly. The liver is overloaded with all kinds of toxins and waste metabolic materials especially if you eat processed food as the quality of the food in the supermarket is getting worse each day. All these preservatives, colors and trans fats will slow down the liver even more. So, first you will need to eat clean and to avoid  allergy triggers  like gluten, lactose and sugar. Then with coMra you can support and heal your liver, actually the body will heal it once your diet is clean and you provide it with more energy in the form of infrared light coming from the cold laser. In addition to your thyroid treatment protocol, apply coMra for several minutes on the liver itself. 

Is cold laser therapy safe? 

The low level laser therapies are totally safe and non-invasive. With coMra, you will receive even more as the device consists of a cold laser but also magnets and light diodes. The magnetic field and the colorful lights are modulated in such a way with the laser, to provide the best possible source of energy for your cells. By increasing the vital energy, you will actually induce the healing processes in various parts of your body. The invisible intelligence your body has will run the process of regeneration while it is a system that is fully capable of recovery and restoration of health. You don’t need to micromanage your body, merely to eliminate all the things that will deplete it from its life energy and provide more sources of it. 

The cold lasers are widely used in health and beauty centers and now you can have a device to use on your own. It is simple to use, small and portable. Once you start applying coMra, you will see how many ways there are to support yourself, your children, family, pets and friends. It is worth trying and a great way to reduce the intake of medications and to take the responsibility for your health back in your hands. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..


What is a LLLT device?

Low level laser therapy ( LLLT) has developed a lot in the last fifty years and now it is a technology used to address medical conditions of a very wide range. The low level laser devices are used by medical clinics, beauty salons, practitioners and home users. The size of the LLLT devices can vary from big machines to small portable devices working on a battery. The device is then placed on naked skin in order for the cells to receive the light, the photons are absorbed by the mitochondria in the cell, then turned into energy used for healing and regeneration.

The devices consist of lasers with different wavelengths. Some devices like coMra, combine the lasers with light diodes, however coMra devices have also magnets and some of them ultrasound as well. If you do not own a LLLT device, you will need to organize sessions with a practitioner. On the other hand, if you have your own device, you can apply LLLT every time when you or your loved ones need treatment. 

 What is the best low level laser therapy device?

Low level therapy devices have shown great results with a wide range of conditions and are used by professional clinics and beauty salons as well as numerous home users around the globe. They boost cellular metabolism, provide regeneration and pain relief. When choosing the best low level laser therapy device, you will need to check several points in order to find out the best for yourself. What is the wavelength of the lasers used, what conditions can be treated and is there a manual, is there an expert available for some advice if you get lost in your treatment program? 

What is the best low level laser device out there? The short answer will be - the one that is available and you know how to use. Also, it will be better if the device is portable with a long lasting battery. The most popular wavelengths used are 650nm for skin and joint pain, 808 nm for tissue regeneration, 905nm for focused and safe deep healing and 980nm for safe pain relief and an induced healing process in the whole body. In coMra, we have devices with both 905nm lasers (coMra Delta) and 980nm lasers (coMra Palm). After years of studies and thousands of cases, we have created a very detailed user guide with hundreds of treatment protocols. 

How much does a low level laser cost?

While low level laser therapy is very effective and non-invasive, more and more people want to try it. The question is how much does it cost? First of all, it depends if you are planning to buy your own low level laser device or you are going for sessions in a clinic or with a practitioner. The average session price will range from 50$ up to 250$, and you will need between 5 and 12 procedures in order to experience some improvement as the benefits are rather cumulative than instant. Some health conditions might require more sessions. 

Compared to the prices of the low level laser devices made for home users specifically, it is a very good investment to have your own personal device. However, not every low level laser device on the market is the same. The wavelength of the lasers used is different and not so many of the devices are coming with a user guide for the treatment protocols, so in most cases you will need to guess if you can use the device for anything other than joint pain. With coMra, everything is transparent and you can have all the information about the specifics of the device, the numerous treatments you can apply and the full support system created around coMra low level laser therapy. The best part is that coMra Palm comes at a very affordable price and you will not need to invest thousands of dollars just to have your own low level laser. 

Does low level laser work?

Low level laser therapy works great for a wide range of conditions and diseases. However, you will need to choose your device or clinic very carefully. It is also referred to as phototherapy or photomodulation as it uses photons which do not produce heat to alter the biological activity of the cells. Most devices have either lasers or light diodes, producing light in order to stimulate the cell metabolism as the cell turns this light into energy. In coMra, these two are combined to work together in a coherent harmony. 

The medical applications are various and low level lasers can be used to reduce inflammation, as a pain relief, to promote tissue regeneration and to guide a healing process from chronic diseases too. Recent studies have shown that a low level laser is a safe, non-invasive and effective way to control pain and to support or induce healing. For many years, low level lasers were also used in the aesthetic salons for photorejuvenation procedures treating fine wrinkle, scars and pigmentation. 

 Is low level laser therapy safe?

When treated with low level lasers, the cells and tissues are exposed to low levels of red and infrared light which does not produce any heat sensations, that’s why they are also called cold lasers. LLLT is considered a safe and non-invasive method of healing and pain control. There are no negative side effects on the body and no recovery time is needed after the procedure or the session. The low level lasers are not linked to cutting, thermal coagulation or  heat. The low level laser therapy is considered very safe and a great non-invasive alternative to conventional methods like medications and surgery. 

Is low level laser therapy effective?

Hundreds of studies and cases have shown that low level laser therapy is highly effective when treating a very wide range of conditions from acute pain to more serious medical conditions and even chronic diseases. Even the FDA has approved it after thousands of studies on low level laser therapy demonstrating the positive effects from it. It is a great alternative to potentially harmful medications or invasive surgery. Depending on the wavelength, not every LLLT device will be useful when treating different conditions. That is why in coMra, the combination of a laser with diodes and magnets, provides an even better result with conditions like thyroiditis, eye neuropathy, diabetes, joint pain, digestive issues and many, many more. 

coMra Devices as a Next Step in Low Level Laser Therapy

In coMra therapy devices, the effect of the laser is supported by the light emitting diodes, magnets and, in the Delta product line, ultrasound. All these irradiances create a coherent field which is specially modulated to work together as a whole, providing a wide range of energies for the cells to work with. As a result, the body is supported in a very intelligent way, its abilities to heal are induced in a very gentle and non-invasive way. That is why coMra therapy was used to people with all kinds of medical conditions with great effect. From acute pain to inner organs conditions and chronic diseases. 

In coMra Palm, the laser used is of 980nm wavelength, the same is in the Aestethic Terminal of the coMra Delta. The Medical Terminal of coMra Delta, has 905nm laser. Apart from providing you with the device, the tool to heal and control pain, we deliver a full support in terms of a friendly made User Guide, available both as a web page and a mobile application, a knowledge center with numerous articles, case studies and free webinars and a virtual expert consultation to you to address additional questions. With all that, when you decide to have your own coMra device, you will have access to all the needed information and support for your healing journey. 

 Can I buy my own low level laser?

Low level laser devices are now available for home use too. You can definitely buy your own and have it close any time when you need a treatment. It is recommended to choose a device that is versatile and can be used for both pain control and other more serious conditions, even for chronic diseases. While the price range can vary from a couple hundreds of dollars to several thousands, find one that will cover your needs as it is a good investment in your present and future health. In addition, you should be able to use a LLLT device for many years without the need to change it. 

Is cold laser the same as low level laser therapy?

Cold laser therapy and low level laser therapy are terms referring to the same procedure. While the wavelength of the lasers used in low level laser therapy is such that it does not produce any heat or warmth sensation when used on the skin, they are also called cold lasers. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..


How does your mindset affect the condition of your physical body? What is the hidden cause in the mindset for this serious condition known as endometriosis? All your thoughts and emotions will result in some way on the physical level either as health or as a disease. Negative thoughts and emotions when repeated will create a pattern, a model that will be as hard as a habit. If we want to be free from old destructive patterns, we need to observe what creates them and what triggers them in the first place.

Endometriosis is a serious condition - the tissue that normally is lining the uterus is found outside of it, causing pain, infertility and abnormal tissue growth. The aggressive treatment or surgery can be avoided if the woman turns towards non-invasive therapies like the cold laser (low level laser), for example and also if she changes her lifestyle and mindset.

The uterus is the most intimate organ in the body of the woman, connected with all the feelings linked to being a woman, a wife and a mother. Many women wish to have children but it turns out that is harder than they thought. This creates lots of negative feelings in the life of the woman and she often starts questioning her womanhood and abilities to conceive and bear a healthy baby. Let us see which are the thoughts and feelings which are linked to endometriosis and endometritis (inflammation of the uterus).
The book “Health and Holism” by Théun Mares gives us a precious insight on the core of the psychological reasons behind this serious condition:

Endometriosis ( Cysts and Adhesions)

Feeling very insecure about letting go of the  old in favour of the new.

Endometritis ( Inflammation of the Uterus)

Feeling bad about one’s abilities as a female, often because of being constantly invalidated by the male.

“Health and Holism in 21st Century” by Théun Mares

What we see is that endometriosis is linked to insecurity, the woman is not feeling safe enough in her life and is stuck with the old, she finds herself in a hard place where she cannot let go of the past and cannot fully embrace the new coming in her life. In life everything changes all the time and in order to grow, we need to let go of the past and let the new in. On the physical level this is manifested as the lining of the uterus is supposed to be cleansed each month with the period but it stays in the body and starts searching for new places to continue living.

On the psychological and emotional level this process can also have its roots in the inability of the woman to feel safe in her relationship with the male, she then is starting to search for alternative places to conceive ideas, visions and babies. The uterus is the house of the newborn baby, but when the tissues are going to abnormal places, it is like the woman cannot safely conceive in her own house, she feels insecure.

The inflammation of the uterus is called endometritis which is a very close condition. As we can see in the the expert from the book - this is linked to how the woman feels in her relationship with the male and inside herself. We might feel invalidated as a woman by her male and she is feeling bad about her abilities as a female. Her thoughts are full of doubt, second guessing and negative self-talk which compromises her own feeling of being a woman.

One of the ways to approach the healing process is to observe and change these destructive patterns. When you start observing your thoughts, you will have a clear idea where your negative emotions are coming from. Then you will start to see this subtle moment just before falling into the old model of reacting triggered by various things in your life. After that, you will have the awareness to change the whole chain of thoughts - emotions - reactions. Of course, you will need to act upon your new perception and change your daily life routines or even make greater changes. Embracing the new and the change itself, is vital as life is always changing and flowing. It doesn’t matter how hard it might be, we all need to learn how to let go and go with the flow of life.

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a health condition common among women occurring as a result of a hormonal imbalance. Small follicles with fluid are formed around the ovaries affecting their normal functioning.If the woman is experiencing a hormonal imbalance, the ovulation does not occur and cysts are formed. It usually affects women in reproductive age and is causing high levels of androgens in the body produced by the cysts. Due to the high levels of these male hormones, the menstrual cycle of the woman is affected.

Symptoms of PCOS

The monthly periods are irregular, infrequent or prolonged. The most common symptom is the disruption of the monthly cycle as it may occur several times per year or there are more days than usual between each period. This condition may cause abnormally heavy or light periods, sometimes they are experienced more painful. The ovaries are enlarged and with lots of cysts around them. Due to the high levels of androgens, a thinning of the hair on the head might be noticed or excess body hair. There are also skin issues like oily skin or acne, weight gain, especially around the belly and infertility. 

What Causes PCOS and Diagnosis

Doctors are not yet clear the exact cause of PCOS but it is often linked to insulin resistance, obesity and estrogen dominance. Each imbalance in the fine hormonal regulation of the body results in a chain of effects on all the other hormones. While everything is interconnected, high levels of insulin, cortisol, estrogen will cause a disruption in the reproductive or thyroid hormone production. The diagnosis is done by blood tests and ultrasound. With the ultrasound, the practitioner can see if the ovaries are enlarged and if there are cysts around them. 

Is Cold Laser Therapy Effective for PCOS?

The conventional treatment often consists of medication, or to be more exact hormone replacement therapy in order to stimulate the ovaries. However, it has the hidden risk of excess hormones and even worsen estrogen dominance, more excessive body hair and even breast cancer. So, what are the alternatives? First of all, changes in diet and lifestyle are highly recommended. Then, you need gentle and non-invasive therapy which will balance your hormones without causing imbalance elsewhere. 

Cold laser therapy ( low level laser therapy) is highly effective when treating hormonal imbalances like PCOS, diabetes, thyroidism, etc. The infrared laser emits photos which are absorbed by the cell, it basically charges the cell with energy that can be used for its functions. Often when there is a health condition, the cells do not have enough energy for regeneration and this is how the vicious circle is formed. Less energy means that some functions will be executed and some will be left for another time (like healing or detoxifying). But if the energy is not enough the next day and the next day, the cell cannot recover and it even gets sick. That is why the cold laser therapy is so effective for numerous conditions, including PCOS. Moreover, in the coMra Palm or Delta the infrared laser is supported by magnets and light diodes to provide even more efficient recovery and regeneration of the tissues. 

The Mindset Behind PCOS 

Let us have a few words on the psychosomatic reasons behind PCOS. What thoughts and emotions are linked to PCOS? As stated in the book “Health and Holism” by Théun Mares, this condition is caused by “feelings of gross insecurity” and namely, “feeling insecure and confused in relation to the male”. So, ask yourself - How do I feel in relation to the men in my life? What thoughts and emotions are arising when you start thinking on this question? Are they pleasant or mostly negative, do you feel safe and loved around your husband, father, brother? When you take the responsibility of your healing process, you need to observe each area of your life as everything is interdependent. The negative emotions when they are strong and overwhelming, when they are repeated constantly are affecting the hormones in the body, the heart rate, may cause headaches or fatigue. So, while coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health, we highly recommend when starting with the cold laser, to also turn your sight inside and work on the inner reasons too.

Find out more about coMra therapy:


Get your coMra Palm today and have it always with you. A small and portable device to rely on in any situation linked to your health. Find out how to apply the coMra Therapy on every member in your family as a safe way to heal and prevent. We have great results with a number of conditions, so you will use your coMra device many years after as it can be used for pain relief, chronic conditions and injuries. Buy now!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Here are some of the most common inquiries regarding cold laser therapy. Lately, more and more people experience the positive effects of it and you might wonder if that method of healing will work for you. Let us find out the basic details that you need to know before you choose to go with photobiomodulation for your condition. 

Does cold laser therapy actually work?

A lot of research on cold laser therapy is ongoing and most of them prove that it really does relieve pain and accelerates the healing process. In the past, many doctors were quite sceptical on the effectiveness of it, however now more and more of them are in favor of it as it is evidenced that the coherent laser light can bring pain relief and tissue regeneration in both clinical and laboratory experiments. Additionally, cold laser therapy can significantly reduce acute pain and lower the oxidative stress, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties too. While it works well for chronic conditions as well, many people choose it as an alternative to invasive treatments.

How does cold laser therapy work?

 The cold laser therapy is the photo-stimulation of the tissues with a coherent light of wavelength from 600nm to 990nm ( in coMra 980nm and 905nm are used) in order to promote healing and regeneration. The low-level laser light is applied directly to the targeted area. The mitochondrias in the cell then absorb the light and turn it into energy that can be used for healing. The physiological reaction is increased immunity, restoring the balance in the cell and eventually healing of the cell, organ and system. 

While the wavelength of 780 to 990nm is used for a deeper penetration, with coMra you can change the frequency in order to treat either the surface of the skin (1000Hz) or the inner organs (5Hz); two more options are available 50Hz and Variable frequency to treat specific points like joints, blood vessels, etc. More detailed information about the frequency used is available in the coMra User Guide.  

What does cold laser therapy do?

The term “cold laser” is used because the low levels of light do not heat the tissues when applied on the skin. The low intensity laser provides a gentle and effective pain relief by inducing the healing in the deep tissues of the body. When the targeted areas affected by inflammation or malfunction are treated, the precisely modulated beams of laser light stimulate the biochemical reaction of the cell in order to promote healing and regeneration. When you place the device on your skin and the light reaches the cell, a series of reactions are induced which support the reduction of the inflammation, regeneration of injured tissues and normalization of the cell functions. 

How long does a cold laser treatment last?

How often you will need to treat the targeted area depends on the stage of the condition or the injury. While the sessions themselves can last from several minutes to an hour or more, the whole treatment course will take time which again depends on how severe the condition is. You might need to treat yourself for a couple of weeks, then rest and treat again until you see improvement, each case is individual. If you apply cold lasers for pain relief, the result will be seen immediately, however if you treat a chronic disease, you will have to persevere and follow your treatment program for quite longer. Treatment sessions can be organized 3-4 times per week or daily, if a home user device is available. 

Does cold laser therapy work through clothes?

In order for the low intensity light used in cold laser therapy to be absorbed by the cells, it has to pass through the skin. You will need to place the device directly on naked skin, however despite the sensation from the device touching you skin, you will notice that the procedure is pleasant, non-invasive, painless and without any heat or burn sensation. The cold lasers are very gentle, they are used for deep tissue regeneration and healing which rely on the ability of the cell to absorb light that is then turned into usable energy. 

What are the side effects of cold laser therapy?

First of all, cold laser therapy is a very gentle and non-invasive procedure. Therefore, there are no negative side effects whatsoever, the only effects are the series of biochemical reactions which promote healing and regeneration. While the cold laser therapy relies on the intelligence of the body to heal itself, sometimes a healing crisis can be experienced for a short period of time. This process is similar to the detox symptoms when a cleansing is done through a lighter diet or fasting. The healing crisis is not a common effect but if you experience is as a result of a chronic condition, you will need to adjust the frequency of the treatment sessions accordingly.

How long it takes for cold laser therapy to work?

Everything is highly relative and it is hard to compare mild shoulder pain with diabetes, for example. Most protocols are designed to be applied for two weeks, then rest and repeat if needed. However, if you experience pain in your elbow for example, you might get relief after the second session and till the fifth the symptoms would disappear completely. Typically, you will be advised by a practitioner to apply a treatment 3-4 times per week, but if a home user device is available, daily treatments will be more effective. A series of treatments are required in order to get a full relief or resolution from your pain symptoms. The main thing here is that you heal the cause of the pain, you do not only alleviate the symptoms. A couple of weeks are usually enough for light to mild conditions, severe stages will need more time. 

Does cold laser therapy work for a particular condition?

Cold laser therapy can provide pain relief to different conditions like back or shoulders pain, sprains, bruising and even fibromyalgia. It can be applied with great success in cases of integer organs diseases, chronic conditions or infections. The treatment course will vary depending on the condition, however cold laser therapy can definitely work for a particular condition as well as a prevention method, a long term treatment or a complementary therapy. 

How coMra therapy is different from standard cold laser therapy?

Most of the popular home devices use lasers with the wavelength of 650nm (red) and 808nm, sometimes this is even not specified or they use only light diodes instead of laser ones. These devices are promoted to alleviate pain like in sport injuries but there is not much information on how to use these devices for other conditions or diseases. The majority of them come with no description, no user guide, no support, no expert to advise you and no legit production. 

In coMra cold laser therapy we have two different devices Delta and Palm. The wavelengths of the laser diodes that we use are 980nm ( in coMra Palm) and 905nm ( in Delta Medical Terminal). The difference is that 980nm is more milder or gradual, while 905nm is direct and focused on the targeted area. In the devices however, the laser is supported by a magnetic field and color light diodes. (In the Delta device, ultrasound is available too.) These radiances work together in coherence in order to induce a stable and effective healing process. Each radiance enhances the effect of the others:

• Infrared laser plays the lead role in enhancing energy metabolism, while magnetic field and ultrasound are in support positions by sustaining the state of quantum coherence and enhancing enzymatic efficiency;

• Ultrasound induces coherent mechanical vibrations that increase the speed of molecular transport and enzyme efficiency, while energetic stimuli by other radiances supply necessary energy for processes of protein synthesis and active membrane transport;

• Colour LEDs deliver a regenerative or rejuvenative message, and the other radiances support additional cellular processes initiated in response to these messages.

picture 6

How often can you use cold laser therapy?

While cold laser therapy is non-invasive, you can use it as often as needed from several times per week to a couple of treatments daily. It is a gentle and comfortable procedure and does not require any downtime, which means that as soon as it is over, you can resume your activities as usual. Depending on your condition you might need from 2 to 15 sessions which can be repeated over a period of time. In most cases, you will need at least a couple of treatments to achieve pain relief and a couple of weeks for mild health conditions to improve. If you suffer from a chronic disease, you need to follow a longer treatment course. Please contact our experts in the chat for more details.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch the Video " coMra - more than Laser Therapy":