Alzheimer’s is a disease which affects millions of people worldwide. It is a type of dementia which causes severe damage of the nerve cells in the brain. The best way is prevention, however if you or a close one suffers from this condition, there are still things to do to soothe the symptoms and even regenerate some of the nerve cells. One of these methods is cold laser therapy, and more specifically coMra which is more than just a low level laser, it also includes a magnetic field, light therapy and (in Delta) ultrasound. Cold lasers have shown very good results when treating nerve damage but you will need to give the body some time to partially recover the loss of so many nerve cells.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s 

Which are the most common symptoms and body signs of Alzheimer’s? If you notice some of these, you will need to check the health of the brain and to see if this condition is the cause of the problem. The condition is developing in time, so not all the symptoms will be experienced simultaneously. 

Which Factors Increase the Risk of  Alzheimer’s Disease 

The cause of Alzheimer’s is not clearly known as it obviously is not only physical. The emotions, thoughts and lifestyle habits are affecting the physical body and if there is an underlying emotional conflict expercined for years and years, at one point it will manifest in the body as a disease. Alzheimer’s might be a result of constant inflammation or accumulation of beta-amyloid plaque, however these are only the results of something which is very deep. In addition, look out also for some of these as factors which increase the risk of Alzheimer’s:

In conclusion, everything which compromises the health of the brain can become a potential cause of Alzheimer's in the late years. Taking good care of your emotional and mental state would be the best way to keep not only your brain healthy but the whole physical body. 

Strategies to Prevent Alzheimer’s

There are some strategies to follow in order to prevent Alzheimer’s but there is no guarantee as the root cause of all diseases and conditions is the perception in the first place, either a perception of stress, danger, conflict, resistance, etc. On the obvious side, you can eat and live as healthy as possible to keep your physical body healthy, but try to turn towards your inner world and cleanse the invisible toxins in your mind and emotions too. 

Why Cold Laser Therapy for Alzheimer’s?

Low level lasers are totally safe and non-invasive, showing no negative side effects whatsoever. On the other hand, cold lasers are highly effective in supporting the healing processes in the body, inducing its own inherent abilities to heal and regenerate. In coMra, the laser is additionally supported by a magnetic field, light diodes and in coMra Delta, there is also ultrasound. All of these different radiences are coherently modulated to work together creating a field of energy which supports each cell which is receiving the irradiation. The cell then uses this available energy using it for its own needs as healing, recovery or regeneration. The coMra treatment protocol for Alzhemer’s is described in detail in the coMra User Guide under the name Neurology 1 and the whole protocol would take about 20 mins daily for at least two weeks. Of course, you can combine this particular protocol with other protocols if you need to treat more than one condition. 

More Remedies for Alzheimer’s 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Everything in life and in our body is interconnected, there is nothing that is completely physical or solely emotional, or just mental, or only spiritual, they are all connected. When you experience panic attacks or severe anxiety, or obsessive thoughts, or mood swings, etc. you need to look at your being as a whole, as these are not only emotional, mental, or physical. How do panic attacks occur? The reason is complex - it could be an unresolved situation, some irrational fears or it could be a hormonal imbalance. Same with anxiety - you will see that most of the stress related diseases and conditions are happening as a result of high stress and anxiety is one of the symptoms.

What If It is Hormonal Imbalance?

A lot of people are searching for psychological help and very often they start taking antidepressants as a way to soothe panic attacks or anxiety attacks. However, there are stories of women who would go for years on medications not knowing that the body is experiencing hormonal imbalance which is affecting the mind and the emotions. The hormonal balance in women changes with age - the estrogen gets higher or lower, the thyroid hormones are going down, the stress hormones are going up. And it is not only about age, during different periods or phases in your life, the hormonal balance in your body will change responding to the change that is outside, for example, pregnancy, marriage, loss of a parent, changing jobs, etc. 

How then a hormonal imbalance would affect your mental and emotional state? All the hormones in the female body are interconnected - the thyroid hormones are low and the estrogen is going up, the prolactin levels are high and the stress hormones are going up too, the estrogen is high and the stress hormones are going up too. Which is the first to get out of order is hard to say as they all influence the other. 

Thyroid Issues, Panic Attacks and Obsessions

Do you know that if you suddenly start experiencing panic attacks, it could be a sign that your thyroid gland is not functioning properly? As it is mentioned above when the thyroid is in hypofunction, the estrogen and stress hormones are also going up. It could also be the opposite, the low cortisol will also affect the thyroid gland. Obsessive thoughts, emotional breakdown, severe anxiety, etc, they all can occur if your thyroid is not functioning the way it should be. So, if you experience some of these, check your thyroid hormones as one in four women worldwide is having a thyroid issue nowadays. 

Estrogen Dominance, Anxiety, Insomnia and Mood Swings

When the estrogen if too high, the thyroid hormones would not be optimal, the stress hormones would be too high or too low (like very low cortisol) and you might experience also mood swings, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, increased irritability, sudden anger or sadness, obsessive thoughts, fears, migraines, etc. This is a pretty impressive list and that is only a part of it. Due to the spread of plastic usage in our society, to the chemicals in food and cosmetics, many women are going through an estrogen dominance phase in their life without even knowing it. And most of them are looking for psychological help only when they would need to take steps to increase the progesterone, to lower the prolactin and to get rid of this excess estrogen from the liver and the fat tissue. 

Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue

When there is a continuous stress in your life, the adrenal glands are trying to cope with it and produce a lot of the stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline. At one point, these little glands would get overwhelmed and mild adrenal fatigue would occur coming with symptoms like inability to fall asleep or sleeping too much, chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and panic attacks. The severe adrenal fatigue is called burnout when the adrenals are just not functioning. As it was mentioned above, the higher the stress hormones are, the lower are the thyroid hormones, the higher are prolactin and estrogen. The stress response is the root of all that and you might need a psychologist to help you with your stress response and patterns, or you can try yoga, meditation or mountain bike, but after all you need to take of everything that is a part of your being, as it is all interconnected. 

*Recommended coMra treatment protocols for Hormonal Imbalance from the Web App of the coMra User Guide: Endocrinology 2 and Universal 5

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The large intestine or the colon is the place where water, minerals and most of the nutrients are absorbed. As part of the digestive system, its health is responsible for the good elimination of the waste materials from the body. It is vital for the overall health that all the waste is taken out on a regular basis as if that is not happening, it is the colon where the toxins are reabsorbed again in the bloodstream. Due to stress, lifestyle habits and nutrition, the health of the colon might be compromised which will lead to a chain reaction in the other systems. In order to keep your colon clean and healthy, you will need to drink a good amount of water daily, to eat high-fiber foods, also if needed to take probiotics or herbal teas. However, what can you do at home if you suffer from colon disease? Have you heard how effective cold lasers are?

The Difference Between Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease

Colitis occurs when there is an inflammation of the colon as a result of various causes like viruses, nutritional deficiency, bacteria infections, etc. On the other hand, ulcerative colitis is a long-term inflammation of the colon which is an autoimmune condition and often is chronic. The difference with Crohn’s disease, which is also a chronic autoimmune disease, is that Crohn’s can occur anywhere in the digestive system while ulcerative colitis affects mainly the colon. 

Symptoms of Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis

While ulcerative colitis is one the many types of colitis, the symptoms are similar. However, as it was mentioned above the main difference is that ulcerative colitis is a chronic long-term condition which is known to be autoimmune too. Here is a list of the possible symptoms and signs that the colon is inflamed. 

Why is Cold Laser Therapy Effective for Acute and Chronic conditions?

The cold or low level lasers are known to be a great alternative to invasive procedures and treatments. The coMra therapy is a new generation of cold laser therapy as it combines the power of an infrared laser with the magnetic field and the light diodes therapy. This treatment method is totally safe and has no negative side effects whatsoever. The sensation on the skin is pleasant and actually, with a coMra device you might feel nothing while it is working. However, your cells will know the effect as this energy coming in the form of light to them by the laser will assist the healing and regeneration processes. The coMra devices work with the body and not against, in order to awaken and induce the inherent healing abilities of the cells and the body as a whole. Many patients have experienced great results with coMra treating all kinds of conditions and diseases. 

The coMra Treatment Protocol for Colitis 

All the coMra treatment protocols are described in detail in the coMra User Guide which is available online and also as a mobile app. The protocol that you need for colitis is found by the name Gastroenterology 6 with all the points, time and frequency that you need to apply. The whole treatment protocol is about 20 mins long but you can make it even longer if that feels good. You will need to apply it for at least two weeks and then rest, allowing time for the body to recover and regenerate. For this treatment protocol you can use coMra Palm or coMra Delta and you can apply it at home on your own as we provide all the needed information in the User Guide. 

The coMra Treatment Protocol for Ulcerative Colitis

This treatment is a bit longer and as it is described in the coMra User Guide, it will take about one hour. Most of the points can be treated both with coMra Palm and Delta, however in order to be able to execute the whole protocol you will need coMra Delta device. The recommended course is at least 3 weeks and then to take a rest, repeat if necessary. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition and it will take longer to recover from it, however you will see improvement even after the first course. In the coMra User Guide, this  treatment protocol is found by the name Gastroenterology 11 and as a part of it, you will need to apply Universal treatment 3 - Blood in order to strengthen the blood vessels and to improve the blood circulation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The hormonal balance of the reproductive hormones is crucial for the health of the woman. Although prolactin is not taking part in the reproduction process, it is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates the breasts to produce milk in pregnant women and new mothers. That is why it is normal for a woman to have very high levels of prolactin if she is pregnant or breastfeeding, however in non-pregnant women these levels should be relatively low*. Why high levels of prolactin are considered a condition and how it is potentially dangerous for the woman’s reproductive health.

Which Are the Symptoms and Signs of High Prolactin? 

First of all, you need to know if the levels of prolactin are abnormally high. The best way to check that is with a blood test. However, your body will still show some signs and symptoms that your prolactin is too high because the main issue is that women with high prolactin find difficulties getting pregnant. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of high prolactin. 

What Causes High Prolactin in Non-Pregnant Females?

The high levels of prolactin is a sign that the hormonal balance is compromised and usually it is an indicator that there is a problem in one or more glands like the pituitary gland or the thyroid. 

Some factors can cause a temporarily increase of the prolactin levels:

How Stress Affects the Prolactin Levels?

When you are under stress, the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are increased. These hormones can inhibit the production of other hormones, in that case the gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Stress hormones in fact increase the prolactin production and also the estrogen levels. When the prolactin levels are very high though, it can cause a decrease in the reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Especially if the high prolactin is caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland (prolactinoma).

How Cold Laser Therapy Can Help the Regulation of Prolactin? 

A new way to treat hormonal imbalances is by applying cold laser therapy. It is getting more and more popular because it shows great results with a variety of conditions, is totally safe and non-invasive and is very easy to apply even at home, without the need to visit a medical center. In coMra therapy, the cold laser is assisted by magnets, light diodes and in some devices, ultrasound which makes it even more effective when inducing the healing process in the body. 

Effective coMra Laser Protocols for High Prolactin 

In the coMra User Guide, you will find numerous treatment protocols for various conditions and diseases with all details needed to apply a treatment at home on your own. In order to balance the reproductive hormones, you can use coMra Treatment Protocol Endocrinology 2 - Hormonal Imbalance and Universal 5 - Nervous system. Additionally, it will be very beneficial if you also include a protocol for the liver in the treatment course. 

Which Are the Side Effects of High Prolactin on Women’s Health?

*The levels of prolactin in non-pregnant females are 5 to 40 ng/dL (106 to 850 mIU/L), relatively levels above 25ng/dL are considered high.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune condition which is affecting the thyroid gland and usually occurs together with hypothyroidism, however the thyroid can be both underactive and hyperactive when you suffer from Hashimoto’s. The cause of the condition is not clearly distinctive but there are some factors which could make it worse and can deepen the issue. Which are the underlying factors which can make Hashimoto’s worse and how to naturally treat it in order to manage the symptoms and to restore the healthy condition of the thyroid gland?

Hormonal Imbalances and Stress

This is the biggest trigger of an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s disease because the normal functioning of the gland depends on the work of the other endocrine glands. When for example the reproductive hormones are out of balance, they will negatively affect the thyroid in women. High estrogen, low progesterone and high prolactin will actually additionally suppress the thyroid function making it underactive. High levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline also lower the thyroid hormones. In order to balance the hormones, you need a gentle strategy which is effective and to count on the body’s ability to maintain the hormonal balance by itself. There is an alternative solution: A non-invasive and effective treatment of hormonal imbalances is cold laser therapies like coMra, it is safe and has not any negative side effects. 

Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

Certain foods can cause sensitivity in some people and can additionally suppress the work of the thyroid. A well known intolerance towards gluten is one the most common cases of a food sensitivity compromising the thyroid. You can either have a mild form of gluten intolerance or Celiac disease which is actually allergy to gluten, but in both cases this specific protein in the conventional wheat grain called gluten mimics the properties of the thyroid hormones. The intolerance occurs when you eat wheat which has been grown with the use of aggressive chemicals and is less while consuming bio or organic grains in products without yeast. 

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Hashimoto’s

Chronic inflammation of the intestines is causing food particles entering the bloodstream which is known as leaky gut syndrome. This condition is common for most of the patients with autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s, for example. It can cause other autoimmune disorders too. The walls of the intestines become “loose” and that is causing toxins, waste materials and other substances to leak into the bloodstream causing inflammation in other parts of the body too. You can apply coMra on the abdominal area to support the recovery of the intestines. 

Viral Infections and Hashimoto’s 

Some viruses like Epstein-Barr or tick-borne infections like Lyme disease can also worsen the autoimmune response of the body causing even more irritation and inflammation. The Epstein-Barr virus is from the family of Herpes viruses which are known to stay latent in the body and become active during periods of high emotional stress or when you catch a cold. With coMra you can support both the nervous and the immune system. 

Exposure to Toxins and Heavy Metals

Toxins affect the endocrine system in women creating havoc and hormonal imbalances. Heavy metal, aggressive and harmful chemicals, environmental toxins, etc. can enter the body through daily products, food, water and air. They might be the cause of hypothyroidism and can worsen the autoimmune responses in cases of Hashimoto’s. Try to avoid endocrine disruptors as much as possible and to support the detoxification of the body by embracing a balanced and clean lifestyle. 

coMra Treatment Protocols for Hashimoto’s

Applying coMra is a way to support the inherent healing abilities of your body. This method of healing is totally safe, non-invasive and highly effective when treating a wide range of conditions and diseases. In the coMra User Guide you can find the treatment protocols described in detail in order to apply them on your own at home. The treatment protocol for Hashimoto’s is in the User Guide under the name Immunology 4 and it takes about 50 mins to be applied daily until you see a noticeable improvement. Then you allow two weeks rest and repeat if necessary.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Migraine is a headache which might last from hours to days and in many cases, it becomes chronic. It is very common amongst women of different ages and usually only painkillers are soothing the pain. However, there is another way of treatment as first you need to observe which are the triggers for you and then you can try cold laser therapy as a non-invasive way to treat migraine without medication.

Symptoms and Signs of Migraine

What Causes Migraine?

This is a very confusing question because so far conventional medicine has not come up with the knowledge of the exact cause of migraine. It is thought that the pain is a result of abnormal brain activity which is affecting the blood vessels, chemicals and neuro signals in the brain. However, the better question in that case would be what actually triggers migraine attacks. The trigger might be very specific for you as it could be some kind of food, emotional patterns, hormonal changes, environment circumstances or something else. 

What Triggers Migraine?

In fact anything could trigger the migraine, so it is very much recommended to keep a journal where you describe every day when you have experienced migraine. This could help you identify your specific trigger. There are many factors that you need to include in our observation like hormonal changes, emotions, physical changes, diet, environment and medications. The trigger could be strictly individual to you, so it is up to you to observe and find out when and how the migraine occurs. It will help to sense the early symptoms of the migraine attack and to act accordingly in order to soothe the pain. Here are some triggers that you need to look for. 

How Hormonal Changes Trigger Migraine Attacks?

Some women have noticed to experience migraine attacks when approaching the time of their monthly period. This is linked to the hormonal changes of the reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. After the ovulation, the estrogen levels should drop as the progesterone would increase. However, migraine is usually linked to high levels of estrogen during the time of the beginning of the period. This is known as menstrual-related migraine. Menopause, low thyroid hormones, high prolactin, high stress hormones etc., could also be migraine triggers. 

Emotional Migraine Triggers

What Can Trigger Migraine on the Physical Level?

Migraine Triggers Linked to the Diet

Environmental Migraine Triggers

Medications Which Might Trigger Migraine Attacks

Why Are Cold Lasers Beneficial for Migraines?

Cold laser therapy is very beneficial for pains of different origin as it provides pain-relief and also addresses the root cause of the conditions. In coMra devices, the cold laser is supported by magnets, light diodes and even ultrasound (in Delta) to induce the healing abilities of the body itself and to support the recovery of each cell by providing additional energy. The laser therapy is effective and non-invasive at the same time, supporting the healing process without any negative side effects. The recommended coMra Treatment Protocols for Migraine are Universal 1 - Head and Endocrinology 2 - Hormonal Imbalance.

Free E-book "coMra For Migraine"

Read or download this free e-book on how coMra is used in cases of migraine. This published pilot case series explores the role of coMra therapy in the treatment of migraine and develops a holistic view of emotional origins and bioenergetic expression of headaches.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

Thyroid issues are getting more and more common these days and one of the main factors for that is stress. The thyroid gland is very small but it is quite crucial for the whole metabolism in the body and the hormonal balance. When the energy is not used properly by the cells in the body, the whole organism suffers. When the thyroid's function is too low, it is called hypothyroidism and then it is overactive, it is hyperthyroidism. There are also several autoimmune conditions affecting the thyroid like Hashimoto’s disease and Graves’ disease.

Can stress damage your thyroid?

The cause of thyroid disorders is complex and definitely one of the factors which is making it worse, it stress. The high levels of stress hormones would suppress the metabolism even more and by slowing it down, you might gain weight. People with thyroid issues usually are experiencing prolonged periods of emotional stress which is either slowing the thyroid down or on the opposite can make it too active causing increased heartbeat, hair loss and anxiety. 

The effect of stress on your thyroid

Chronic stress will lead to a continuous production of cortisol and other stress hormones, which will affect the hormonal balance in the body, decreasing the thyroid and reproductive hormones, triggering insulin resistance and causing sleeping problems. When the cortisol levels are too high, the thyroid gland has to work even harder in order to produce enough thyroid hormones. 

How sleep deprivation can damage the thyroid?

When you are not able to have a good sleep at night, you will experience ups and downs of energy during the day and would not be feeling at your best. The adrenal glands are producing either too much or not enough cortisol which makes you feel tired all the time. Chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation and stress are all interconnected - the less you sleep in the night, the more stressed and tired you will feel in the day and that cycle would repeat itself. So, sleep deprivation would affect your thyroid just the same as high levels of stress and it can cause emotional stress, anxiety and depression. 

Can physical stress cause hyperthyroidism?

It is known that physical stress can cause thyroid storm or hyperthyroidism as your body is trying to speed up all the processes in order to handle the physical challenges coming from the outside. If you have Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism, being hyperactive on the physical level would make things worse. It can also cause anxiety, anger issues, sleep problems and increased heartbeat. 

Can stress make hypothyroidism worse?

When you are stressed and your thyroid is hypoactive, the condition can become worse. Stress negatively affects the immune system, the hormonal balance of many hormones like estrogen, prolactin, insulin, etc. When you are stressed, a huge amount of adrenaline and cortisol is produced which suppress many functions in the body, the stress reaction is an attempt of your body to help you move away as fast as possible from the danger. However, if you feel stressed all the time, then this would deplete your body from resources as everything is used to the maximum and some functions would be literally shut down until you have more vital energy. Stress and sleep deprivation would actually increase the levels of TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) produced by the pituitary gland in an attempt to make the thyroid work better. 

How to support your thyroid and nervous system in a gentle but effective way

There is a very effective way to support your thyroid and the nervous system without the use of too many medications and that is to apply cold laser therapy. It is non-invasive, totally safe and gentle. The cold lasers like the one used in coMra devices are known to provide the additional energy needed by the cells in order for them to recover and regenerate. The laser in coMra is additionally supported by magnets, light diodes and even ultrasound (in Delta) in order to provide even more free energy which can be used for healing. The recommended coMra treatment protocols can be found in the coMra User Guide - Universal Treatment 5  for the nervous system and Autoimmune 4 to support the thyroid. Of course, you can apply additional protocols according to your conditions and your needs in order to have even better results with improving your health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

In the cold months, cough is one of the usual symptoms of a common cold, also known as upper respiratory infection. Depending on how strong the immune system is, it can take three days to two weeks to recover from it. Sometimes, after the common cold, bronchitis is developed and it is a condition that can be quite stubborn. 

Bronchitis is a condition which occurs when there is an infection in the lungs. The major airways of the lung - the bronchi, are inflamed and irritated. Most common types of bronchitis are acute or chronic, there are other types too. Although the symptoms of acute bronchitis, which is sometimes referred as chest cold, usually last for about 2 weeks, the cough might stay for up to two months.

Which Are the Most Common Symptoms and Signs of Bronchitis?

What Might Trigger Bronchitis?

As it was mentioned above, bronchitis could develop after a common cold. It could be caused by a virus or bacteria infection, it could be triggered by breathing in irritant particles or substances. Smoking can be a trigger too for some people however, it is not the main cause of bronchitis as non-smokers can suffer too. Toxic or polluted air environments should be avoided or protective gear must be used to protect the lungs. Sometimes, emotional stress can be a trigger too as it compromises the immune system. 

Cold Laser Home Treatments for Cough and Bronchitis

How quickly you will recover from bronchitis depends on how strong your immune system is. While it is often developed after a common cold, the immune system is often compromised and the cough syrups are not even working to give a relief from the cough. In that case, you might think that you need stronger medication but there is another way to treat acute and chronic conditions - cold laser therapy. It is known that cold lasers are very effective to help the natural healing abilities of the body, totally safe and non-invasive. On the other hand, coMra is an improved cold laser therapy, as in the coMra devices the power of the laser is combined with the healing properties of magnets, light diodes and ( in Delta) ultrasound. 

The coMra treatment protocol for Bronchitis is Pulmonology 1 and all the details of it can be found in the coMra User Guide. You will need to apply the protocol until you see some improvement or at least for two weeks. It is a totally safe way to treat yourself or your family without any side effects as all the protocols are thoroughly described in the User Guide. The cold laser therapy is suitable for everyone including children, elderly people and pregnant women, you can even treat your pet with the devices. There are coMra protocols for various conditions and diseases, as bronchitis is merely one of them. 

Natural Remedies for Cough and Bronchitis

The herbs and other natural healing methods are very well combined with coMra therapy as soon as they are gentle and non-invasive too. In order to assist the recovery from bronchitis, first you will need to apply the coMra protocol daily and then you can include some additional remedies: 

​​How to prevent coughing

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

Cervical erosion is a common health issue however not an extremely serious one, it is not linked to cervical cancer as many people might think. It occurs when cells from the cervix start growing outside of it and this looks like a red, inflamed patch on the neck of the cervix. Although, the condition usually goes without symptoms, some pain or bleeding during sex might be felt and vaginal discharge or spotting between periods might occur. These could be a sign for a different condition though, so even if you experience them, it is not a reliable way to diagnose yourself with cervical erosion.

Causes of Cervical Erosion (Cervical Ectropion)

The most common reason is a hormonal Imbalance of the reproductive hormones in the female body due to birth control pills, pregnancy or other. The cervical erosion is linked to elevated levels of estrogen. The high levels of estrogen can cause abnormal growth of cells outside the cervical canal, usually on the neck of the cervix. It might be a fluctuation of the estrogen levels or a permanent estrogen dominance, however the cervical erosion occurs when the hormones are out of balance in the body and this is what needs to be addressed in the first place. The conventional methods of removing the cervical erosion with cryotherapy or silver nitrate will not work on the root cause of the condition but will only remove the result of the hormonal imbalance. The reason why the birth control pill causes not only these issues but many others too is that it consists of estrogen or synthetic progestin, both of which completely disrupt the fine hormonal balance in the female body. 

Cold Laser Therapy for Hormonal Imbalances

Choosing a non-invasive treatment like cold laser therapy is a way to address and heal the root cause of the condition which is the hormonal imbalance. In coMra, the cold infrared laser is combined with magnets and light diodes to create even better support to the cells, providing them with the additional energy they need in order to heal. It is totally safe, non-invasive and highly effective. The high levels of estrogen are linked to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, migraines, water retention, weight gain, etc. Estrogen is the reproductive hormone that you really need to be kept in balance by the relevant levels of progesterone, low levels of prolactin and stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. 

The recommended coMra treatment protocol in that case would be Universal Treatment 5 - Nervous system from the coMra User Guide and the Gastroenterology 1 treatment protocol which will address problems in the liver. The liver is the organ which is responsible for eliminating the excess estrogen from the body, so you need to support its work with a proper diet and regular coMra treatments. Even if you are not doing the whole protocol, you can still treat it daily on 5Hz for at least 10 minutes to support its normal functioning. These protocols can be done with coMra Palm as you also add the points from Gynecology 1 which do not require the Delta Probe Terminal. 

coMra Treatment Protocol for Cervical Erosion

The specific coMra treatment protocol designed to address cervical erosion will require Delta Probe Terminal in order to execute the whole treatment. In the coMra User Guide, you will find it under the name Gynecology 1 and you need to apply for it for at least two weeks. The cold laser therapy will induce the healing and regenerating process of the tissues without any negative side effects and without any pain involved. However, it is still a good strategy to combine this protocol with the treatments mentioned above - Universal 5 and Liver. Additionally, you might want to treat the adrenal glands a bit more, especially if you feel under stress or have troubles sleeping. 

More Ways to Support Your Reproductive Health

If you experience hormonal imbalance you will need to keep your stress hormones in a good range by managing your stress response, your sleep, diet and exercise routine. Any additional stress will add to the imbalance. Following a balanced diet is crucial as if your body is underfed, it will be perceived as stress by it, the same goes with intensive training or the lack of sleep. Avoid foods which decrease your progesterone and might add more estrogen into the system lie dairy products, soy and certain herbs.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach which participates in the digestion process by producing enzymes, insulin and more. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas which occurs when the digestive enzymes are activated while still in the pancreas, irritating its cells and causing inflammation. It is caused by high alcohol consumption, gallstones, some drugs, injury, high blood lipids and extreme stress. However, there could be an underlying disease which causes the inflammation of the pancreas too. There are different severity of the condition and in moderate to severe cases, you will need to see a doctor. In mild and chronic cases, you can follow a strict diet and do cold laser treatments at home.

Symptoms of Pancreatitis

What Diet will Help with Pancreatitis

When there is an inflammation of the pancreas, the organ itself fails to function properly. It cannot produce enough enzymes and the most difficult to digest food at that period is any form of fat, plant-based or animal. Avoid fat in any form for at least two weeks and then introduce fat in the form of olive oil, for example, in very limited quantities. This means that you cannot eat any deserts, fried foods, sauces, cooked dishes with oil, nuts, oily meat and fish, dressings, dairy products, etc. You have to drink a lot of water in order to avoid dehydration and to cut off alcohol consumption completely. 

In terms of medications, you might need medical advice on painkillers and antibiotics, however if you can avoid taking them it will be even better. In cases of chronic pancreatitis, because of digestive issues, the body is usually malnourished and the nutrients are not absorbed efficiently. In that case, it is recommended to take vitamins and antioxidants as supplements. While fresh fruits and vegetables are a major part of each balanced diet, you might find it difficult to eat fruits as they contain sugars, and the vegetables are better digested when slightly boiled or steamed. You will have to avoid spicy meals, crunchy foods like nuts or crackers as they usually contain fats and are hard to digest. Basically, stick to easy to digest and simple foods like cooked potatoes and rice, boiled root vegetables and bread, lean meat and cucumbers, etc. 

Pancreatitis Home Treatment

Although severe cases might require hospitalization or at least a doctor’s visit, when you get back home you will need to treat the condition yourself. Even if your pancreatitis is not chronic, it will take quite some time on a diet plan and treatment to be able to manage and control the condition. The best alternative to painkillers is low level laser therapy (cold lasers) as it is non-invasive, totally safe and you do load the pancreas, the stomach and the liver with more medication to deal with. 

When there is acute pain, you can use the coMra cold laser device to get some relief. However, there is a coMra treatment protocol created to treat and heal pancreatitis. In the coMra User Guide, you will find it by the name Gastroenterology 3. This treatment protocol will take around 16-20 mins. However, you can combine it with Universal Treat 3 - Blood to improve the blood circulation and the quality of the blood, and with Universal Treatment 5 - Nervous system, if you experience extreme stress and feel down emotionally. Here is how the treatment protocol is described in the coMra User Guide. 

pancreatitis 1

Why Does coMra Laser Therapy Work? 

Cold lasers have been used for many years now with all kinds of conditions and diseases. The healing effect is a result of the coherent work of a laser, magnets and light diodes, which are specifically modulated to create a field of energy entering the cells. This additional energy is used by the cell to secure the vital processes going on like daily metabolism, regeneration and elimination. Because when there is an inflammation, it costs a lot of vital energy to the cell or the organ, some functions are put on hold and the energy is used where it is most needed. When you provide additional energy though, the cells will not cut some functions but will use this energy to regenerate and heal. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us