How a woman recovered from her optic nerve inflammation? Optic neuropathy is a painful condition as every other nerve condition. When the nerves are damaged or inflamed, people experience mild to severe pain and reduced mobility or as in this case reduced vision and color sensitivity. Although the cause of neuropathy may vary from injury to trauma or a reaction to a stressful situation, the main goal is to stop the inflammation of the nerves. Often medications do not provide the needed results and people spend years in pain and in great discomfort. The good news is that low laser therapies like coMra are very effective in supporting the healing process and in reducing the pain itself.

Find out what is coMra therapy and how it works

Here is a case report from Dr. Larry Wallace, OD, Phd. on how coMra therapy helped a woman in her fifties who reported a sudden loss of vision in her right eye. It was accompanied by severe headaches with blind spots and loss of a color sensitivity. She described it as “a curtain came over my vision”. When she came to visit Dr. Wallace, she was very nervous and tense and shared that she had tried many different things but nothing was helping. 

The woman was very confused on why this condition appeared all of a sudden without any obvious reason.There was no trauma or injury involved and all the conventional tests came negative. She didn’t know what the cause of the condition was, however the doctor suggested that it was most probably some kind of a stress reaction. 

The doctors in the hospital came with the following diagnosis - Ischemic optic neuropathy, Optic neuritis in her right eye. They offered her to start a medication course. However, the prescribed medications didn’t work and there was no change in her condition. That is the reason why she started searching for a second opinion from an expert in vision. Dr. Wallace is a behaviour optometrist who is dedicated to education and research in the field of color and laser therapy. He is a certified low vision specialist and has worked extensively in the field of visual rehabilitation for head trauma and brain injury. 

Do you want to know how coMra can be used to treat neuropathic pain?

After her visit, Dr. Wallace suggested that she start with coMra therapy. He created a special coMra treatment protocol for her based on Neurology 3 treatment from the coMra User Guide. She did 18 coMra treatments over 10 weeks with coMra Delta 905. As a complimentary procedure, a weekly acupuncture session was included in her program. The results after these 18 coMra treatments were: 

While she felt much better after applying coMra therapy, she decided to continue. After one month of follow up all of the above improved even more. With coMra helps the regeneration of the nerves and improves the overall well-being. The coMra therapy can be successfully applied for a long list of health conditions and even used as a prevention method. Thousands of people use coMra as a pain relief and as a first option for all types of medical conditions and injuries. It is very effective for neuropathy cases and you can treat also the main cause of the inflammation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch the video that we made on the particular case described in the article above:

Here is a another story of a woman with pain in her eyes and sinuses:

The colon is the name used for the large intestine at the end of the digestive tract. It is the place where the stool is stored and then released from the body. While prevention is the best cure, improving your colon health is a must if you have any autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue or constant constipation. The sad news is that each year thousands of people are diagnosed with colon disorders or other linked conditions. Some of these are irritable bowel movement, Crohn’s diseases, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. The symptoms, if there are any, are pain in the abdominal area, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, weight loss or weight gain, gas, bloating and colon polyps. The inflammation of the colon is a painful condition which affects the overall health and could turn into a more serious disease.

1. Start Cold Laser Therapy As Soon As Possible

When the disease or condition is already there, it will be hard to manage it with medications or diet changes, you need to heal the inflammation first. With coMra Therapy, you gently support the body into its process of healing the condition. The method is totally safe but very effective at the same time. The harmonious work of the low level laser with magnets and light diodes provide additional energy and information to the cell, inducing the healing process. When the metabolism in the cell is improved and there is additional energy and information to the cell, inducing the healing process. Once metabolism in the cell is improved and there is additional energy available, it could be used for regeneration and healing. Although you may not know the science behind coMra Therapy, you can still use the devices as it was made simple enough for everyone to apply coMra on their own, at the comfort of their home. However, for best results you might need to execute lifestyle and diet changes, and surely to do some inner work. 

2. Change Your Diet and Drink More Water to Improve Colon Health

As diet is often at the root of the condition, you will need to revise the foods and eating habits that you have done for years. A diet that is rich in animal products like red meat and dairy without enough fresh vegetables, fruits and fibre will lead to problems in the large intestine sooner or later. Also, you need to take care of the hydration of your body as the dry stool moves very slowly in the colon and causes inflammation and constipation. It is recommended to avoid processed food, sugar and saturated fats if you want your colon to be healthy.

3. Get Moving and Change Your Habits

In order to restore the normal bowel movements , you need to have toned abdominal muscles and to stop counting on laxatives if you experience constipation. Try to incorporate some moderate activity in your routine to ease the bowel movement. While it is very harmful in case of colon inflammation, you will need to stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking. On the emotional level you have to manage your stress and to experience more joy in your life. Try to worry less as overthinking causes tightness and restriction in your body. If you cannot let go of your emotions and memories, your body will show it on the physical level as inability to release the toxins and metabolic waste material. So, if all that unnecessary substance stays in the colon for too long, it will start intoxicating the blood and will cause inflammation and health issues. The inner work with the emotions is as important as the lifestyle changes and the laser therapy. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch a video:

You see the story of a male with chronic long term ulcerative colitis (painful and bleeding open sores throughout his large intestine and colon). He successfully treated himself at home applying coMra Gastroenterology 6 treatment from the coMra user Guide.

It all started with feeling tired all the time, irregular periods and weight gain. I didn’t know what was going on with me as I had moments of feeling anxious or depressed without any obvious reason. Something was not right with my body and being tired is not really a condition but a symptom that needed my attention. However, I was wondering what might be the reason for this.

My feeling and my own research

After reading some articles, I decided to do some blood tests to see how my thyroid was working. This decision came after following my feeling that maybe it was my thyroid making problems. It was no surprise for me to see that I actually had a subclinical hypothyroidism as it was confirmed by a doctor. Then I started my own research by reading several books on the subject and numerous articles. It turned out that the low functioning of the thyroid can cause hormonal imbalance in the reproductive hormones. My period was almost absent and without ovulation, progesterone levels were dropping very fast. 

Low progesterone and estrogen dominance

When there is not enough progesterone in the body, the levels of estrogen go very high and this leads to weight gain, mood swings and even infertility. The estrogen dominance is linked to several diseases in women like PSOS, insulin resistance, acne and hypothyroidism. So, it turns out that it is hard to tell which causes what as it all becomes a vicious circle. Once the normal hormone production is disturbed, one thing leads to the other and you cannot really say which was first.

Most women do not know that their estrogen is too high, not until they find out that some kind of a  health condition is already present in their body. I remember that I became sensitive to sugar and gluten, I could feel inflammation in my body all the time. The question that I had in my head was what actually causes hormonal imbalance. The more I was reading, the more I was realizing that the roots are to be found in stress and liver malfunction. 

Was my liver working properly?

I was noticing that I could not tolerate alcohol anymore, even after one glass of white wine, I happened to experience severe headache and hot flashes. Slowly, it was coming to my mind that maybe my liver was not working properly. Because of the hot flashes, I was thinking that maybe I was going through premature menopause although I am in my forties.  But then I found out that hypothyroidism often causes an absent monthly cycle in women. 

Was I in distress without noticing it?

And what about the main cause of hormonal imbalances, namely stress. I was not able to sleep well and for several months I was constantly tired and nervous. Weight gain, anxiety and hair loss made me feel even more in distress. I was confused, had mood swings that made me burst into tears and emotional drama on a regular basis and didn’t know what to do. What I knew for sure is that I do not want hormonal replacement therapy or synthetic thyroid hormones which would just cover up the symptoms and will worsen the cause underneath. 

There is so much information on the internet about low progesterone, estrogen dominance and thyroid issues which causes even more confusion. The organ which eliminates the excessive amounts from the body is the liver. So, this was such a big insight for me as now I knew wny I could not drink even a glass of wine anymore. 

What did I do to feel better? 

Well, what I had in mind by that time is that I need to relax more and to manage the stress reaction in my body. In addition, I understood that I had to completely cut off sugar and gluten from my diet as they both made me feel bloated and caused me increased heart rate in the evenings. But most of all, I had to heal my liver. Herbs and supplements could be effective but it takes time to see the results. However, I had a tool by my side that I knew could help me and I started treatments immediately. 

Embracing low level laser therapy

The tool I am talking about is coMra therapy. I started the Thyroid treatment course from the User Guide but I was adding ten or twenty minutes on my liver on 5Hz. Needless to say that I was very consistent with my treatment and every day I was doing coMra for an hour or more. Applying coMra I combined with lifestyle changes as I was doing yoga on a regular basis, some meditation, I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables and was avoiding sugar, gluten, alcohol (even vinegar) and caffeine. 

What was the message?

The message for me was to take care of myself and my body as obviously the balance was destroyed. I was taking slow walks in nature, going to massage therapy, spending time in a swimming pool or the sea but most of all I was searching for all the patterns in my mind which made me feel distressed all the time. I remember how tense I was feeling emotionally but also in my body, like all my muscles were tight all the time. I was taking some supplements like selenium, magnesium and vitamin C to help my body recover. However, my main tool was coMra and I was relying on my knowledge that when I support my body, it will find a way to recover. 

My recovery and feeling well again

After a month and a half I started to feel better. I was not tired all the time, I lost some weight, I had no increased heart rate in the evening and the anxiety was gone. I was feeling emotionally well and my body was showing me that balance had returned there too. I know that we are a whole being and everything is part of us - our mind, soul, body and emotions. If there is an imbalance in one of them, the others will feel it too. 

I remember I was surprised to notice that I was feeling joy and happiness again, I was feeling healthy and strong. In my yoga class, I could sense that I really had power in my body and I even felt better than ten years ago. It was amazing to realise that even after this condition I was feeling stronger than my younger self. I do not know for how many years I have been living with my hormonal imbalance and what really caused it as it is more important  that now I feel healthy and young from the inside. What I found out in my research is that every fifth woman nowadays has hypofunction of the thyroid but some women live with this condition all their lives without even knowing it. I am now grateful for all the knowledge and clarity I gained from my experience and that my body now is healthy, strong and relaxed.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch another story shared with an open heart and a smile:

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions. She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

Pregnant women and new Moms will be glad to know that coMra therapy offers amazing benefits for pregnancy and birth as well as postpartum recovery. coMra Therapy is a remarkable tool for pregnant mums and midwives and offers many benefits for the challenges faced around childbirth. We speak to Natasha Stadler, an independent midwife, about her experience using coMra therapy with her clients.

Natasha Stadler has been a midwife for 30 years, and an independent midwife for 13 of those years. She was introduced to coMra therapy 7 years ago and has found it to be an invaluable tool for her clients.

The coMra is combining the power of a laser, colours, magnetism and (in the Delta and coMra Pro) ultrasound, the treatment works at cellular level to help the body heal and regenerate.

Some of the most noticeable areas that she’s seen significant changes in include the following:

Natasha recalls the story of a young first-time mom who very much wanted to breastfeed. Unfortunately, she experienced extreme challenges with painful and bleeding nipples during every feed. Within 2 days of coMra treatments, she was able to tolerate feeding, and within one week, had no complaints whatsoever. The normal recovery period is typically much longer.

cmra therapy for birth 300x261 1

She also has assisted several moms who’ve experienced pain or discomfort with badly done sutures from previous births, and the coMra therapy treatment is able to greatly improve the scar tissue and significantly decrease pain.

The coMra therapy has been an invaluable support and aid for Natasha’s clients and she continues to explore ways that the therapy can be used. Not only is it helpful during pregnancy and immediately post-partum for mom, but it is also hugely beneficial for the baby. coMra treatment on little ones experiencing colic or digestive difficulties, especially in the first few weeks as the milk settles and feeding is established, has shown to be greatly effective in providing relief and assisting the new digestive system to achieve proper functioning.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

I have suffered with depression and recurrent depressive episodes at varying levels – some severe enough to require hospitalisation, since 1996.

Guest Post by Mariette Lobo. Story is provided by one of the clients of Body in Balance Clinic (UK)

I have been subject to being prescribed different medications:

Sertraline, Semi-sodium Valproate, Venlefaxine to name just a few; others had disastrous results and some had better conclusions. I have battled with changes in medications, dosage and therapy changes that have left me and my partner confused and worried about the possible outcomes.

I have experienced side effects that left me feeling numb, lethargic and struggling to continue with treatments and, in some of my darkest times, to continue with life itself. On one occasion, the drugs set off vivid dreams that were difficult to dissociate with reality; these side effects were intolerable.

Even with medication... I could not manage to work at all.

In these early years there were months of difficulties to get the right dose and the right medications. The ongoing difficulties I encountered in having to do this, made life a struggle and I felt humiliated that I should need these interventions. The stigma around mental health illness battered my own confidence beyond compare; it was difficult to go to work and feel I was being productive. In later years, even with medication, my depression and anxiety, around my symptoms, meant I could not manage to work at all.

Without the continuing support of my partner and a family member, I am uncertain how I would manage at all.

I have had years of so many appointments with GPs, mental health specialists, CPNs, OTs, and CBT counselling. Helpful and necessary at the time but, none of which have had any continuing positive results.

At present, I now take a ‘maintenance dose’ that mostly keeps me relatively stable, however I still have dips in my mood and depressive episodes. Medication reviews with the NHS are non-existent and, without the continuing support of my partner and a family member, I am uncertain how I would manage at all.

The light at the end of the tunnel, in all of this, has been coMra therapy.

I had never heard of it but my partner had amazing success with this treatment for L2/3/4 facet joint and ligamenta hypertrophy. She had suffered debilitating and excruciating pain even with prescribed medication.

She suggested, with consultation and advice from Mariette, that I could try an individualized therapy protocol using the coMra approach and guide.

I was sceptical to say the least,

even though I had seen how coMra therapy had worked, and continues to work, for her. As I was experiencing very low mood with no motivation or inclination to help myself, I agreed to try it.

Universal 5 was administered twice daily for 7 days but I noticed a difference in my general well-being and motivation after about three days.

To be honest it was incredible.

I have since found that I have more energy and feel I can concentrate better.

My sleep pattern has balanced out, I have been able to complete, and even enjoy, tasks that previously were beyond me. My DIY at home list is being ticked off! I feel more self-assured and have the confidence to carry out these tasks - to my relief and satisfaction. I feel less dejected and that there is, at last, some hope as the treatments can continue.

So far, so good.

I would like to be able to be medication free eventually, but am realistic and know this is going to need professional medical supervision. I am going to discuss this with my GP as I feel this therapy would be so helpful to others like me, who suffer from unbearable and incapacitating bouts of depression. It has been a revelation to me for certain.



Mariette Lobo
Body in Balance Training and Clinic

With over 20 years in practice, I have developed a blend of Eastern and Western therapies to create a holistic, preventative approach to healthcare.

I am a coMra Therapy practitioner and also specialise in The Bowen Technique, The Emmett Technique, Tuina, Reflexology, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, and Spa Therapies. I am a Master Teacher/Practitioner in Reiki.

I continue to support the integration of complementary therapies within traditional healthcare so that they can be widely available to all.

The unique therapeutic applications of the Delta Probe

In my previous articles, I have touched in general the subject of coMra-Therapy as well as its many applications. In this article I’d like to become more specific and discuss my own personal experience about one of the terminals on the Delta device, the Delta Probe.

But, before I go into the specifics of the Delta Probe, first I’d like to share a few words regarding the context within which my personal experience with this device took place.

"I suffer from a chronic autoimmune decease whose technical term is “colitis ulcerosa” or ulcerative colitis. For those of you who may have not heard of this illness before, it is an ailment of the colon."

The colon becomes so inflamed that very often manifests a serious case of extensive bleeding. The inflammation is so aggressive that it becomes extremely difficult for the patient to digest his/her food or to keep the water he/she is drinking. And here lies the danger of this decease, as the patient loses weight rapidly and the body is deprived of all the nutrients that are necessary for its survival.

Unless the above symptoms are reversed, the prognosis for the patient is definitely not good. This illness has been a part of my life for the last 13 years. During that time, as one may easily imagine, I have tried every available therapy under the sun. Some of those therapies have worked, some not and some have proven to be better than others.

"I have discovered that the implementation of coMra-Therapy via the Delta Probe device is a true “game changer”

However, in a time of a real life threatening crisis, and I have experienced two such crises so far, I have discovered that the implementation of coMra-Therapy via the Delta Probe device is a true “game changer”. In both the crises that I mention above, it was the Delta probe that made the difference and reversed the process of the illness.

The Delta Probe includes all the main characteristics of coMra-Therapy. One of the most important of those characteristics is the non-invasiveness of the therapy as well as the complete absence of any side effects whatsoever.

In order to implement the Delta Probe’s therapeutic faculties, the patient utilises the natural orifices of the human body and only. Therefore, the body is not being violated in absolutely any way whatsoever. At the same time, the application of the coMra-Therapy does not create for the body any side effects. This means that in a big crisis, the patient may increase the amount of time the body is in touch with coMra-Therapy without running absolutely any danger to suffer from side effects.

In my own case this has proven to be a real lifesaver. Via using the Delta Probe device, I was able to implement coMra-Therapy directly to the inside of my colon for as much as 15 minutes on a daily basis, the overall amount of time divided in two daily sessions.

"The response of my body was immediate and the healing effect was impressive."

The colon was able to keep and to process both the water as well as the various nutrients it received from the food. The various rates in my blood tests improved significantly within a period of just 3 weeks. Especially the hematocrit (the volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood) acquired its normal rate for an adult male. Up until that point, the hematocrit rate was way below normal, creating a real danger for my overall health, if not for my life.

Within a period of less than two months, and after the daily treatment with the Delta Probe, I was able to receive most of the nutritious foods the body needs and drinking water was no longer a problem. I did not have to sip my daily water dosage any more.

Anyone who suffers from diseases of the colon, like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, irritable bowel syndrome etc, knows very well what I’m talking about. And I can personally assure you that coMra-Therapy implemented via the Delta Probe (and combined with the rest of the coMra-Therapy treatments implemented via the Delta Medical Terminal) works very well for all such cases. The Delta Medical is indeed the proper support for such ailments; however, it is the Delta Probe that is the real game changer.

Few months ago, a dear person to me asked me for support. She went to her regular check with the gynaecologist and he found a cyst in one of her ovaries, the cyst had the size of a tennis ball. Obviously, she was worried about her health and she didn’t want any surgery. The doctor said she had a probability to heal herself – the body could absorb the ovarian cyst, otherwise she would need a surgery. He gave her 6 months for the next check-up.

She immediately started treating herself with coMra Therapy. She used the protocol for ovary cysts, Gynaecology 2, with two variations. First, she didn’t have the Probe Terminal so she just applied the part of the treatment related to the Medical Terminal. Second, she treated the point of the cyst with quite more intensity. In addition, she did Universal 7, a protocol designed, among others, to improve emotional exhaustion and stress.

After three months of disciplined treatment the cyst disappeared as it is shown above; you can observe the ovarian cyst on right image as a black hole marked with dots and an “A’s”. It is possible that cyst was naturally absorbed by her body, but it is also very likely that coMra Therapy was a key support to her body to heal by itself. My feeling is that both her body and coMra worked together pretty well, along with her will to be healed. Today, my dear one is healthy and the ovarian cyst has completely disappeared.

After three months of disciplined treatment the cyst disappeared as it is shown above; you can observe the ovarian cyst on right image as a black hole marked with dots and an “A’s”. It is possible that cyst was naturally absorbed by her body, but it is also very likely that coMra Therapy was a key support to her body to heal by itself. My feeling is that both her body and coMra worked together pretty well, along with her will to be healed. Today, my dear one is healthy and the ovarian cyst has completely disappeared.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

When do most people realise the truly staggering strain our muscular-sceletal system in general and joints in particular sustain on daily basis? Right! When they got pains.

In the majority of cases joint pains - fortunately! - are not a big deal, just a nuisance, but then they can be a quite disturbing nuisance.

What to do about them?

As usual, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, it is of vital importance for everybody to learn to use one's muscular-sceletal system economically. This means proper sitting and walking (as these are what people do most of the time). One of the reasons why this is neglected is that learning is done best at young age while joint pains usually come later on in life! 🙂

Yet, in some countries great deal of attention is paid in schools to acquiring proper posture and mobility habits and the statistics prove that this pays off: they have significantly lower rate of muscular-sceletal problems later in life.

Well-balanced exercise can never be over-emphasised! And here I do not necessarily mean iron-pumping which - more often than not - brings injuries, not even fun but injury prone sports like football. A simple gymnastic in the morning, or something more exotic like Tai Chi or yoga may be far more beneficial. Of course, care must be taken to practice with well qualified coach - if there will be a coach - or else with good deal of common sense and discretion.

Needless to say, proper bodily weight is a key factor for joints health.

What to do when the pains hit?

Well, apart from the above good advises that very few take, what to do when the pains hit?

First of all, this is always a good time to reconsider one's suspicious habits, but here we will focus on means for pain-relief and helping the body to restore itself.

Most medications do not work adequately well, because they rely on blood system and the latter does not reach the cartilage. The local ointments are better (well, some of them, of course). Good physiotherapists, chiropractors or acupuncturists can do great job, provided there is one around. And the really good ones are rare!

Relatively recently (say, for the last 30 years) it was established that low level laser light not only promotes prompt relief of the symptoms in cases of joints pains, but - if applied steadily during a long period (like 2 years and more) - it helps the body to regenerate the damaged cartilage!

Moreover, many of those studies were carried with rather primitive by today standards equipment.

coMra therapy and coMra Palm

Moreover, many of those studies were carried with rather primitive by today standards equipment.

The turbo-portable coMra Palm devise is ideal for treating fresh injuries, like from football, skying or just falling down the icy sidewalk.

It stands to reason - and it is well established by a number of practitioners - that when an injury is treated soon and by a sequence of treatments with 1,2 hours in between, it can heal amazingly fast!

Having a portable devise is also a benefit for traveling persons when they treat more chronic joints pains in long treatment courses.

Chronic Arthrosis

If the matters went worse already, healing will take more time, but the matters are still far from hopeless.

Here is the case of a man from Netherlands who persistently treated his arthrosis with coMra Therapy. If you look at the x-ray at the end of the report you will see something quite amazing: the cartilage got obviously better!

Osteoarthrosis Case Study

This same man carried small research project. He found 8 volunteers and gave them devices to treat their knees for 1,2 months. The feedback below speaks for itself.

'I am now a week abroad, except some swimming and walking I have little or no intensive movement here. But the last few weeks I felt no pain in my knee. My attention is not really on it so really sure I'm not. But at least no severe pain or sagging or so. So, I'm tempted to say it it is going a lot better. I hope the next few day to be more intensively involved in terms of movement, I can then evaluate again. I'll let you definitely know something.'

'Yes, after nearly three months it is easier to give an opinion.
I'm pretty positive. The last time I wrote that the complaints had decreased by 70%.
That it remains approximately. At night I had more trouble in recent weeks. Now I dress warmer (long johns daytime) and it goes again better.
In January, I was eligible for a knee operation but that is now unnecessary.
I'm glad I've participated.
I can recommend this to anyone.'


Finally, just after last Christmas my wife supplied a coMra Palm to a colleague of hers for ischialgia. This was somewhat urgent at the time, but after that she continued treating herself periodically. A week ago I met her and her eyes were shining, she thanked me at length and shared how well coMra Palm works for her. Although I know for a long time how well coMra Therapy works in cases like hers, it was nonetheless heart-warming to hear!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

by Milen Ivanov

I have to deal with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Due to certain feedback I will now expand a bit on how. However, the subject is vast and if you decide you want more details you are invited to subscribe to 5-emails follow-up, see the end of the post.

Since in Hashimoto circles lab tests seem to be all-important, here are some of mine:

IndicatorRef.ValuesFeb 17May 17Dec 17
FT 3[3.2..6.8]3.263.473.81
FT 4[12..22]12.9114.215.01

While I fully agree that how one feels is more important than what chemical tests say, it is also true that in the long run a good therapy should be reflected in those numbers as well; just as it is true that there are too many people selling all sorts of recipes, so the public rightfully demands hard proofs.

In my case, the record shows I am doing well! 🙂

The most important thing to notice from the last two rows of the above table, is that I manage to reduce the autoimmune reaction. As you probably know, the worst nightmare of people with autoimmune diseases is that another autoimmune process may spark and the whole thing may go badly out of hand.

How I deal with Hashimoto's disease


I take about 115 mg/day Eutirox (more precisely, 100 one day and 125 the other). According to the MDs I should be taking 150 (due to high TST and according to their magical formula weight(kg)*1.6 which makes about 160 in my case). I disagree, because I feel good as I am now. My MD does not answer my emails with my bright results, but I keep on writing to her, because she is very pretty. 🙂 I plan to drop the dose to 100 straight and then further.

Other medications

Because I am above 100mg mark, I should be taking beta-blocker to reduce induced heart problems. But I do not. Instead I use for the purpose the herbal Heart Tonic from the book Health & Holism in 21-st Century, which I would recommend to anybody reading English.

I also drink daily the Tea for Glands from the same book, as well as bedstraw specifically for the thyroid. I feel these are working great for me and I can recommend them. Anyway, they are harmless.

coMra Therapy

I am doing Autoimmune 3 (from coMra User Guide) with great dedication, but recently only every second day. I also take long pauses whenever I feel like. Since I have the experience, I can efficiently drive the schedule according to how I feel.

I have tried coMra Palm and it works great. In a sense it is easier to use, especially for the back.

It should be noted that coMra Therapy is the most systemic treatment of all I do and as such addresses the autoimmune process and not just the thyroid. As I explained above, this is really important!

Diet and Lifestyle

I enjoy active life-stile. Whenever I start feeling out of fuel, I just get more strict with the treatments, the diet and the exercises.

I am following - mostly in principle than really strictly - Dr Yudkin's diet, which can be found the book Health & Holism in 21-st Century. It requires limitation on carbohydrates, but anything is allowed in proper measure.

I am also doing the relaxation technique described in Health & Holism in 21-st Century, which really helps with stress-reduction among other things.

Of course, I am doing like 20 minutes morning exercise.


I am starting to work with the deeper causes of my disease, in the fashion outlined in Health & Holism in 21-st Century. This subject is too advanced for this context, but I mentioned it in order to point out that really working with the causes requires certain amount of energy so that learning may be possible. Therefore, I had to strengthen myself through the other methods before being able to work with this one.


So, to summarize some of the main points:

How Biliana deals with Hashimoto's disease

For giving you a broader perspective I will quote a case that Biliana kindly and openly shares. It is very different case, because Biliana started treating herself quite on time. As we know, prevention is better than cure; and the earlier the disease is addressed, the better.

'In my case in the beginning I had distinct symptoms of Hashimoto's disease, but without serious clinical manifestations.

It all started with visible tremour and weakness of the left hand. Whenever I would pick up, say, a cup of coffee, my hand would tremble! Sheets of paper would also tremble when in my hand.

Later on morning heartbeat and anxiety appeared.

On check up TSH, TAT and MAT were within their normal ranges, but the symptoms continued to worry me.

I used herbal medications for releasing the nervous pressure, but they had no effect.

Six months later TSH started to fluctuate: it often got over the upper limit of the normal range and sometimes it approached the lower limit.

A hypertension was added to the symptoms.

Ultrasound scan (or echography) of the thyroid gland displayed non-homogeneous structure typical for autoimmune diseases.

I then applied coMra Therapy in order to regenerate the primal structure of the thyroid gland as well as to restore its function.

I did shortened version of Autoimmune 3 (from coMra User Guide) during 20 days. After the course of treatments, TSH started fluctuating within its normal range.

After that I did two more courses of 15 days with a month break between the courses.

I do not use hormone replacement therapy.

At the moment I do not have constant weakness and tremour of my hand; they appear only sometimes for short periods.

Hypertension is still a problem.

However, the echography of the thyroid gland shows structural improvements!'

The moral of the story of this medically savvy person is that:

Due to space limitations of this article (well exceeded:) I have but skimmed the surface on many points. If you are interested in finding out more details

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