Can I use coMra Palm on my own? Is it difficult to operate the device and will I learn how to apply coMra therapy soon? Where do I start from? Which are the first things I need to know about using the device? Where to find all the information that I need? Will someone answer my specific questions if there is something that is unclear about my treatment protocols? Will coMra Therapy be suitable for my condition and how to incorporate it in my daily routine? Ever wanted to know the answers of these? Here is what you need to know about coMra Therapy that will help you to start applying it on your own at home.

Everyone can apply coMra therapy

If you are still wondering whether to purchase your own coMra Palm and how to use it, this article is for you. Everyone can use coMra devices as the process was made as simple as possible. If you are following this blog, you know that coMra Therapy is a powerful and effective method to heal and support your body. It combines infrared low laser, magnets and LEDs to enhance the metabolism and the communication inside the cell. This leads to regeneration of the tissues and healing of the organs and systems. On top of that, all of the components were modulated in such a way that there are no negative side effects on the body whatsoever. Which means that as soon as you know how to change the frequency and time, you can start using coMra devices today. It is that easy!

What do you need to know in advance

In order to apply coMra treatments on your own, you will need some instructions. All you have to do as a first step, is to download the coMra User guide. Read the introduction as there you will find some of the main guidelines on how to apply the treatments. For example, if you place the device on your heart, you always have to choose 5Hz. After the pre-word, start exploring the coMra User Guide and find your condition or something similar to it. If you cannot find the name of your disease, search by organ or system. When you support the suffering organs with coMra, your body will do the rest of the healing. Your body has its own intelligence, so you only have to provide some additional energy. It will use it for healing and regeneration. Here is where coMra Therapy comes. In a very coherent way, it induces the healing process inside the cell by improving hormonal communication, metabolism and energy. It is very effective and you can treat a wide range of conditions from headaches to cancer and diabetes.

Prevention and daily treatments

There is a section in the coMra User Guide called Universal Treatments. The protocols which you will find there can be applied both as a healing treatment or as a prevention procedure. They address the major organs and systems in the body as a way to maintain overall health. On the other hand, a key segment of coMra Therapy includes also injuries and pain relief. Once you start applying it on a daily basis, you will see even more occasions to use the device. Soon, you will take your own coMra Palm with you wherever you go. Anytime you have an injury, a wound or just some pain, you can place the device on that point to speed up the recovery process. You can use coMra Therapy on you, your kids and your pets. During periods of stress, extreme weather conditions or the flu season, apply coMra Universal Treatment protocols 3, 4 or 6 to support your body. In addition, you can combine all the treatment protocols in the User Guide according to your specific needs.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a health condition common among women occurring as a result of a hormonal imbalance. Small follicles with fluid are formed around the ovaries affecting their normal functioning.If the woman is experiencing a hormonal imbalance, the ovulation does not occur and cysts are formed. It usually affects women in reproductive age and is causing high levels of androgens in the body produced by the cysts. Due to the high levels of these male hormones, the menstrual cycle of the woman is affected.

Symptoms of PCOS

The monthly periods are irregular, infrequent or prolonged. The most common symptom is the disruption of the monthly cycle as it may occur several times per year or there are more days than usual between each period. This condition may cause abnormally heavy or light periods, sometimes they are experienced more painful. The ovaries are enlarged and with lots of cysts around them. Due to the high levels of androgens, a thinning of the hair on the head might be noticed or excess body hair. There are also skin issues like oily skin or acne, weight gain, especially around the belly and infertility. 

What Causes PCOS and Diagnosis

Doctors are not yet clear the exact cause of PCOS but it is often linked to insulin resistance, obesity and estrogen dominance. Each imbalance in the fine hormonal regulation of the body results in a chain of effects on all the other hormones. While everything is interconnected, high levels of insulin, cortisol, estrogen will cause a disruption in the reproductive or thyroid hormone production. The diagnosis is done by blood tests and ultrasound. With the ultrasound, the practitioner can see if the ovaries are enlarged and if there are cysts around them. 

Is Cold Laser Therapy Effective for PCOS?

The conventional treatment often consists of medication, or to be more exact hormone replacement therapy in order to stimulate the ovaries. However, it has the hidden risk of excess hormones and even worsen estrogen dominance, more excessive body hair and even breast cancer. So, what are the alternatives? First of all, changes in diet and lifestyle are highly recommended. Then, you need gentle and non-invasive therapy which will balance your hormones without causing imbalance elsewhere. 

Cold laser therapy ( low level laser therapy) is highly effective when treating hormonal imbalances like PCOS, diabetes, thyroidism, etc. The infrared laser emits photos which are absorbed by the cell, it basically charges the cell with energy that can be used for its functions. Often when there is a health condition, the cells do not have enough energy for regeneration and this is how the vicious circle is formed. Less energy means that some functions will be executed and some will be left for another time (like healing or detoxifying). But if the energy is not enough the next day and the next day, the cell cannot recover and it even gets sick. That is why the cold laser therapy is so effective for numerous conditions, including PCOS. Moreover, in the coMra Palm or Delta the infrared laser is supported by magnets and light diodes to provide even more efficient recovery and regeneration of the tissues. 

The Mindset Behind PCOS 

Let us have a few words on the psychosomatic reasons behind PCOS. What thoughts and emotions are linked to PCOS? As stated in the book “Health and Holism” by Théun Mares, this condition is caused by “feelings of gross insecurity” and namely, “feeling insecure and confused in relation to the male”. So, ask yourself - How do I feel in relation to the men in my life? What thoughts and emotions are arising when you start thinking on this question? Are they pleasant or mostly negative, do you feel safe and loved around your husband, father, brother? When you take the responsibility of your healing process, you need to observe each area of your life as everything is interdependent. The negative emotions when they are strong and overwhelming, when they are repeated constantly are affecting the hormones in the body, the heart rate, may cause headaches or fatigue. So, while coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health, we highly recommend when starting with the cold laser, to also turn your sight inside and work on the inner reasons too.

Find out more about coMra therapy:


Get your coMra Palm today and have it always with you. A small and portable device to rely on in any situation linked to your health. Find out how to apply the coMra Therapy on every member in your family as a safe way to heal and prevent. We have great results with a number of conditions, so you will use your coMra device many years after as it can be used for pain relief, chronic conditions and injuries. Buy now!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Here are some of the most common inquiries regarding cold laser therapy. Lately, more and more people experience the positive effects of it and you might wonder if that method of healing will work for you. Let us find out the basic details that you need to know before you choose to go with photobiomodulation for your condition. 

Does cold laser therapy actually work?

A lot of research on cold laser therapy is ongoing and most of them prove that it really does relieve pain and accelerates the healing process. In the past, many doctors were quite sceptical on the effectiveness of it, however now more and more of them are in favor of it as it is evidenced that the coherent laser light can bring pain relief and tissue regeneration in both clinical and laboratory experiments. Additionally, cold laser therapy can significantly reduce acute pain and lower the oxidative stress, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties too. While it works well for chronic conditions as well, many people choose it as an alternative to invasive treatments.

How does cold laser therapy work?

 The cold laser therapy is the photo-stimulation of the tissues with a coherent light of wavelength from 600nm to 990nm ( in coMra 980nm and 905nm are used) in order to promote healing and regeneration. The low-level laser light is applied directly to the targeted area. The mitochondrias in the cell then absorb the light and turn it into energy that can be used for healing. The physiological reaction is increased immunity, restoring the balance in the cell and eventually healing of the cell, organ and system. 

While the wavelength of 780 to 990nm is used for a deeper penetration, with coMra you can change the frequency in order to treat either the surface of the skin (1000Hz) or the inner organs (5Hz); two more options are available 50Hz and Variable frequency to treat specific points like joints, blood vessels, etc. More detailed information about the frequency used is available in the coMra User Guide.  

What does cold laser therapy do?

The term “cold laser” is used because the low levels of light do not heat the tissues when applied on the skin. The low intensity laser provides a gentle and effective pain relief by inducing the healing in the deep tissues of the body. When the targeted areas affected by inflammation or malfunction are treated, the precisely modulated beams of laser light stimulate the biochemical reaction of the cell in order to promote healing and regeneration. When you place the device on your skin and the light reaches the cell, a series of reactions are induced which support the reduction of the inflammation, regeneration of injured tissues and normalization of the cell functions. 

How long does a cold laser treatment last?

How often you will need to treat the targeted area depends on the stage of the condition or the injury. While the sessions themselves can last from several minutes to an hour or more, the whole treatment course will take time which again depends on how severe the condition is. You might need to treat yourself for a couple of weeks, then rest and treat again until you see improvement, each case is individual. If you apply cold lasers for pain relief, the result will be seen immediately, however if you treat a chronic disease, you will have to persevere and follow your treatment program for quite longer. Treatment sessions can be organized 3-4 times per week or daily, if a home user device is available. 

Does cold laser therapy work through clothes?

In order for the low intensity light used in cold laser therapy to be absorbed by the cells, it has to pass through the skin. You will need to place the device directly on naked skin, however despite the sensation from the device touching you skin, you will notice that the procedure is pleasant, non-invasive, painless and without any heat or burn sensation. The cold lasers are very gentle, they are used for deep tissue regeneration and healing which rely on the ability of the cell to absorb light that is then turned into usable energy. 

What are the side effects of cold laser therapy?

First of all, cold laser therapy is a very gentle and non-invasive procedure. Therefore, there are no negative side effects whatsoever, the only effects are the series of biochemical reactions which promote healing and regeneration. While the cold laser therapy relies on the intelligence of the body to heal itself, sometimes a healing crisis can be experienced for a short period of time. This process is similar to the detox symptoms when a cleansing is done through a lighter diet or fasting. The healing crisis is not a common effect but if you experience is as a result of a chronic condition, you will need to adjust the frequency of the treatment sessions accordingly.

How long it takes for cold laser therapy to work?

Everything is highly relative and it is hard to compare mild shoulder pain with diabetes, for example. Most protocols are designed to be applied for two weeks, then rest and repeat if needed. However, if you experience pain in your elbow for example, you might get relief after the second session and till the fifth the symptoms would disappear completely. Typically, you will be advised by a practitioner to apply a treatment 3-4 times per week, but if a home user device is available, daily treatments will be more effective. A series of treatments are required in order to get a full relief or resolution from your pain symptoms. The main thing here is that you heal the cause of the pain, you do not only alleviate the symptoms. A couple of weeks are usually enough for light to mild conditions, severe stages will need more time. 

Does cold laser therapy work for a particular condition?

Cold laser therapy can provide pain relief to different conditions like back or shoulders pain, sprains, bruising and even fibromyalgia. It can be applied with great success in cases of integer organs diseases, chronic conditions or infections. The treatment course will vary depending on the condition, however cold laser therapy can definitely work for a particular condition as well as a prevention method, a long term treatment or a complementary therapy. 

How coMra therapy is different from standard cold laser therapy?

Most of the popular home devices use lasers with the wavelength of 650nm (red) and 808nm, sometimes this is even not specified or they use only light diodes instead of laser ones. These devices are promoted to alleviate pain like in sport injuries but there is not much information on how to use these devices for other conditions or diseases. The majority of them come with no description, no user guide, no support, no expert to advise you and no legit production. 

In coMra cold laser therapy we have two different devices Delta and Palm. The wavelengths of the laser diodes that we use are 980nm ( in coMra Palm) and 905nm ( in Delta Medical Terminal). The difference is that 980nm is more milder or gradual, while 905nm is direct and focused on the targeted area. In the devices however, the laser is supported by a magnetic field and color light diodes. (In the Delta device, ultrasound is available too.) These radiances work together in coherence in order to induce a stable and effective healing process. Each radiance enhances the effect of the others:

• Infrared laser plays the lead role in enhancing energy metabolism, while magnetic field and ultrasound are in support positions by sustaining the state of quantum coherence and enhancing enzymatic efficiency;

• Ultrasound induces coherent mechanical vibrations that increase the speed of molecular transport and enzyme efficiency, while energetic stimuli by other radiances supply necessary energy for processes of protein synthesis and active membrane transport;

• Colour LEDs deliver a regenerative or rejuvenative message, and the other radiances support additional cellular processes initiated in response to these messages.

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How often can you use cold laser therapy?

While cold laser therapy is non-invasive, you can use it as often as needed from several times per week to a couple of treatments daily. It is a gentle and comfortable procedure and does not require any downtime, which means that as soon as it is over, you can resume your activities as usual. Depending on your condition you might need from 2 to 15 sessions which can be repeated over a period of time. In most cases, you will need at least a couple of treatments to achieve pain relief and a couple of weeks for mild health conditions to improve. If you suffer from a chronic disease, you need to follow a longer treatment course. Please contact our experts in the chat for more details.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch the Video " coMra - more than Laser Therapy":

Cellulite is a condition which affects the derma and the fat cells situated underneath which causes the effect of the “orange skin”. It is common among women of all ages,  very stubborn and hard to get rid of. Most of the women at one point of their life are seeing this in the mirror and being honest, it is not pleasant at all. However, let us go through the different causes of this condition and how to deal with them. Cellulite is the result of many factors which combined will cause loose skin and visible fat cells. 

1.Weak lymphatic system, dehydration and water retention

If you have noticed that you have cellulite since your teenage years and it goes worse in the summer or when you sit for a long time, this means that your lymphatic system does not function optimally. The lymph is the liquid that runs around the body taking the toxins out of the bloodstream. If the lymphatic vessels are weak, some of these toxins may leak back in the blood being stored in different parts of the body in the form of fat cells. Actually, the fat cells sometimes are formed around the toxins in the form of a small ball with the purpose to protect the body from it. You need enough water in order for the lymphatic system to function optimally and if the body is dehydrated, it will store all the water between the fat cells, this is known as water retention. So, drinking enough pure water daily is the first step to improve the work of the lymphatic system. There is more, but we will discuss that later on. 

2.Sugar sensitivity and insulin resistance

If the cellulite is visible or not, depends on how strong are the collagen bundles. If the collagen is constantly destroyed, it will result in saggy skin, wrinkles and more visible cellulite. One thing which breaks the collagen in the body is sugar. If you cannot metabolize the sugar fast enough it will be turned into fat and it will attach to the collagen bundles making them break. The insulin spikes will make your body turn all the glucose in the blood into fat as a strategy to store and use it later on. The fat will be burned only if there is no glucose in the blood, then the hormone glucagon will be released which will tell your cells to use fat as a source of energy. 

You need to support your liver and pancreas in order to normalize their functioning and to speed up your metabolism. The first step will be to limit your refined sugar intake but it is best if you combine it with low level laser therapy. And no, we do not talk about going to a beauty salon for cold laser procedures every week. In fact, with coMra you can have your own portable device and you can do the treatments everywhere. Start with coMra Universal treatment protocol 3, 5 and the Liver Treatment.  

3.Hormonal Imbalance

What is the name of the group of hormones which cause excessive growth in the female body? That is right, cellulite is often a sign of estrogen dominance. The thing is that estrogens can be formed in the fat cells and this makes everything even worse. The cycle goes like this -  excessive estrogen makes you gain weight  and slows down the metabolism, more fat cells are formed and then these fat cells produce even more estrogen that has to be eliminated by the liver. The hormones that can regulate the estrogen is progesterone but nowadays, many women actually have progesterone deficiency from early teenage age. Check our other articles on how to address that with the coMra - a cold laser therapy and more. A gentle laser works in coherence with magnetic fields and light diodes to provide additional energy to your cells and to induce the healing process in your body. 

4.High percentage of body fat

As it was already explained, the fat cells themselves produce more and more estrogen in the body which has to be eliminated by the liver. On top of that, if you have several kilos more, the cellulite will be more and more visible. The way to fight this is to change your diet and to reduce the sugar intake together with alcohol, soft drinks, pasta and bread, tobacco and all other substances which are full of toxins. It does not matter how much you eat but what you eat, if eighty percent of your food is vegetables, fruits and greens, there is not much room left for processed foods full of trans fats and additives of unknown origin. 

5.Inactive lifestyle

In summary, you need to assist your body into cleansing the tissues from toxins, excessive fat and metabolic waste. Of course, it will be hard to do this only with diets, no matter how good they are, you will need to be more active. In order to support the lymphatic system, you will need to incorporate a regular moving routine in the form of moderate exercise, walking, running, swimming, yoga or whatever you really enjoy to do. In that way, your body will burn all the glucose in the blood and then it will start burning the fat. Being active will help your body into losing weight, eliminating the excessive estrogen from the body, reducing body fat and the intracellular water. The coMra therapy is a great way to support your body and to heal various health conditions but it will be even more effective if you combine it with lifestyle, diet and mindset changes.

Get your coMra device today and have it always with you. A small and portable device to rely on in any situation linked to your health. Find out how to apply the coMra Therapy on every member in your family as a safe way to heal and prevent. We have great results with a number of conditions, so you will use your coMra device many years after as it can be used for pain relief, chronic conditions and injuries.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

How the levels of progesterone affect the hormonal balance in the body of a woman? What is the main cause of low levels of progesterone and how to increase its production? Can you improve your hormonal balance with food? If yes, which foods to eat to increase your progesterone levels? Why do thyroid issues occur more and more often and how they are linked to the levels of the reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone? What other methods can you use that are safe and effective?

The Importance of Progesterone

The production of progesterone plays a key role for the health of a female body. It is an essential hormone regulating the cycle of the woman. If you want to get pregnant, progesterone will prepare the wall of the uterus for the fertilized egg to embed. After the ovulation, if conception did not occur, the progesterone levels drop and menstruation begins. Low levels of progesterone are linked to symptoms like irregular and heavy periods, severe PMS, cellulite, mood swings, water retention and problems conceiving. While the main cause for low progesterone is estrogen dominance, it leads to other hormonal issues like thyroid problems, low levels of luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones.

Why my progesterone is too low?

The cause of low progesterone is complex. It happens slowly but then is hard to restore the balance. Nowadays more and more women of different ages experience low progesterone. The main factor is estrogen dominance.There are two main causes of high estrogen and these are stress and liver malfunction. Too many stressful situation and you might find yourself in distress. This means that your body constantly produces cortisol. The production of any hormone takes energy, so when the body prioritizes cortisol, the reproductive hormones like progesterone are put on hold. Unlike progesterone which is mainly produced in the ovaries, estrogen is produced also by other organs and even in the fat cells. Great quantities of it are coming also from the outside with food and water - meat with hormones, hormone replacement therapy and plastic. Plastic containers, especially the one-time-use ones contain xenoestrogens. They mimic the estrogen but it is even harder for the liver to eliminate them, so they are stay in the body. When the liver cannot keep up with the estrogen elimination, the condition called estrogen dominance is formed.

How to Boost the Levels of Progesterone

So, how to increase the levels of progesterone? First of all, try managing the feeling of distress as it disrupts the hormonal balance. Then check your diet and make the necessary changes. Support the work of your liver and start a healing protocol as it is the place where the excess estrogen is eliminated. A very effective way to do this is to apply a low level laser therapy like coMra. The coMra therapy is an effective and pleasant way to restore the hormonal balance if you experience health issues like estrogen dominance, thyroid issues or diabetes. It is also very important when we speak about progesterone, to avoid over-exercising, sleepless nights and drastic diets and fasting. Every extreme is perceived by the body as stress and the cortisol production becomes a priority. This may result in cutting the production of reproductive hormones like progesterone.

Foods That Increase Progesterone

Changing your diet is a great way to increase your progesterone levels. While foods themselves do not contain progesterone, some vitamins, minerals, herb and foods can promote the production of it.

There are some foods and herbs that you need to avoid as they either decrease progesterone or block its production. Find out more here:

Have you tried other ways to restore hormonal balance?

As it was mentioned above there is a very effective way to support your body healing from a hormonal imbalance. The coMra therapy combined with the diet and lifestyle changes can be quite beneficial. Even used on its own, coMra is very effective in restoring overall health. It provides the needed energy for the body to start a healing process. In many health cases, when using medications is not appropriate, low level laser therapy shows great results. The hormonal imbalance is one of these cases, as the more synthetic hormones you put into the system of your body, the more the inner balance is thrown off. To start using coMra, first search your health issue coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal Treatment 5 and the other Universal treatment protocols depending on your specific case.

We have put together some major points regarding the secret of the female menstrual cycle and how she can use for heal herself. If you are interested on how to overcome the imbalance in your reproductive hormones, you can watch the video below:

Do you know that you can apply coMra therapy at home on your own? The procedure itself is very pleasant, there is no burning or any other sensation while the device is on your skin. After a week or two of daily treatments, you will start seeing the improvement. However, every case is different and how much time it will take for your body to recover depends to what is your health condition right now. Overall, hundreds of people have achieved great health results after using coMra even with serious cases like diabetes, chronic illnesses, thyroid issues and many more. In addition, coMra can be used as a pain relief, a great prevention method and every time when you need to induce the healing abilities of your body.

If you are reading this article because you want to get pregnant soon but your progesterone levels are too low, we feel you. And we really want you to experience the joy of having a baby. We have good news for you - coMra therapy can be used by pregnant women and is safe for their babies as well. Below you can watch a short video on how coMra is used before and after birth.

Natasha Stadler has been a midwife for 30 years, and an independent midwife for 13 of those years. She was introduced to coMra therapy 7 years ago and has found it to be an invaluable tool for her clients.

We did also a webinar on the how to support and restore general hormonal balance with coMra therapy and the recording is below:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Pregnant women and new Moms will be glad to know that coMra therapy offers amazing benefits for pregnancy and birth as well as postpartum recovery. coMra Therapy is a remarkable tool for pregnant mums and midwives and offers many benefits for the challenges faced around childbirth. We speak to Natasha Stadler, an independent midwife, about her experience using coMra therapy with her clients.

Natasha Stadler has been a midwife for 30 years, and an independent midwife for 13 of those years. She was introduced to coMra therapy 7 years ago and has found it to be an invaluable tool for her clients.

The coMra is combining the power of a laser, colours, magnetism and (in the Delta and coMra Pro) ultrasound, the treatment works at cellular level to help the body heal and regenerate.

Some of the most noticeable areas that she’s seen significant changes in include the following:

Natasha recalls the story of a young first-time mom who very much wanted to breastfeed. Unfortunately, she experienced extreme challenges with painful and bleeding nipples during every feed. Within 2 days of coMra treatments, she was able to tolerate feeding, and within one week, had no complaints whatsoever. The normal recovery period is typically much longer.

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She also has assisted several moms who’ve experienced pain or discomfort with badly done sutures from previous births, and the coMra therapy treatment is able to greatly improve the scar tissue and significantly decrease pain.

The coMra therapy has been an invaluable support and aid for Natasha’s clients and she continues to explore ways that the therapy can be used. Not only is it helpful during pregnancy and immediately post-partum for mom, but it is also hugely beneficial for the baby. coMra treatment on little ones experiencing colic or digestive difficulties, especially in the first few weeks as the milk settles and feeding is established, has shown to be greatly effective in providing relief and assisting the new digestive system to achieve proper functioning.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Pregnancy is a precious time and when the baby is born the feeling is unique. To see this little human being for the first time, to embrace him or her, to touch, to feel, to enjoy… The mother is overwhelmed with happiness but there are challenges - taking care of a small baby, breastfeeding, sleepless nights, hormonal changes and even postpartum depression. She needs support, she needs something to reply on, something that will not overload her system with chemicals. Medications taken during pregnancy could be dangerous. The coMra therapy is a very gentle but at the same time effective way to support the new mother while she is pregnant, during birth and after. A very clean and reliable method to heal, to restore and to support her during all these changes in her life. It is so gentle and without any negative side effects, that it can be applied on babies too, just shorten the time. A beautiful story of healthy mothers and babies and hundreds of moments full of joy and love.

The Mother Has To Be Strong And Healthy

It is for nine months, the mother is carrying her baby and her physical body is the environment providing all the nutrients for the new life. All the little bricks that will be used for the creation of the physical body of the new human being are there thanks to her. However, the emotional and mental environment is not less important for the life of the baby. Each emotion will change the hormonal and chemical balance in the mother’s body and will affect the baby in one way or another.

Life is not only physical, it is far more than that. It is a mystery and the creation of the new life is a sacred event that we know so little about. But one is for sure, the mother has to be healthy and strong to be able to support the baby during her pregnancy and after the baby is born. In fact, the challenges just start with the birth of the baby, many years after that she has to be there and to be in condition. It is said - happy mother, happy children. So, every woman should take care of both herself and the child.

Medications Can Be Dangerous During Pregnancy

During the prenatal period, the baby is very vulnerable to substances which are unnatural and superficial. The expecting mother has to avoid chemicals and medications as much as possible. Even the household products can be potentially harmful. Most of the medications and even wellness supplements, have a written warning that they are not suitable for pregnant women. In this context, each cold or headache can become a real challenge for the pregnant woman.

If an injury occurs, the option of taking painkillers should be very well considered and advised with a doctor as most medications are dangerous for the fetus. So, what then? There is a very effective and gentle option to support the health of the future mother - coMra Therapy. A safe and specially modulated low level laser therapy, suitable for both home users and practitioners. You apply it in cases like cold, headache, digestive issues, heart problems, blood pressure issues and many more. Even the perineum can be treated in order to strengthen the tissues before and after the birth.

When The Newborn Arrives

a newborn

After this amazing moment which is a major change for the mother and the whole family, together with the newborn they come back to their home and the daily routine starts. Breastfeeding is something that is proven to be very good for the baby but many women experience discomfort and even pain. The nipples are very gentle and in some cases that could even start bleeding during and after breastfeeding.

The coMra therapy has shown to have very good results both on the nipples and the milk production. Using the devices on 1000Hz several times per day to support the healing of the injured skin, is very beneficial and totally safe for the baby. In the video below, you can see what a midwife shares about her experience with coMra therapy on women who just had their child. You will see how she managed to help them with the post birth health issues.

Like a mother’s embrace, the laser will gently give a boost of energy to the cell, just enough for it to start healing and restore its functions. There are no negative side effects whatsoever, the coMra therapy is so gentle, that it can be used to treat babies and little children too.

Get your coMra Palm today and have it always with you. A small and portable device to rely on in any situation linked to your health or the condition of your baby. Find out how to apply the coMra Therapy on every member in your family as a safe way to heal and prevent. We have great results with a number of conditions, so you will use your coMra device many years after as it can be used for pain relief, chronic conditions and injuries.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Additional weight and obesity is a major problem of modern society. The food is full of chemicals which affect metabolism, people consume more sugar than ever and the animal products are packed with hormones. Another major factor is lifestyle, activity routine and emotional state especially when you are distressed. Many people experience difficulties losing weight but the belly fat seems to be even more stubborn. In this article, we will discuss how coMra therapy can support your attempts to lose weight and particularly how to burn that belly fat which is quite harmful for your health.

coMra Therapy for Better Health

Firstly, what is coMra therapy and how does it support your health? This method used for recovery, healing and prevention is very gentle but effective in many cases. The combination of a low level laser with magnets and light diodes creates a specific field which when reaching the cell increases its energy. Then this additional energy becomes a source to be used by the cell for healing and regeneration. The coMra Therapy induces the natural healing abilities in the body by improving the communication in the cell and between the organs. In short, coMra helps you to restore the coherent state and integrity of your body as when all the organs work in harmony, you will experience well-being. Of course, emotions and thoughts are also part of the well-being as you are not only a physical body but a being with a mind and a soul.

For Better Metabolism

When you attempt to lose weight and especially belly fat, you need to increase the metabolism as then you will burn more fat. This goes with changes in your diet as you need to avoid processed foods and mainly all the sugar. Apply coMra Universal treatments 3 and 4 daily to increase your vitality and to fight the mid-afternoon energy slump. You will need to include a liver coMra treatment as this is the organ which is responsible for the elimination of the toxins and also the storage of the glucose. The Universal treatment 3 also increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells which is important for the overall health and your stamina. It will also speed up the recovery time after exercising, which is especially valuable if you are new to taking exercise.

coMra and Detoxifying

To lose weight actually means that your body will get rid of all the toxins and waste materials which were stored in different areas. In order to protect the body from the toxins, your body covers them with fat, so all this additional fat is in fact also full of harmful substances and waste products of metabolism. To support the elimination and the detoxifying process, apply coMra Universal treatment 8. This treatment protocol was created to support the major organs and it is vital for you if you want to lose weight and cleanse your body. Combining it with Universal treatment 3 - Blood will provide you with more energy and will enhance the effect from the exercising.

The Nervous System

When you are losing weight, you feel stressed and may experience emotional swings, troubles sleeping at night, fatigue and brain fog. This is mainly due to the fact that your body cleanse from toxins but also breaking a habit will affect your emotions too. It is very important to support your nervous system, so you can use coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7. It will help your adrenal glands to calm down and to improve your sleep. If the cortisol levels are too high, it is hard to lose weight as the hormonal balance is disturbed and your body will not burn the fat. That is the reason why quality sleep is a part of each weight loss program. The whole endocrine system is affected by the increased production of cortisol, so make sure that you do not skip the adrenal glands treatment on the back.

The coMra Therapy is a safe way to fully support your body during this time of change when you are losing weight. You can apply it as pain relief whenever you need it and help the regeneration of your organs as losing weight is a very complex process which engages your whole being. A holistic approach to your health is the best way to change your lifestyle and keep your weight in a good range.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The melanin in the skin cells is a natural pigment responsible for the skin color. However, the skin tone changes with age and according to the overall health state. Hyperpigmentation is the condition when uneven darkened patches of skin occur after sun exposure, during pregnancy or after acne. The darker spots on the face, neck and arms are the result of an increased melanin production. But what causes the increased melanin production? It is not only the sun to blame as some people easily get sun spots and others can stay the whole day under the sun without any uneven dark spots. Why with age, people tend to experience more skin pigmentation and what causes the melasma - a larger area of pigmentation usually on the face?

Skin color and the sun

While the darker skin has more melanin, it tends to develop more hyperpigmentation. On the other hand, the lighter skin is more sensitive to the sun and burns faster if unprotected. Sun exposure is the main cause of hyperpigmentation but different skins react uniquely to sunlight. While the skin is the biggest organ in the human body, it shows every problem and change in the overall health. So, if the skin tends to produce uneven pigment, you need to search for the cause of the problem inside. Of course, with age the skin is getting more sensitive to the sunlight and more darkened spots appear easily mainly because of the hormonal changes. Yet, everyone is different and the sun sensitivity depends on the health of the inner organs.

Hormonal changes

Another cause of hyperpigmentation is the hormonal balance and it is not a surprise that it is more common for women to experience it. The monthly period, pregnancy, menopause and every endocrine hormonal imbalance could cause uneven skin pigmentation disorders. It is very important to address the hormonal balance if you suffer from stubborn dark spots as cosmetics will not be the solution in that case. The dark spots are formed in the deeper layers of the skin and no exfoliation or serum can make them disappear. You need to heal yourself from the inside without aggressive chemicals and medications. The coMra therapy is a very gentle and powerful way to induce the natural healing abilities of your body. It is safe and has no negative side effects. To treat the dark spots directly on the skin, use 1000Hz and place the device on the affected area for several minutes daily. You can apply the same in case of acne in order to stop the inflammation process, just make sure to clean the device with hydrogen peroxide after each treatment.

coMra Therapy to restore hormonal balance

A great way to support your body into restoring the hormonal balance or soothing the symptoms of these transition periods in hormone production, is coMra therapy. In general stress always causes some kind of a hormonal imbalance as the body gives a priority to the cortisol production. That is the reason why coMra Universal Treatment 5 and 7 are very effective in supporting the inner balance during periods of stress. However, if you have thyroid issues, diabetes, reproductive and fertility issues etc. which are hormonal imbalances, you need to address them properly as they all will affect the skin too. In the coMra User Guide, find your condition and apply the treatment protocol as recommended. You may find it very useful to treat the liver as it is the major organ to eliminate the toxins out of the bloodstream. Apply 5Hz on the liver for several minutes in the evening before going to bed for at least two weeks to support its functioning.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Most of the people with autoimmune disorders have something in common - gut issues. While the gut is the place where most of the immune system is located, it is not a surprise that any change there will affect the whole body. It is well known now that almost all of the autoimmune diseases start with an issue with the gut health, namely with changes in the balance of the bacteria living there. The microbiome is the major cause of low immunity and autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, liver issues etc. As far as trillions of bacteria cells live in the human body, it is vital to have the right balance if we all want to be healthy. Not to forget that the emotional state of the person can also alter and affect the microbiome.

Why do you need coMra in your daily life?

The body has its own inner intelligence, it perfectly regulates thousands of processes daily without any control from the mind. Then, why when it gets to healing, people try to manage each and every chemical reaction in order to reach health? It is no surprise that most of the medications which are supposed to heal you, have tens of negative side effects, especially if you take them long-term. That is why, you need a holistic approach which will not disturb the chemical balance inside the body even more. In order to manage autoimmune disorders and improve the gut health, you need to minimize the usage of chemicals. The coMra Therapy is a cold laser therapy but it is even more. It combines the power of a laser with a magnetic field and colorful light diodes. They all are modulated to work coherently in order to support the body in its healing process. The energy levels are increased, the communication and the hormonal balance is restored. The method is very gentle and effective with all kinds of health conditions and diseases.

Better Gut Health with coMra

The microbiome is very sensitive and changes can occur due to the diet, water consumption, emotional and mental state of the person, daily routine, activity etc. In short, everything that you do in your life will affect the balance of the bacteria in your gut. For example, if you are sad and stressed, the fluids and the chemicals in your body change. And some substances feed the “good bacteria”, while others like sugar or food preservatives feed the “bad bacteria”. The good news is that if your body is in a good, coherent state there will not be any environmental resources for the “bad bacteria” to grow. Your body can perfectly maintain a healthy gut if it has the energy needed. Here is where coMra can be very useful to support the body and to help the healing process. As most of the vital energy is spent on the work of the organs and the digestion, your body needs some additional energy in order to heal. You can apply the coMra Universal treatment protocols to support the healing of the major organs and systems.

coMra for Autoimmune Disorders

There are various autoimmune disorders but they are all linked to the gut health. The immune system that is alarmed by various triggers produces a constant inflammation in the body and starts a process which affects the whole. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, vasculitis are only a few examples of autoimmune diseases. The medications treatment is focused on getting temporary relief from the symptoms. With coMra Therapy you will not only get some pain relief but will also address the problem. While coMra is a holistic approach, it induces a healing process in your body as a whole, as a balanced system. If the inner coherent state that we call health is restored, then the immune system and all the other organs will work in harmony. In the coMra User Guide find your autoimmune disorder and engage in treating yourself regularly until you see some improvement. Then rest for two weeks and repeat the whole treatment course.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.