Millions of people suffer from diabetes and more to that many of them develop other health conditions. The high levels of blood sugar are not only creating discomfort, extreme fatigue and muscle pain but can be even more dangerous for the overall health. The diseases linked to diabetes are stroke and heart disease, kidney issues, eye diseases, dental and foot problems, nerve damage or neuropathy. This means that when you try to manage and reverse diabetes, you also need to heal the other systems in your body which are affected by it. While coMra therapy is used to support the body in healing any health condition, you need to apply not only the Diabetes treatment protocol from the Endocrinology section but also to treat other occurring conditions.

So, in this article we will find out how home laser therapy can help you deal with all the health conditions linked to diabetes. But where to start form? Which treatment protocols from the coMra User Guide can you apply to support your body if you have diabetes or insulin resistance?

Treating Heart Disease

In the coMra User Guide there is a section called Universal Treatments. You can apply these courses as a healing support program or use them as a prevention. The Universal Treatment 2 - Heart was created to provide more energy to the heart and support its work. Additionally you can apply Cardiology 2 for conditions like ischemia, arrhythmia, valvular disease etc. It will be even more beneficial if you combine it with Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. In fact, the last treatment protocol is quite versatile as it supports the blood circulation, the quality of the blood and the condition of the red blood cells. While blood reaches every cell in the body, this treatment is great for the overall health and especially for the heart condition. Applying coMra therapy on the heart according to Universal Treatment 2 - Heart, will give the heart an additional boost and energy to regenerate in cases like a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow, low immunity and high cholesterol. Always use 5Hz when treating the heart and include several minutes daily to support its work. 

Dealing with Kidney Issues

To support the work of the kidneys with coMra therapy, you can apply the treatments found in the Nephrology section of the coMra User Guide. Nephrology 6 is a course designed for chronic kidney disorder or diabetic nephropathy as well as renal failure. You can apply Nephrology 4 protocol for pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In addition to these courses, you may find it very beneficial to apply Universal treatment 6 - Vitality for physical exhaustion and recovery from surgery or illness. Also, Universal treatment 5 - Somatic biostimulation for emotional exhaustion, depression, insomnia and in general to support the nervous system and the adrenal glands.

Pain relief for Nerve Damage and Eye Problems

If you experience blurry vision and other eye problems, you can apply Neurology 3 which is for neuropathy of the ophthalmic nerve. Cardiology 3 treatment can help for any eye pain related to hypertension or cervical migraine. Often the nerve damage in the cervical area of the spine can cause eye problems and headaches. For other neuropathic pains check the Neurology and Traumatology sections to find the specific condition or cause of the pain and how to address it with coMra. You will need to apply treatments for two weeks, then rest and repeat. Even if you experience improvement, you might still need to continue with regular coMra treatments maybe not daily but several times per week which will serve as a prevention method and will help you manage diabetes as the main health condition that you want to address naturally.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Here is a successful story of a woman with pain in her eyes and sinuses which she treated with coMra:

Additional weight and obesity is a major problem of modern society. The food is full of chemicals which affect metabolism, people consume more sugar than ever and the animal products are packed with hormones. Another major factor is lifestyle, activity routine and emotional state especially when you are distressed. Many people experience difficulties losing weight but the belly fat seems to be even more stubborn. In this article, we will discuss how coMra therapy can support your attempts to lose weight and particularly how to burn that belly fat which is quite harmful for your health.

coMra Therapy for Better Health

Firstly, what is coMra therapy and how does it support your health? This method used for recovery, healing and prevention is very gentle but effective in many cases. The combination of a low level laser with magnets and light diodes creates a specific field which when reaching the cell increases its energy. Then this additional energy becomes a source to be used by the cell for healing and regeneration. The coMra Therapy induces the natural healing abilities in the body by improving the communication in the cell and between the organs. In short, coMra helps you to restore the coherent state and integrity of your body as when all the organs work in harmony, you will experience well-being. Of course, emotions and thoughts are also part of the well-being as you are not only a physical body but a being with a mind and a soul.

For Better Metabolism

When you attempt to lose weight and especially belly fat, you need to increase the metabolism as then you will burn more fat. This goes with changes in your diet as you need to avoid processed foods and mainly all the sugar. Apply coMra Universal treatments 3 and 4 daily to increase your vitality and to fight the mid-afternoon energy slump. You will need to include a liver coMra treatment as this is the organ which is responsible for the elimination of the toxins and also the storage of the glucose. The Universal treatment 3 also increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells which is important for the overall health and your stamina. It will also speed up the recovery time after exercising, which is especially valuable if you are new to taking exercise.

coMra and Detoxifying

To lose weight actually means that your body will get rid of all the toxins and waste materials which were stored in different areas. In order to protect the body from the toxins, your body covers them with fat, so all this additional fat is in fact also full of harmful substances and waste products of metabolism. To support the elimination and the detoxifying process, apply coMra Universal treatment 8. This treatment protocol was created to support the major organs and it is vital for you if you want to lose weight and cleanse your body. Combining it with Universal treatment 3 - Blood will provide you with more energy and will enhance the effect from the exercising.

The Nervous System

When you are losing weight, you feel stressed and may experience emotional swings, troubles sleeping at night, fatigue and brain fog. This is mainly due to the fact that your body cleanse from toxins but also breaking a habit will affect your emotions too. It is very important to support your nervous system, so you can use coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7. It will help your adrenal glands to calm down and to improve your sleep. If the cortisol levels are too high, it is hard to lose weight as the hormonal balance is disturbed and your body will not burn the fat. That is the reason why quality sleep is a part of each weight loss program. The whole endocrine system is affected by the increased production of cortisol, so make sure that you do not skip the adrenal glands treatment on the back.

The coMra Therapy is a safe way to fully support your body during this time of change when you are losing weight. You can apply it as pain relief whenever you need it and help the regeneration of your organs as losing weight is a very complex process which engages your whole being. A holistic approach to your health is the best way to change your lifestyle and keep your weight in a good range.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The melanin in the skin cells is a natural pigment responsible for the skin color. However, the skin tone changes with age and according to the overall health state. Hyperpigmentation is the condition when uneven darkened patches of skin occur after sun exposure, during pregnancy or after acne. The darker spots on the face, neck and arms are the result of an increased melanin production. But what causes the increased melanin production? It is not only the sun to blame as some people easily get sun spots and others can stay the whole day under the sun without any uneven dark spots. Why with age, people tend to experience more skin pigmentation and what causes the melasma - a larger area of pigmentation usually on the face?

Skin color and the sun

While the darker skin has more melanin, it tends to develop more hyperpigmentation. On the other hand, the lighter skin is more sensitive to the sun and burns faster if unprotected. Sun exposure is the main cause of hyperpigmentation but different skins react uniquely to sunlight. While the skin is the biggest organ in the human body, it shows every problem and change in the overall health. So, if the skin tends to produce uneven pigment, you need to search for the cause of the problem inside. Of course, with age the skin is getting more sensitive to the sunlight and more darkened spots appear easily mainly because of the hormonal changes. Yet, everyone is different and the sun sensitivity depends on the health of the inner organs.

Hormonal changes

Another cause of hyperpigmentation is the hormonal balance and it is not a surprise that it is more common for women to experience it. The monthly period, pregnancy, menopause and every endocrine hormonal imbalance could cause uneven skin pigmentation disorders. It is very important to address the hormonal balance if you suffer from stubborn dark spots as cosmetics will not be the solution in that case. The dark spots are formed in the deeper layers of the skin and no exfoliation or serum can make them disappear. You need to heal yourself from the inside without aggressive chemicals and medications. The coMra therapy is a very gentle and powerful way to induce the natural healing abilities of your body. It is safe and has no negative side effects. To treat the dark spots directly on the skin, use 1000Hz and place the device on the affected area for several minutes daily. You can apply the same in case of acne in order to stop the inflammation process, just make sure to clean the device with hydrogen peroxide after each treatment.

coMra Therapy to restore hormonal balance

A great way to support your body into restoring the hormonal balance or soothing the symptoms of these transition periods in hormone production, is coMra therapy. In general stress always causes some kind of a hormonal imbalance as the body gives a priority to the cortisol production. That is the reason why coMra Universal Treatment 5 and 7 are very effective in supporting the inner balance during periods of stress. However, if you have thyroid issues, diabetes, reproductive and fertility issues etc. which are hormonal imbalances, you need to address them properly as they all will affect the skin too. In the coMra User Guide, find your condition and apply the treatment protocol as recommended. You may find it very useful to treat the liver as it is the major organ to eliminate the toxins out of the bloodstream. Apply 5Hz on the liver for several minutes in the evening before going to bed for at least two weeks to support its functioning.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Most of the people with autoimmune disorders have something in common - gut issues. While the gut is the place where most of the immune system is located, it is not a surprise that any change there will affect the whole body. It is well known now that almost all of the autoimmune diseases start with an issue with the gut health, namely with changes in the balance of the bacteria living there. The microbiome is the major cause of low immunity and autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, liver issues etc. As far as trillions of bacteria cells live in the human body, it is vital to have the right balance if we all want to be healthy. Not to forget that the emotional state of the person can also alter and affect the microbiome.

Why do you need coMra in your daily life?

The body has its own inner intelligence, it perfectly regulates thousands of processes daily without any control from the mind. Then, why when it gets to healing, people try to manage each and every chemical reaction in order to reach health? It is no surprise that most of the medications which are supposed to heal you, have tens of negative side effects, especially if you take them long-term. That is why, you need a holistic approach which will not disturb the chemical balance inside the body even more. In order to manage autoimmune disorders and improve the gut health, you need to minimize the usage of chemicals. The coMra Therapy is a cold laser therapy but it is even more. It combines the power of a laser with a magnetic field and colorful light diodes. They all are modulated to work coherently in order to support the body in its healing process. The energy levels are increased, the communication and the hormonal balance is restored. The method is very gentle and effective with all kinds of health conditions and diseases.

Better Gut Health with coMra

The microbiome is very sensitive and changes can occur due to the diet, water consumption, emotional and mental state of the person, daily routine, activity etc. In short, everything that you do in your life will affect the balance of the bacteria in your gut. For example, if you are sad and stressed, the fluids and the chemicals in your body change. And some substances feed the “good bacteria”, while others like sugar or food preservatives feed the “bad bacteria”. The good news is that if your body is in a good, coherent state there will not be any environmental resources for the “bad bacteria” to grow. Your body can perfectly maintain a healthy gut if it has the energy needed. Here is where coMra can be very useful to support the body and to help the healing process. As most of the vital energy is spent on the work of the organs and the digestion, your body needs some additional energy in order to heal. You can apply the coMra Universal treatment protocols to support the healing of the major organs and systems.

coMra for Autoimmune Disorders

There are various autoimmune disorders but they are all linked to the gut health. The immune system that is alarmed by various triggers produces a constant inflammation in the body and starts a process which affects the whole. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, vasculitis are only a few examples of autoimmune diseases. The medications treatment is focused on getting temporary relief from the symptoms. With coMra Therapy you will not only get some pain relief but will also address the problem. While coMra is a holistic approach, it induces a healing process in your body as a whole, as a balanced system. If the inner coherent state that we call health is restored, then the immune system and all the other organs will work in harmony. In the coMra User Guide find your autoimmune disorder and engage in treating yourself regularly until you see some improvement. Then rest for two weeks and repeat the whole treatment course.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Neuropathic pain is a serious health problem when people suffer constantly from mild to severe nerve pain. The causes could vary from infections, injuries, neurological conditions to diabetes, cancer or alcoholism. Sometimes, it occurs after surgery or medications treatment but very often it could have no identifiable cause. In these cases, neuropathic pain is linked to post-traumatic disorders, constant stress and depression. The body is not separate from the mind and the emotions, so every situation which throws the person totally out of balance could lead to many health conditions and sometimes this could be neuropathic pain as well.

How neuropathic pain is usually treated?

The conventional approach to pain aims to soothe the condition with all kinds of medications like anti-epileptics, antidepressants, opioids, nerve blocks, electric nerve stimulation etc. The side effects are many and people often experience dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, nausea or total numbness. It is more than obvious that although these pharmaceuticals provide a momentary relief, they cannot be a long-term solution. In most cases, there is no improvement and the cause of the condition is still there even after years of taking painkillers and other medications. Now, there is actually another solution - coMra Therapy.

Why do you need coMra?

Cold laser or low level laser therapy has proven to be very effective when we speak about pain of any kind. However, coMra is something more as it combines the power of the laser with magnets and LEDs. All of these components were very specifically modulated to create a field with great potential on the human body. Even after a few treatments, the energy levels in the cell are increased together with improved communication and hormonal balance. You can apply coMra Therapy both as a pain relief or healing method. In a very gentle but firm way, coMra induces the inner healing abilities inside each cell and in the body. It helps the body with restoring the balance and the coherence between the systems and the organs. The more the body is close to its coherent state, the more the person experiences health and well-being.

How to treat neuropathic pain with coMra?

If you are new to coMra Therapy, then the first thing you will need is to have the coMra User Guide on your computer or on your phone. The devices of coMra are very simple to use and you can learn to operate them in no time. All of the treatment protocols are described in detail in the coMra User Guide, for everyone to start applying them on their own at home. For neuropathic pain of different kinds you will need to search in the Neurology section of the treatment protocols. It is a good idea to search for your specific condition as you will need to treat also the primal cause of the pain. The coMra Universal treatment protocols are a good way to support the whole body into healing and can be used to modify the protocol to match your specific condition. For the nervous system, you will need to apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which can be a great supportive treatment after you experience healing of the primal cause of neuropathic pain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.rney.

How is your digestive system operating? Do you feel some pain in the stomach or in the belly after you consume a certain type of food or even constantly? Why do so many people suffer from diseases which start in the gut and can we find a link between almost every health condition and the gut? It occurs that bloating is so common nowadays while people consume a lot of processed and packaged food. It is full of unrecognizable ingredients which the stomach and the gut cannot digest or absorb and basically has the obligation to eliminate or store somewhere in the body.

Nutrients and Immunity

Good food is very important for your health but if your digestive system is not working properly, the nutrients will not be absorbed and the cells will be still hungry. On the health of the intestines depends what substances will reach each cell in the body and how your new cells and tissues will be built. Also, a huge part of the immune system is operating in the gut. Every time you eat some food, your immune system has to decide whether this is actual food for the body or is a harmful virus or bacteria. If it assumes that a certain type of protein is dangerous for the body, it will be attacked. This creates inflammation and is known as food intolerance, for example gluten or lactose intolerance.

Gut Health and Diseases

If your gut is compromised, many health conditions and symptoms can occur as a result. While the body is constantly fighting inflammation, all the resources are depleted and the immune system is weakened. Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, heart disease, liver problems and all kinds of other conditions might have started in the gut. When the intestines are constantly inflamed, the intestinal walls will be compromised and will become thinner. This will let food particles and other substances enter the bloodstream spreading all over the body. This condition is called leaky gut syndrome and is the main cause of autoimmune diseases.

Improve Your Gut Health with coMra

While it is a very gentle and effective method to heal your body, coMra therapy is a great way to support your gut health. The harmonious and coherent work of a laser with magnets and LEDs creates a special field which increases the energy of the cell. This additional energy could be used to improve the metabolism inside the cells and of the whole, the hormonal balance and communication. How to apply coMra in order to address gut issues? Many coMra treatment protocols can be found in the coMra User Guide. In the Gastroenterology section are all the treatment protocols related to digestive issues. Some of the coMra Universal treatments can also be beneficial in cases of low immunity and inflammation.

More Health Tips

Your gut and immunity is affected by the food you eat and by your emotional state. Maybe you have noticed that when you feel stressed, you either want to eat more or less. Some people have a “nervous” stomach and feel their belly heavy when in emotional crisis. So, first try to eat clean and good diet without the food groups which might trigger intolerance. However, take care of your emotional state too, notice how you feel when you eat, are you in a hurry and stressed or do you enjoy your meal in a calm and supportive environment. When your gut is strong and healthy, the overall health will improve, your whole body will benefit from this and all the organs will receive the nutrients they need on a daily basis.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Many people are in transition periods just before a disease or after healing a health condition. There could be no particular symptoms or blood test results to show what is actually going on in the body. However, fine changes in the hormonal balance, enzymes levels, oxidizing processes, the immune and emotional integrity could cause short periods of fatigue. These moments come and go without a particular reason such as physical or mental exhaustion. Only if you feel exhausted for months without any improvement, then it might be chronic fatigue.

Healing crisis

When you start the healing process there is always a transition period when the symptoms could become even more severe and then the improvement occurs. Even when you apply coMra therapy, a healing crisis can occur although coMra is a totally safe and non-invasive method. With coMra therapy there are not any negative side effects on your health but sometimes your body will need to turn the volume up for a while. This is a good sign which means that you have started the healing process. There is a change in the pattern which caused the condition in the first place. However, chronic fatigue could be a sign that more serious diseases take place unnoticed. So, observe yourself if you experience weakness for a prolonged period of time with muscle pain, shortness of breath, sleeplessness etc.

Fatigue with weight loss

If this occurs very rarely as a result of fasting, detoxifying program or after stressful period, then it is just your body adjusting. The flushing of toxins out of the body could cause headaches, fatigue and even nausea. However, these symptoms will disappear very quickly and everything will soon be in the normal ranges. On the other hand, if your chronic fatigue lasts for months then it could be a sign for endocrine imbalance or digestive issues due to problems with the intestines, liver or stomach. It could be a result of an autoimmune condition, parasites, prolonged inflammation or even tumours. Start applying the coMra Universal treatments protocols to support your body before the exact diagnosis. Then find your condition in the coMra User Guide and follow the instructions of the particular treatment for your specific condition.

Pale skin, low blood pressure and chronic fatigue

This could be a sign that you have anemia and the causes of it are often very complex combining physical and emotional reasons. In the article about the mindset behind anemia you can find more information on the possible thoughts or emotions linked to your condition. Low blood pressure also shows that your emotional balance is disturbed and your body suffers. Start applying coMra treatment protocols designed for anemia and low blood pressure like Universal treatment 3- Blood from the coMra User Guide.

Thirst and too much urinating

In that case you need to observe and test your blood sugar levels as this could be a sign for pre-diabetic condition, insulin resistance or diabetes. Another possible reason could be kidney problems. In the coMra User Guide there are specific treatment protocols both for diabetes and kidney issues.

Why coMra?

The coMra therapy is a gentle but very effective method to support and enhance the healing process linked to any condition. You can apply it in case of chronic fatigue too. The natural healing abilities of the body are induced and awakened helping it to restore its primal balance and health. When treating almost every condition with coMra, the positive changes could be observed shortly. The healing will not happen overnight but with small steps of improvement and in a couple of weeks you will notice great results. Most of the treatment protocols are to be applied until you feel improvement of your condition or just for two weeks, then take some rest and repeat as it is explained in the coMra User Guide.

Every day your energy levels are different depending on your physical activity, food intake, emotional balance and more. Sometimes, you can feel tired for various reasons but usually after some good rest and several hours of deep sleep, everything is back to normal. Except when the tiredness is there for months. There are many conditions linked to chronic fatigue and together with other symptoms could be a sign for a serious disease going on unnoticed.

Similar could be observed when you start your healing and it seems like the symptoms are getting worse. Even with coMra therapy this could happen and it is actually a good sign which means that your body is recovering. This is called a healing crisis and fatigue is often a part of it. Although coMra therapy is totally safe and non-invasive, a healing crisis is the natural way of the body to get rid of a disease or issue. If you are in the process of cleansing your body from toxins and excessive weight, then fatigue is a sign that your body is in a phase of transitioning.

Chronic fatigue with digestive issues

If you feel bloated, have bad taste in the mouth, constipation, diarrhea or a heavy feeling in the abdominal area and all of that combined with chronic fatigue, you need to treat your digestive system. In the coMra User guide, there is a Gastroenterology section with various treatment protocols for the digestive system. The condition of your intestines and colon will affect the health of the whole body as all the nutrients are absorbed there. Your emotional state and thinking patterns are of great importance for the health of the digestive system and the gut brain. Therefore, you can also treat and support the nervous system with coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 which will enhance your overall health and well-being.

Heart conditions and chronic fatigue

Problems with the heart is one of the most common conditions linked to chronic fatigue together with symptoms like irregular heartbeat, arritmia, shortness of breath, pain or heaviness in the heart, then you need to check your body for cardiovascular problems. In coMra therapy, there are gentle and effective treatment protocols to support the health of the heart and to enhance the healing process. In the coMra User Guide, you will find all the details on how to apply the Universal Treatment 2 - Heart on your own.

Mental and emotional issues

Conditions such as depression and anxiety include many complex problems like lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, emotional instability, irritability, lack of desire to live etc. It is normal to feel tired after a challenging period with a lot of stress and overwhelming emotions, however you need to look closely at it if you cannot get up for days and have the desire to stay in bed and not do anything. From the coMra therapy protocols, you can apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which will support and heal your nervous system as a part of the holistic approach. Of course, a great deal of inner work is required to address the emotional reasons for your condition.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: What Might Cause Chronic Fatigue

READ: Is coMra Therapy a Solution for Chronic Fatigue?

It is well known that emotional stress can cause various conditions like digestive issues, diabetes, migraine and many more. However, it often leads to prolonged physical pain in the muscles and nerves. Chronic pain can be caused by injuries, inflammation, nerve damage and emotional issues. Many people with prolonged pain are suffering from post-traumatic disorder, depression, anxiety and emotional breakdown. The more anxious and stressed you are, the more there is a chance that with time it will affect your nerves and muscles making them tight and tense. The next phase is when the constricted muscles become fatigued and inefficient disturbing your ability to move. Chronic neuropathic pain occurs when nerves are damaged or inflamed for a long period of time.

Emotional stress

If there is pain in your mind that you are not aware of, your body will show it as phantom pain in different parts of it. All the time your thoughts and mental patterns lead to emotions which literally change the inner environment of your body. It is hard to say which is first - the pain or the emotional issues as they are both interconnected. However, each health condition starts in the emotional body and the mind first, before it finds its way to manifest as a disease on the physical level. But once the body is in pain, your emotional balance will soon be compromised too. After several days of illness, even if it is an ordinary flu, people tend to feel sad, depressed and unmotivated. So, imagine how it is if you are in pain all the time. On the other hand, trauma and stress can lead to chronic pain. Here is the vicious circle. Is there another solution other than painkillers?

What is well-being?

“Health” is a word that is everywhere these days, it seems like everyone is interested in restoring health. But what does that mean, do we remember how it feels to be healthy? It could be said that health is actually well-being. Moreover, it is the coherent state in which all your parts are working together in harmony. You are a being that has a body, a mind, emotions, a soul... and you express yourself on so many levels simultaneously. Everything that is part of yourself is interconnected and has its own intelligence. Your mind, emotional body, physical body, spirit … all of it makes you who you are and how you will experience this life. So, if you suffer from chronic pain, it is not a physical issue only and will not go away if you try to numb the body. About the solution - yes, there is another way to address chronic pain. It is called coMra Therapy.

Why do you need to try coMra Therapy if you suffer from chronic pain?

A very gentle but effective way to heal and support your body, is coMra Therapy. The specifically modulated cold laser, magnets and LEDs create a field of energy which helps your body to “remember” how it feels to be healthy. On the physical level, coMra will heal the cells providing them the additional energy they need. However, on a subtle level coMra will improve the communication in the cell and between cells, in the organ and between organs, in the body and between the body and your other parts. It creates this coherent field which helps your body to restore its primal balance, its well-being. That is the reason why coMra has such good results on various people with all kinds of complex conditions. Because it heals the person as a whole not only the condition, not only the disease. In short, coMra therapy is a holistic method which can be used as a healing protocol, as a prevention or as a pain relief. But in any case, it will support the body intelligence in its attempts to restore the health and well-being of the whole.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: The Results of Emotional Stress On Your Health

People during the last several decades are more tired and stressed than ever before. It is a tendency these days people from different age groups to experience symptoms like physical weakness, inability to concentrate, headaches, pain and even nausea. Some symptoms seem to appear without a particular reason and they often last for a long period of time without any improvement. Actually, some time ago doctors did not even consider chronic fatigue as an actual health condition and had been advising the patients to just rest more. However, with the years it turns out that this might be a serious issue linked to some diseases and chronic conditions.

Fatigue or chronic fatigue?

Many people are in transition periods just before a disease is formed or in the period of recovery after a health issue. In some cases, the symptoms or blood test results will not show what is actually going on in the body. However, fine changes in the hormonal balance, enzymes levels, oxidizing processes, the immune and emotional integrity could cause short periods of fatigue. These moments come and go without a particular reason and you may experience some physical or mental exhaustion which will last for a day or two. However, if you feel exhausted for months without any improvement, then it might be chronic fatigue.

Home laser therapy for chronic fatigue

The cause of chronic fatigue is a complex thing and can be linked to various conditions. Whatever the reason for your tiredness is, there is a non-invasive solution - cold laser therapy. All the causes of chronic fatigue and the health conditions linked to it could be effectively addressed and treated with coMra therapy. The main part of the device is a cold laser which in a very gentle way supports the healing of numerous conditions and diseases by enhancing the energy balance in each cell. Additionally, coMra combines the laser with magnets and LEDs to create a coherent field which provides even more energy for the cells to be used for recovery and healing. The device is called coMra Palm, it is totally safe, suitable for everybody and easy to operate with. You can treat various conditions with coMra and to experience great results which will last. In the coMra User guide lots of treatment protocols are designed which to be applied as a part of the healing process or as a prevention procedure.

Here are some of the possible causes of chronic fatigue:

A virus infection. There are so many viruses and bacteria all around us. All the time they try to break into our body and the immune system has to recognize them and fight back the malicious ones. There are cases of virus infection which occur without other obvious symptoms despite the chronic fatigue. Some stubborn viruses stay latent in the body and got activated from time to time. The immune system then is alarmed to search for the virus in the body and to attack the cells that are affected. Very often, this leads to disturbed hormonal balance and autoimmune conditions.

Immune deficiency. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, it might be a sign that your immune system is not working properly. Research shows that in case of immune deficiency, there is a low activity of the white blood cells which are responsible for the killing of invaders from the outside like viruses and bacteria. Autoimmune diseases can also cause chronic fatigue as the immune system is alarmed all the time and very often there are several inflammatory processes going on.

Depression. Some changes in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain are linked to depression and can cause fatigue. Usually, there are also sleep issues and increased sensitivity to various triggers as a result of the depression. Today, more researches show the connection between depression and gut health, so it is very important to address the issues in the microbiome and the health of the gut.

Poor diet and digestive issues. Stress and other factors may cause the formation of too many free radicals in the body which are very harmful for the cells. The reason they are formed is rooted in a poor diet with not enough vitamins, minerals and fibre. If you have digestive issues, the absorption of the substances is disturbed and the cells eventually are hungry. Leaky gut syndrome, colitis, constipation etc. are some of the problems linked to chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety attacks.

Liver problems. If the liver is affected, the toxins cannot be eliminated from the bloodstream and they keep circulating in the body. A diet rich in sugar or alcohol can cause fatty liver and that can lead to hormonal imbalance and slow metabolism. All the hormonal imbalances show that there is a problem in the functioning of the liver and chronic fatigue is usually one of the most common symptoms.

Adrenal deficiency. Chronic fatigue is a sign that the adrenals are exhausted or overstimulated. The malfunction of the adrenals affects the whole body. The adrenal fatigue is an alarming sign of a total physical and emotional burnout. When you experience it, your adrenals are tired due to the constant stress and production of cortisol which disrupts the normal cycles of sleep and activity. The thyroid gland is also affected and you are not able to sleep during the night but you feel dizzy during the day. It feels like a constant jet lag because the levels of cortisol are unstable and unpredictable.

Which health conditions are linked to chronic fatigue?

Every day your energy levels are different depending on your physical activity, food intake, emotional balance and more. Sometimes, you can feel tired for various reasons but usually after some good rest and several hours of deep sleep, everything is back to normal. Except when the tiredness is there for months. There are many conditions linked to chronic or adrenal fatigue and together with other symptoms it is a sign for a serious disease going on unnoticed.

Fatigue with weight loss

If fatigue occurs as a result of fasting, detoxifying program or after a stressful period, then it is just your body adjusting to the process of cleansing. The flushing of toxins out of the body can cause headaches, fatigue and even nausea. However, these symptoms will disappear very quickly and everything will soon be back in the normal ranges. On the other hand, if your chronic fatigue lasts for months then it could be a sign for endocrine imbalance or digestive issues due to problems with the intestines, liver or stomach. It could be a result of an autoimmune condition, parasites, prolonged inflammation and even tumours. Start applying the coMra Universal treatments protocols to support your body even if you do not have the exact diagnosis. Then find your condition in the coMra User Guide and follow the instructions of the particular treatment for your specific condition.

Pale skin, low blood pressure and chronic fatigue

These three symptoms combined can be a sign that you have anemia and the cause of it is often very complex as there are parts rooted in the physics and some in the emotions. In the article about the mindset behind anemia you can find more information on the possible thoughts or emotions linked to your condition. Low blood pressure also shows that your emotional balance is disturbed and your body suffers from that. Start applying coMra treatment protocols designed for anemia and low blood pressure like Universal treatment 3- Blood from the User Guide.

Thirst and too much urinating

If you are thirsty all the time and urinate too much, you need to test your blood sugar levels as this can be a sign for a pre-diabetic condition, insulin resistance or diabetes. Another possible reason is kidney problems. In the coMra User Guide there are specific treatment protocols both for diabetes and kidney issues.

Chronic fatigue with digestive issues

If you feel bloated, have bad taste in the mouth, constipation, diarrhea or a heavy feeling in the abdominal area and all of that combined with chronic fatigue, you need to heal your digestive system. The condition of your intestines and colon will affect the health of the whole body as all the nutrients are absorbed there. Your emotional state and thinking patterns are of great importance for the health of the digestive system and the gut brain. Therefore, you can also treat and support the nervous system with coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 which will enhance your overall health and well-being. The Gastroenterology section of the User guide consists of various treatment protocols for the digestive system

Heart conditions and chronic fatigue

Heart disease is one of the most common conditions linked to chronic fatigue together with symptoms like irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, pain or heaviness in the heart. So, if you experience some of these symptoms, you need to check your body for cardiovascular problems. In coMra therapy, there are gentle and effective treatment protocols to support the health of the heart and to enhance the healing process. In the coMra User Guide, you will find all the details on how to apply the Universal Treatment 2 – Heart on your own.

Mental and emotional issues

Conditions such as depression and anxiety often are experienced together with lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, emotional instability, irritability, lack of desire to live etc. It is normal to feel tired after a challenging period with a lot of stress and overwhelming emotions, however you need to look closely at it if you cannot get up for days and have the desire to only stay in bed and do nothing. From the coMra therapy protocols, you can apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which will support and heal your nervous system. Of course, a great deal of inner work is required to address the emotional and mental reasons for your condition.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The human body is a perfect system which has its own intelligence and ways to maintain its inner balance. However, the quality of food, water, activities, emotions etc. affect this system and very often cause disturbance. The body has it way to communicate with the mind when there is something wrong in an organ or a system - through pain. Whenever there is a condition, an inflammatory process or even a harmful emotion, pain will occur. If the pain is a message that is vital for the overall health, then how do you handle it and respond to it is crucial. Do you want to listen to and support your body or you prefer to shut down the signals when something is not right?

Is there a choice?

When we talk about pain, how do you think is there a choice in the way of treating it? Probably, most of the people will reach out to strong pills which promise to soothe the pain immediately. What they actually do, is to block the signals coming from the place of pain. However, the moment their impact on the nerves is over, the pain is back and is even more severe than before. Although, there are cases of emergency when you really need to shut down the body for a while to make a surgery, for example, it is a harmful habit. The aggressive chemicals in pills make the signals of pain disappear for a while but the cause of the problem is still there. In fact, the cause for the problem is most probably getting worse if we speak about chronic conditions and diseases. So, is there a choice? Yes, there is. You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief but there is more to that.

More than a cold laser therapy

Cold laser therapies are getting more and more popular as they are effective and give you a choice over the harmful pharmaceuticals used as painkillers by millions. Although, coMra therapy uses a low level laser, it offers even more. The laser is precisely modulated in order to cover and support your specific needs for healing. You can choose from several options of frequencies depending on what do you want to treat. But there is more to that. In coMra therapy, magnets and LEDs are used to enhance the power of the laser. All the components work coherently to provide the healing effect for the cells. The additional energy is used by the cells then to heal the inflammation or injury. If there is not any urgent need or condition, the cells will use the energy from the coMra device for regeneration and rejuvenation.

coMra for pain relief

So, what about pain relief then? You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief without any negative side effects for your health. The device can be placed on the stomach, your wrist, the heart, the neck or any other point of the body where you feel pain. While coMra will provide pain relief at the moment, it supports also the healing of the damaged organ. In a gentle and non-invasive way, coMra therapy induces the recovery of the affected cells. In fact, it awakens the natural healing abilities of your body without interfering in a negative way. The coMra treatment protocols can be used on everyone including your beloved pet. Apart from them, you can treat the painful area of the body as 5Hz is used for inner organs and 1000Hz is used when treating the skin.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


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