The Mindset Behind It: Headaches and Migraines

Which are the thoughts that cause headaches but you have never noticed them? How the pain in the head and the brain is formed on an emotional and mental level? Are you aware of your thinking patterns that might manifest as migraines on the physical level?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If the headache is very occasional it might be caused by dehydration or diet and lifestyle habits but if you have registered that you have headaches or migraines often, then there is a mindset pattern behind them that you might not be aware of. It is most common condition among women, however every person knows what is it to have pain in the head. Thoughts will turn into emotions, the body will register the change and pain occurs. So, the main cause for headaches of any kind is not feeling good about yourself, fear, self-criticism, guilt and a total devaluation of yourself.

Feeling bad about oneself.
Feeling bad about oneself, often because of a sense of guilt or a feeling of being inadequate and therefore useless.
Ischemia (Deficiency of Blood Supply to the Brain)
Feeling bad about oneself, often because of a sense of guilt or a feeling of being inadequate and therefore useless.”

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Headaches could be caused by thinking too much in order to find a solution and not being able to reach an adequate rational one. This is literally “living in the head” and it causes a lot of stress which turns into headaches very quickly. You might have embraced a very deep belief that because of something, you don’t deserve to feel better, to have a good relationship, job, house, life status etc. Ask yourself the questions “Why I don’t feel good about myself? Do I feel worthy?”. Look for situations when you feel inadequate, useless and stupid and observe what kind of thoughts come to your mind. Do you invalidate yourself in any way?

Many people want to control themselves and if they don’t behave as they think it is the best way, they experience headaches. Actually, they beat themselves up every time when they do something “wrong” or make a mistake. You can see that if you try to control yourself, you tend to do the same with the people around you. The resistance to the natural flow of life can turn into all kinds of medical conditions and the headache is one of them. The resistance may cause the emotion of fear to occur and if you are afraid all the time, this is too much stress for your body. Do you imagine the worst scenario in your mind and that makes you fearful? Then do you try to control everything in order to escape that negative scenario? No one can control the natural flow of life, but if you try, you might end up with a severe headache.

Shifting the focus

The opposite of resistance is acceptance, you have to accept yourself with all your flaws and to embrace the possibility of making a mistake and taking the wrong decision. Life will always find a way to support you in your growing, fear is an illusion. You need to find your own way to let go of expectations and to enjoy the flow of life. Try not to be so hard on yourself and to support yourself in your mind instead of choosing the thoughts that will make you feel bad and repeat them over and over again. Find a way to do your best, to complete your projects, to act upon your feelings, just anything that will make you feel good about yourself and will make you see and feel your own value.

You can use the Universal Treatment 1 - Head of coMra therapy to heal the physical symptoms like headaches and migraines, however the holistic approach would require to work on your inner world too. Fresh food and clean water are also essential for your health as much as time spend in nature and the sun, exercising and relaxation. Everything is connected and is in the balance, inside and outside.